This option was unimplemented and was equivalent to setting the instantiation level of all quantified formulas to 0.
### Local theory extensions options
- name = "localTheoryExt"
- category = "regular"
- long = "local-t-ext"
- type = "bool"
- default = "false"
- read_only = true
- help = "do instantiation based on local theory extensions"
name = "lteRestrictInstClosure"
category = "regular"
- //local theory extensions
- if( options::localTheoryExt() ){
- if( !options::instMaxLevel.wasSetByUser() ){
- options::instMaxLevel.set( 0 );
- }
- }
if( options::instMaxLevel()!=-1 ){
Notice() << "SmtEngine: turning off cbqi to support instMaxLevel" << endl;