--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3-or-later
+# Copyright 2022 Jacob Lifshay programmerjake@gmail.com
+# Funded by NLnet Assure Programme 2021-02-052, https://nlnet.nl/assure part
+# of Horizon 2020 EU Programme 957073.
+""" Carry-less Multiplication.
+from functools import reduce
+from operator import xor
+from nmigen.hdl.ir import Elaboratable
+from nmigen.hdl.ast import Signal, Cat, Repl, Value
+from nmigen.hdl.dsl import Module
+class BitwiseXorReduce(Elaboratable):
+ """Bitwise Xor lots of stuff together by using tree-reduction on each bit.
+ Properties:
+ input_values: tuple[Value, ...]
+ input nmigen Values
+ output: Signal
+ output, set to `input_values[0] ^ input_values[1] ^ input_values[2]...`
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input_values):
+ self.input_values = tuple(map(Value.cast, input_values))
+ assert len(self.input_values) > 0, "can't xor-reduce nothing"
+ self.output = Signal(reduce(xor, self.input_values).shape())
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ # collect inputs into full-width Signals
+ inputs = []
+ for i, inp_v in enumerate(self.input_values):
+ inp = self.output.like(self.output, name=f"input_{i}")
+ # sign/zero-extend inp_v to full-width
+ m.d.comb += inp.eq(inp_v)
+ inputs.append(inp)
+ for bit in range(self.output.width):
+ # construct a tree-reduction for bit index `bit` of all inputs
+ m.d.comb += self.output[bit].eq(Cat(i[bit] for i in inputs).xor())
+ return m
+class CLMulAdd(Elaboratable):
+ """Carry-less multiply-add.
+ Computes:
+ ```
+ self.output = (clmul(self.factor1, self.factor2) ^ self.terms[0]
+ ^ self.terms[1] ^ self.terms[2] ...)
+ ```
+ Properties:
+ factor_width: int
+ the bit-width of `factor1` and `factor2`
+ term_widths: tuple[int, ...]
+ the bit-width of each Signal in `terms`
+ factor1: Signal of width self.factor_width
+ the first input to the carry-less multiplication section
+ factor2: Signal of width self.factor_width
+ the second input to the carry-less multiplication section
+ terms: tuple[Signal, ...]
+ inputs to be carry-less added (really XOR)
+ output: Signal
+ the final output
+ """
+ def __init__(self, factor_width, term_widths=()):
+ assert isinstance(factor_width, int) and factor_width >= 1
+ self.factor_width = factor_width
+ self.term_widths = tuple(map(int, term_widths))
+ # build Signals
+ self.factor1 = Signal(self.factor_width)
+ self.factor2 = Signal(self.factor_width)
+ def terms():
+ for i, inp in enumerate(self.term_widths):
+ yield Signal(inp, name=f"term_{i}")
+ self.terms = tuple(terms())
+ self.output = Signal(max((self.factor_width * 2 - 1,
+ *self.term_widths)))
+ def __reduce_inputs(self):
+ for shift in range(self.factor_width):
+ mask = Repl(self.factor2[shift], self.factor_width)
+ yield (self.factor1 & mask) << shift
+ yield from self.terms
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ xor_reduce = BitwiseXorReduce(self.__reduce_inputs())
+ m.submodules.xor_reduce = xor_reduce
+ m.d.comb += self.output.eq(xor_reduce.output)
+ return m
--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3-or-later
+# Copyright 2022 Jacob Lifshay
+# Funded by NLnet Assure Programme 2021-02-052, https://nlnet.nl/assure part
+# of Horizon 2020 EU Programme 957073.
+from functools import reduce
+from operator import xor
+import unittest
+from nmigen.hdl.ast import (AnyConst, Assert, Signal, Const, unsigned, signed,
+ Mux)
+from nmigen.hdl.dsl import Module
+from nmutil.formaltest import FHDLTestCase
+from nmutil.openpower_sv_bitmanip_in_wiki.clmul import clmul
+from nmutil.clmul import BitwiseXorReduce, CLMulAdd
+from nmigen.sim import Delay
+from nmutil.sim_util import do_sim, hash_256
+class TestBitwiseXorReduce(FHDLTestCase):
+ def tst(self, input_shapes):
+ dut = BitwiseXorReduce(Signal(w, name=f"input_{i}")
+ for i, w in enumerate(input_shapes))
+ self.assertEqual(reduce(xor, dut.input_values).shape(),
+ dut.output.shape())
+ def case(inputs):
+ expected = reduce(xor, inputs)
+ with self.subTest(inputs=list(map(hex, inputs)),
+ expected=hex(expected)):
+ for i, inp in enumerate(inputs):
+ yield dut.input_values[i].eq(inp)
+ yield Delay(1e-6)
+ output = yield dut.output
+ with self.subTest(output=hex(output)):
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ def process():
+ for i in range(100):
+ inputs = []
+ for inp in dut.input_values:
+ v = hash_256(f"bxorr input {i} {inp.name}")
+ inputs.append(Const.normalize(v, inp.shape()))
+ yield from case(inputs)
+ with do_sim(self, dut, [*dut.input_values, dut.output]) as sim:
+ sim.add_process(process)
+ sim.run()
+ def tst_formal(self, input_shapes):
+ dut = BitwiseXorReduce(Signal(w, name=f"input_{i}")
+ for i, w in enumerate(input_shapes))
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.dut = dut
+ for i in dut.input_values:
+ m.d.comb += i.eq(AnyConst(i.shape()))
+ m.d.comb += Assert(dut.output == reduce(xor, dut.input_values))
+ self.assertFormal(m)
+ def test_65_of_u64(self):
+ self.tst([64] * 65)
+ def test_formal_65_of_u64(self):
+ self.tst_formal([64] * 65)
+ def test_5_of_u6(self):
+ self.tst([6] * 5)
+ def test_formal_5_of_u6(self):
+ self.tst_formal([6] * 5)
+ def test_u5_i6_u3_i10(self):
+ self.tst([unsigned(5), signed(6), unsigned(3), signed(10)])
+ def test_formal_u5_i6_u3_i10(self):
+ self.tst_formal([unsigned(5), signed(6), unsigned(3), signed(10)])
+class TestCLMulAdd(FHDLTestCase):
+ def tst(self, factor_width, terms_width):
+ dut = CLMulAdd(factor_width, terms_width)
+ self.assertEqual(dut.output.width,
+ max((factor_width * 2 - 1, *terms_width)))
+ def case(factor1, factor2, terms):
+ expected = reduce(xor, terms, clmul(factor1, factor2))
+ with self.subTest(factor1=hex(factor1),
+ factor2=bin(factor2),
+ terms=list(map(hex, terms)),
+ expected=hex(expected)):
+ yield dut.factor1.eq(factor1)
+ yield dut.factor2.eq(factor2)
+ for i, term in enumerate(terms):
+ yield dut.terms[i].eq(term)
+ yield Delay(1e-6)
+ output = yield dut.output
+ with self.subTest(output=hex(output)):
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ def process():
+ for i in range(100):
+ v = hash_256(f"clmuladd term {i} factor1")
+ factor1 = Const.normalize(v, unsigned(factor_width))
+ v = hash_256(f"clmuladd term {i} factor2")
+ factor2 = Const.normalize(v, unsigned(factor_width))
+ terms = []
+ for j, term_width in enumerate(terms_width):
+ v = hash_256(f"clmuladd term {i} {j}")
+ terms.append(Const.normalize(v, unsigned(term_width)))
+ yield from case(factor1, factor2, terms)
+ with do_sim(self, dut, [dut.factor1, dut.factor2, *dut.terms,
+ dut.output]) as sim:
+ sim.add_process(process)
+ sim.run()
+ def test_4x4(self):
+ self.tst(4, ())
+ def test_4x4_8(self):
+ self.tst(4, (8,))
+ def test_64x64(self):
+ self.tst(64, ())
+ def test_64x64_64(self):
+ self.tst(64, (64,))
+ def test_8x8_16_16_16(self):
+ self.tst(8, (16, 16, 16))
+ def tst_formal(self, factor_width, terms_width):
+ dut = CLMulAdd(factor_width, terms_width)
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.dut = dut
+ m.d.comb += dut.factor1.eq(AnyConst(factor_width))
+ m.d.comb += dut.factor2.eq(AnyConst(factor_width))
+ reduce_inputs = []
+ for shift in range(factor_width):
+ reduce_inputs.append(
+ Mux(dut.factor1[shift], dut.factor2 << shift, 0))
+ for i in dut.terms:
+ m.d.comb += i.eq(AnyConst(i.shape()))
+ reduce_inputs.append(i)
+ for i in range(len(reduce_inputs)):
+ sig = Signal(reduce_inputs[i].shape(), name=f"reduce_input_{i}")
+ m.d.comb += sig.eq(reduce_inputs[i])
+ reduce_inputs[i] = sig
+ expected = Signal(reduce(xor, reduce_inputs).shape())
+ m.d.comb += expected.eq(reduce(xor, reduce_inputs))
+ m.d.comb += Assert(dut.output == expected)
+ self.assertFormal(m)
+ def test_formal_4x4(self):
+ self.tst_formal(4, ())
+ def test_formal_4x4_8(self):
+ self.tst_formal(4, (8,))
+ def test_formal_64x64(self):
+ self.tst_formal(64, ())
+ def test_formal_64x64_64(self):
+ self.tst_formal(64, (64,))
+ def test_formal_8x8_16_16_16(self):
+ self.tst_formal(8, (16, 16, 16))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()