This adds stall and flush signals to the pipeline.
Signed-off-by: Anton Blanchard <>
end record;
type Fetch1ToFetch2Type is record
- valid: std_ulogic;
nia: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
signal multiply_to_writeback: MultiplyToWritebackType;
-- local signals
- signal fetch_enable: std_ulogic := '0';
+ signal fetch1_stall_in : std_ulogic;
+ signal fetch2_stall_in : std_ulogic;
+ signal fetch2_stall_out : std_ulogic;
+ signal decode1_stall_in : std_ulogic;
+ signal decode2_stall_out : std_ulogic;
+ signal flush: std_ulogic;
signal complete: std_ulogic;
- signal first_fetch: std_ulogic := '0';
signal terminate: std_ulogic;
fetch1_0: entity work.fetch1
generic map (RESET_ADDRESS => (others => '0'))
- port map (clk => clk, rst => rst, fetch_one_in => fetch_enable,
+ port map (clk => clk, rst => rst, stall_in => fetch1_stall_in, flush_in => flush,
e_in => execute1_to_fetch1, f_out => fetch1_to_fetch2);
+ fetch1_stall_in <= fetch2_stall_out or decode2_stall_out;
fetch2_0: entity work.fetch2
- port map (clk => clk, wishbone_in => wishbone_insn_in,
+ port map (clk => clk, rst => rst, stall_in => fetch2_stall_in,
+ stall_out => fetch2_stall_out, flush_in => flush, wishbone_in => wishbone_insn_in,
wishbone_out => wishbone_insn_out, f_in => fetch1_to_fetch2,
f_out => fetch2_to_decode1);
+ fetch2_stall_in <= decode2_stall_out;
decode1_0: entity work.decode1
- port map (clk => clk, f_in => fetch2_to_decode1, d_out => decode1_to_decode2);
+ port map (clk => clk, rst => rst, stall_in => decode1_stall_in, flush_in => flush, f_in => fetch2_to_decode1, d_out => decode1_to_decode2);
+ decode1_stall_in <= decode2_stall_out;
decode2_0: entity work.decode2
- port map (clk => clk, d_in => decode1_to_decode2, e_out => decode2_to_execute1,
+ port map (clk => clk, rst => rst, stall_out => decode2_stall_out, flush_in => flush,
+ complete_in => complete, d_in => decode1_to_decode2, e_out => decode2_to_execute1,
l_out => decode2_to_loadstore1, m_out => decode2_to_multiply,
r_in => register_file_to_decode2, r_out => decode2_to_register_file,
c_in => cr_file_to_decode2, c_out => decode2_to_cr_file);
execute1_0: entity work.execute1
generic map (SIM => SIM)
- port map (clk => clk, e_in => decode2_to_execute1, f_out => execute1_to_fetch1,
+ port map (clk => clk, flush_out => flush, e_in => decode2_to_execute1, f_out => execute1_to_fetch1,
e_out => execute1_to_execute2, terminate_out => terminate);
execute2_0: entity work.execute2
m_in => multiply_to_writeback, w_out => writeback_to_register_file,
c_out => writeback_to_cr_file, complete_out => complete);
- -- Only single issue until we add bypass support
- single_issue_0: process(clk)
- begin
- if (rising_edge(clk)) then
- if rst = '1' then
- first_fetch <= '1';
- else
- if first_fetch = '1' then
- fetch_enable <= '1';
- first_fetch <= '0';
- else
- fetch_enable <= complete;
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process single_issue_0;
end behave;
entity decode1 is
port (
- clk : in std_ulogic;
+ clk : in std_ulogic;
+ rst : in std_ulogic;
- f_in : in Fetch2ToDecode1Type;
- d_out : out Decode1ToDecode2Type
+ stall_in : in std_ulogic;
+ flush_in : in std_ulogic;
+ f_in : in Fetch2ToDecode1Type;
+ d_out : out Decode1ToDecode2Type
end entity decode1;
architecture behaviour of decode1 is
- signal f : Fetch2ToDecode1Type := Fetch2ToDecode1Init;
+ signal r, rin : Decode1ToDecode2Type;
type decode_rom_array_t is array(ppc_insn_t) of decode_rom_t;
decode1_0: process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
- f <= f_in;
+ -- Output state remains unchanged on stall, unless we are flushing
+ if rst = '1' or flush_in = '1' or stall_in = '0' then
+ r <= rin;
+ end if;
end if;
end process;
decode1_1: process(all)
+ variable v : Decode1ToDecode2Type;
variable ppc_insn: ppc_insn_t;
- d_out <= Decode1ToDecode2Init;
+ v := r;
+ v.valid := f_in.valid;
ppc_insn := PPC_ILLEGAL;
- d_out.valid <= f.valid;
+ if f_in.valid then
+ v.nia := f_in.nia;
+ v.insn := f_in.insn;
- if f.valid then
- d_out.nia <= f.nia;
- d_out.insn <= f.insn;
+ report "Decode insn " & to_hstring(f_in.insn) & " at " & to_hstring(f_in.nia);
- report "Decode insn " & to_hstring(f.insn);
- if std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0100001010-") then
+ if std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0100001010-") then
report "PPC_add";
ppc_insn := PPC_ADD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000001010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000001010-") then
report "PPC_addc";
ppc_insn := PPC_ADDC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0010001010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0010001010-") then
report "PPC_adde";
ppc_insn := PPC_ADDE;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0010101010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0010101010-") then
report "PPC_addex";
ppc_insn := PPC_ADDEX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "001110--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "001110--------------------------") then
report "PPC_addi";
ppc_insn := PPC_ADDI;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "001100--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "001100--------------------------") then
report "PPC_addic";
ppc_insn := PPC_ADDIC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "001101--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "001101--------------------------") then
report "PPC_addic.";
ppc_insn := PPC_ADDIC_RC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "001111--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "001111--------------------------") then
report "PPC_addis";
ppc_insn := PPC_ADDIS;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0011101010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0011101010-") then
report "PPC_addme";
ppc_insn := PPC_ADDME;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010011--------------------00010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010011--------------------00010-") then
report "PPC_addpcis";
ppc_insn := PPC_ADDPCIS;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0011001010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0011001010-") then
report "PPC_addze";
ppc_insn := PPC_ADDZE;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000011100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000011100-") then
report "PPC_and";
ppc_insn := PPC_AND;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000111100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000111100-") then
report "PPC_andc";
ppc_insn := PPC_ANDC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011100--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011100--------------------------") then
report "PPC_andi.";
ppc_insn := PPC_ANDI_RC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011101--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011101--------------------------") then
report "PPC_andis.";
ppc_insn := PPC_ANDIS_RC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "000000---------------0100000000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "000000---------------0100000000-") then
report "PPC_attn";
ppc_insn := PPC_ATTN;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010010------------------------0-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010010------------------------0-") then
report "PPC_b";
ppc_insn := PPC_B;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010010------------------------1-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010010------------------------1-") then
report "PPC_ba";
ppc_insn := PPC_BA;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010000------------------------0-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010000------------------------0-") then
report "PPC_bc";
ppc_insn := PPC_BC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010000------------------------10") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010000------------------------10") then
report "PPC_bca";
ppc_insn := PPC_BCA;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010011---------------1000010000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010011---------------1000010000-") then
report "PPC_bcctr";
ppc_insn := PPC_BCCTR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010000------------------------11") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010000------------------------11") then
report "PPC_bcla";
ppc_insn := PPC_BCLA;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010011---------------0000010000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010011---------------0000010000-") then
report "PPC_bclr";
ppc_insn := PPC_BCLR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010011---------------1000110000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010011---------------1000110000-") then
report "PPC_bctar";
ppc_insn := PPC_BCTAR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0011111100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0011111100-") then
report "PPC_bperm";
ppc_insn := PPC_BPERM;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000000000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000000000-") then
report "PPC_cmp";
ppc_insn := PPC_CMP;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0111111100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0111111100-") then
report "PPC_cmpb";
ppc_insn := PPC_CMPB;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0011100000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0011100000-") then
report "PPC_cmpeqb";
ppc_insn := PPC_CMPEQB;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "001011--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "001011--------------------------") then
report "PPC_cmpi";
ppc_insn := PPC_CMPI;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000100000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000100000-") then
report "PPC_cmpl";
ppc_insn := PPC_CMPL;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "001010--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "001010--------------------------") then
report "PPC_cmpli";
ppc_insn := PPC_CMPLI;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0011000000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0011000000-") then
report "PPC_cmprb";
ppc_insn := PPC_CMPRB;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000111010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000111010-") then
report "PPC_cntlzd";
ppc_insn := PPC_CNTLZD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000011010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000011010-") then
report "PPC_cntlzw";
ppc_insn := PPC_CNTLZW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1000111010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1000111010-") then
report "PPC_cnttzd";
ppc_insn := PPC_CNTTZD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1000011010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1000011010-") then
report "PPC_cnttzw";
ppc_insn := PPC_CNTTZW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010011---------------0100000001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010011---------------0100000001-") then
report "PPC_crand";
ppc_insn := PPC_CRAND;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010011---------------0010000001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010011---------------0010000001-") then
report "PPC_crandc";
ppc_insn := PPC_CRANDC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010011---------------0100100001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010011---------------0100100001-") then
report "PPC_creqv";
ppc_insn := PPC_CREQV;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010011---------------0011100001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010011---------------0011100001-") then
report "PPC_crnand";
ppc_insn := PPC_CRNAND;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010011---------------0000100001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010011---------------0000100001-") then
report "PPC_crnor";
ppc_insn := PPC_CRNOR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010011---------------0111000001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010011---------------0111000001-") then
report "PPC_cror";
ppc_insn := PPC_CROR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010011---------------0110100001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010011---------------0110100001-") then
report "PPC_crorc";
ppc_insn := PPC_CRORC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010011---------------0011000001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010011---------------0011000001-") then
report "PPC_crxor";
ppc_insn := PPC_CRXOR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1011110011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1011110011-") then
report "PPC_darn";
ppc_insn := PPC_DARN;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0001010110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0001010110-") then
report "PPC_dcbf";
ppc_insn := PPC_DCBF;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000110110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000110110-") then
report "PPC_dcbst";
ppc_insn := PPC_DCBST;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0100010110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0100010110-") then
report "PPC_dcbt";
ppc_insn := PPC_DCBT;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0011110110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0011110110-") then
report "PPC_dcbtst";
ppc_insn := PPC_DCBTST;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1111110110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1111110110-") then
report "PPC_dcbz";
ppc_insn := PPC_DCBZ;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0111101001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0111101001-") then
report "PPC_divd";
ppc_insn := PPC_DIVD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0110101001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0110101001-") then
report "PPC_divde";
ppc_insn := PPC_DIVDE;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0110001001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0110001001-") then
report "PPC_divdeu";
ppc_insn := PPC_DIVDEU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0111001001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0111001001-") then
report "PPC_divdu";
ppc_insn := PPC_DIVDU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0111101011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0111101011-") then
report "PPC_divw";
ppc_insn := PPC_DIVW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0110101011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0110101011-") then
report "PPC_divwe";
ppc_insn := PPC_DIVWE;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0110001011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0110001011-") then
report "PPC_divweu";
ppc_insn := PPC_DIVWEU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0111001011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0111001011-") then
report "PPC_divwu";
ppc_insn := PPC_DIVWU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0100011100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0100011100-") then
report "PPC_eqv";
ppc_insn := PPC_EQV;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1110111010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1110111010-") then
report "PPC_extsb";
ppc_insn := PPC_EXTSB;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1110011010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1110011010-") then
report "PPC_extsh";
ppc_insn := PPC_EXTSH;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1111011010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1111011010-") then
report "PPC_extsw";
ppc_insn := PPC_EXTSW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------110111101--") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------110111101--") then
report "PPC_extswsli";
ppc_insn := PPC_EXTSWSLI;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1111010110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1111010110-") then
report "PPC_icbi";
ppc_insn := PPC_ICBI;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000010110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000010110-") then
report "PPC_icbt";
ppc_insn := PPC_ICBT;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111--------------------01111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111--------------------01111-") then
report "PPC_isel";
ppc_insn := PPC_ISEL;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010011---------------0010010110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010011---------------0010010110-") then
report "PPC_isync";
ppc_insn := PPC_ISYNC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000110100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000110100-") then
report "PPC_lbarx";
ppc_insn := PPC_LBARX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "100010--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "100010--------------------------") then
report "PPC_lbz";
ppc_insn := PPC_LBZ;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "100011--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "100011--------------------------") then
report "PPC_lbzu";
ppc_insn := PPC_LBZU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0001110111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0001110111-") then
report "PPC_lbzux";
ppc_insn := PPC_LBZUX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0001010111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0001010111-") then
report "PPC_lbzx";
ppc_insn := PPC_LBZX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "111010------------------------00") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "111010------------------------00") then
report "PPC_ld";
ppc_insn := PPC_LD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0001010100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0001010100-") then
report "PPC_ldarx";
ppc_insn := PPC_LDARX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1000010100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1000010100-") then
report "PPC_ldbrx";
ppc_insn := PPC_LDBRX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "111010------------------------01") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "111010------------------------01") then
report "PPC_ldu";
ppc_insn := PPC_LDU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000110101-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000110101-") then
report "PPC_ldux";
ppc_insn := PPC_LDUX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000010101-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000010101-") then
report "PPC_ldx";
ppc_insn := PPC_LDX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "101010--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "101010--------------------------") then
report "PPC_lha";
ppc_insn := PPC_LHA;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0001110100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0001110100-") then
report "PPC_lharx";
ppc_insn := PPC_LHARX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "101011--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "101011--------------------------") then
report "PPC_lhau";
ppc_insn := PPC_LHAU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0101110111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0101110111-") then
report "PPC_lhaux";
ppc_insn := PPC_LHAUX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0101010111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0101010111-") then
report "PPC_lhax";
ppc_insn := PPC_LHAX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1100010110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1100010110-") then
report "PPC_lhbrx";
ppc_insn := PPC_LHBRX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "101000--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "101000--------------------------") then
report "PPC_lhz";
ppc_insn := PPC_LHZ;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "101001--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "101001--------------------------") then
report "PPC_lhzu";
ppc_insn := PPC_LHZU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0100110111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0100110111-") then
report "PPC_lhzux";
ppc_insn := PPC_LHZUX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0100010111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0100010111-") then
report "PPC_lhzx";
ppc_insn := PPC_LHZX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "111010------------------------10") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "111010------------------------10") then
report "PPC_lwa";
ppc_insn := PPC_LWA;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000010100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000010100-") then
report "PPC_lwarx";
ppc_insn := PPC_LWARX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0101110101-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0101110101-") then
report "PPC_lwaux";
ppc_insn := PPC_LWAUX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0101010101-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0101010101-") then
report "PPC_lwax";
ppc_insn := PPC_LWAX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1000010110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1000010110-") then
report "PPC_lwbrx";
ppc_insn := PPC_LWBRX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "100000--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "100000--------------------------") then
report "PPC_lwz";
ppc_insn := PPC_LWZ;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "100001--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "100001--------------------------") then
report "PPC_lwzu";
ppc_insn := PPC_LWZU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000110111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000110111-") then
report "PPC_lwzux";
ppc_insn := PPC_LWZUX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000010111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000010111-") then
report "PPC_lwzx";
ppc_insn := PPC_LWZX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "000100--------------------110000") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "000100--------------------110000") then
report "PPC_maddhd";
ppc_insn := PPC_MADDHD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "000100--------------------110001") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "000100--------------------110001") then
report "PPC_maddhdu";
ppc_insn := PPC_MADDHDU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "000100--------------------110011") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "000100--------------------110011") then
report "PPC_maddld";
ppc_insn := PPC_MADDLD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010011---------------0000000000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010011---------------0000000000-") then
report "PPC_mcrf";
ppc_insn := PPC_MCRF;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1000000000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1000000000-") then
report "PPC_mcrxr";
ppc_insn := PPC_MCRXR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1001000000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1001000000-") then
report "PPC_mcrxrx";
ppc_insn := PPC_MCRXRX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111-----0---------0000010011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111-----0---------0000010011-") then
report "PPC_mfcr";
ppc_insn := PPC_MFCR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111-----1---------0000010011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111-----1---------0000010011-") then
report "PPC_mfocrf";
ppc_insn := PPC_MFOCRF;
-- Specific MF/MT SPR encodings first
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111-----01001000000101010011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111-----01001000000101010011-") then
report "PPC_mfctr";
ppc_insn := PPC_MFCTR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111-----01000000000101010011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111-----01000000000101010011-") then
report "PPC_mflr";
ppc_insn := PPC_MFLR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111-----01100010000101010011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111-----01100010000101010011-") then
report "PPC_mftb";
ppc_insn := PPC_MFTB;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111-----01001000000111010011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111-----01001000000111010011-") then
report "PPC_mtctr";
ppc_insn := PPC_MTCTR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111-----01000000000111010011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111-----01000000000111010011-") then
report "PPC_mtlr";
ppc_insn := PPC_MTLR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0101010011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0101010011-") then
report "PPC_mfspr";
ppc_insn := PPC_MFSPR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1100001001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1100001001-") then
report "PPC_modsd";
ppc_insn := PPC_MODSD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1100001011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1100001011-") then
report "PPC_modsw";
ppc_insn := PPC_MODSW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0100001001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0100001001-") then
report "PPC_modud";
ppc_insn := PPC_MODUD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0100001011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0100001011-") then
report "PPC_moduw";
ppc_insn := PPC_MODUW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111-----0---------0010010000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111-----0---------0010010000-") then
report "PPC_mtcrf";
ppc_insn := PPC_MTCRF;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111-----1---------0010010000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111-----1---------0010010000-") then
report "PPC_mtocrf";
ppc_insn := PPC_MTOCRF;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0111010011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0111010011-") then
report "PPC_mtspr";
ppc_insn := PPC_MTSPR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111----------------001001001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111----------------001001001-") then
report "PPC_mulhd";
ppc_insn := PPC_MULHD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111----------------000001001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111----------------000001001-") then
report "PPC_mulhdu";
ppc_insn := PPC_MULHDU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111----------------001001011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111----------------001001011-") then
report "PPC_mulhw";
ppc_insn := PPC_MULHW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111----------------000001011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111----------------000001011-") then
report "PPC_mulhwu";
ppc_insn := PPC_MULHWU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0011101001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0011101001-") then
report "PPC_mulld";
ppc_insn := PPC_MULLD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "000111--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "000111--------------------------") then
report "PPC_mulli";
ppc_insn := PPC_MULLI;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0011101011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0011101011-") then
report "PPC_mullw";
ppc_insn := PPC_MULLW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0111011100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0111011100-") then
report "PPC_nand";
ppc_insn := PPC_NAND;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0001101000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0001101000-") then
report "PPC_neg";
ppc_insn := PPC_NEG;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0001111100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0001111100-") then
report "PPC_nor";
ppc_insn := PPC_NOR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0110111100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0110111100-") then
report "PPC_or";
ppc_insn := PPC_OR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0110011100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0110011100-") then
report "PPC_orc";
ppc_insn := PPC_ORC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011000--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011000--------------------------") then
report "PPC_ori";
ppc_insn := PPC_ORI;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011001--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011001--------------------------") then
report "PPC_oris";
ppc_insn := PPC_ORIS;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0001111010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0001111010-") then
report "PPC_popcntb";
ppc_insn := PPC_POPCNTB;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0111111010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0111111010-") then
report "PPC_popcntd";
ppc_insn := PPC_POPCNTD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0101111010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0101111010-") then
report "PPC_popcntw";
ppc_insn := PPC_POPCNTW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0010111010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0010111010-") then
report "PPC_prtyd";
ppc_insn := PPC_PRTYD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0010011010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0010011010-") then
report "PPC_prtyw";
ppc_insn := PPC_PRTYW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011110---------------------1000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011110---------------------1000-") then
report "PPC_rldcl";
ppc_insn := PPC_RLDCL;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011110---------------------1001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011110---------------------1001-") then
report "PPC_rldcr";
ppc_insn := PPC_RLDCR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011110---------------------010--") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011110---------------------010--") then
report "PPC_rldic";
ppc_insn := PPC_RLDIC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011110---------------------000--") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011110---------------------000--") then
report "PPC_rldicl";
ppc_insn := PPC_RLDICL;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011110---------------------001--") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011110---------------------001--") then
report "PPC_rldicr";
ppc_insn := PPC_RLDICR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011110---------------------011--") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011110---------------------011--") then
report "PPC_rldimi";
ppc_insn := PPC_RLDIMI;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010100--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010100--------------------------") then
report "PPC_rlwimi";
ppc_insn := PPC_RLWIMI;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010101--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010101--------------------------") then
report "PPC_rlwinm";
ppc_insn := PPC_RLWINM;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "010111--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "010111--------------------------") then
report "PPC_rlwnm";
ppc_insn := PPC_RLWNM;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0010000000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0010000000-") then
report "PPC_setb";
ppc_insn := PPC_SETB;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000011011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000011011-") then
report "PPC_sld";
ppc_insn := PPC_SLD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000011000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000011000-") then
report "PPC_slw";
ppc_insn := PPC_SLW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1100011010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1100011010-") then
report "PPC_srad";
ppc_insn := PPC_SRAD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------110011101--") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------110011101--") then
report "PPC_sradi";
ppc_insn := PPC_SRADI;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1100011000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1100011000-") then
report "PPC_sraw";
ppc_insn := PPC_SRAW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1100111000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1100111000-") then
report "PPC_srawi";
ppc_insn := PPC_SRAWI;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1000011011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1000011011-") then
report "PPC_srd";
ppc_insn := PPC_SRD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1000011000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1000011000-") then
report "PPC_srw";
ppc_insn := PPC_SRW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "100110--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "100110--------------------------") then
report "PPC_stb";
ppc_insn := PPC_STB;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1010110110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1010110110-") then
report "PPC_stbcx";
ppc_insn := PPC_STBCX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "100111--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "100111--------------------------") then
report "PPC_stbu";
ppc_insn := PPC_STBU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0011110111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0011110111-") then
report "PPC_stbux";
ppc_insn := PPC_STBUX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0011010111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0011010111-") then
report "PPC_stbx";
ppc_insn := PPC_STBX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "111110------------------------00") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "111110------------------------00") then
report "PPC_std";
ppc_insn := PPC_STD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1010010100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1010010100-") then
report "PPC_stdbrx";
ppc_insn := PPC_STDBRX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0011010110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0011010110-") then
report "PPC_stdcx";
ppc_insn := PPC_STDCX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "111110------------------------01") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "111110------------------------01") then
report "PPC_stdu";
ppc_insn := PPC_STDU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0010110101-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0010110101-") then
report "PPC_stdux";
ppc_insn := PPC_STDUX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0010010101-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0010010101-") then
report "PPC_stdx";
ppc_insn := PPC_STDX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "101100--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "101100--------------------------") then
report "PPC_sth";
ppc_insn := PPC_STH;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1110010110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1110010110-") then
report "PPC_sthbrx";
ppc_insn := PPC_STHBRX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1011010110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1011010110-") then
report "PPC_sthcx";
ppc_insn := PPC_STHCX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "101101--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "101101--------------------------") then
report "PPC_sthu";
ppc_insn := PPC_STHU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0110110111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0110110111-") then
report "PPC_sthux";
ppc_insn := PPC_STHUX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0110010111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0110010111-") then
report "PPC_sthx";
ppc_insn := PPC_STHX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "100100--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "100100--------------------------") then
report "PPC_stw";
ppc_insn := PPC_STW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1010010110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1010010110-") then
report "PPC_stwbrx";
ppc_insn := PPC_STWBRX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0010010110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0010010110-") then
report "PPC_stwcx";
ppc_insn := PPC_STWCX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "100101--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "100101--------------------------") then
report "PPC_stwu";
ppc_insn := PPC_STWU;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0010110111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0010110111-") then
report "PPC_stwux";
ppc_insn := PPC_STWUX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0010010111-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0010010111-") then
report "PPC_stwx";
ppc_insn := PPC_STWX;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000101000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000101000-") then
report "PPC_subf";
ppc_insn := PPC_SUBF;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000001000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000001000-") then
report "PPC_subfc";
ppc_insn := PPC_SUBFC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0010001000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0010001000-") then
report "PPC_subfe";
ppc_insn := PPC_SUBFE;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "001000--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "001000--------------------------") then
report "PPC_subfic";
ppc_insn := PPC_SUBFIC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0011101000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0011101000-") then
report "PPC_subfme";
ppc_insn := PPC_SUBFME;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0011001000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0011001000-") then
report "PPC_subfze";
ppc_insn := PPC_SUBFZE;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------1001010110-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------1001010110-") then
report "PPC_sync";
ppc_insn := PPC_SYNC;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0001000100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0001000100-") then
report "PPC_td";
ppc_insn := PPC_TD;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "000010--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "000010--------------------------") then
report "PPC_tdi";
ppc_insn := PPC_TDI;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0000000100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0000000100-") then
report "PPC_tw";
ppc_insn := PPC_TW;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "000011--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "000011--------------------------") then
report "PPC_twi";
ppc_insn := PPC_TWI;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011111---------------0100111100-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011111---------------0100111100-") then
report "PPC_xor";
ppc_insn := PPC_XOR;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011010--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011010--------------------------") then
report "PPC_xori";
ppc_insn := PPC_XORI;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "011011--------------------------") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "011011--------------------------") then
report "PPC_xoris";
ppc_insn := PPC_XORIS;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "000001---------------0000000000-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "000001---------------0000000000-") then
report "PPC_SIM_READ";
ppc_insn := PPC_SIM_READ;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "000001---------------0000000001-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "000001---------------0000000001-") then
report "PPC_SIM_POLL";
ppc_insn := PPC_SIM_POLL;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "000001---------------0000000010-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "000001---------------0000000010-") then
report "PPC_SIM_WRITE";
ppc_insn := PPC_SIM_WRITE;
- elsif std_match(f.insn, "000001---------------0000000011-") then
+ elsif std_match(f_in.insn, "000001---------------0000000011-") then
report "PPC_SIM_CONFIG";
ppc_insn := PPC_SIM_CONFIG;
ppc_insn := PPC_ILLEGAL;
end if;
- d_out.decode <= decode_rom_array(ppc_insn);
+ v.decode := decode_rom_array(ppc_insn);
+ end if;
+ if flush_in = '1' then
+ v.valid := '0';
+ end if;
+ if rst = '1' then
+ v := Decode1ToDecode2Init;
end if;
+ -- Update registers
+ rin <= v;
+ -- Update outputs
+ d_out <= r;
end process;
end architecture behaviour;
entity decode2 is
port (
clk : in std_ulogic;
+ rst : in std_ulogic;
+ complete_in : in std_ulogic;
+ stall_out : out std_ulogic;
+ flush_in: in std_ulogic;
d_in : in Decode1ToDecode2Type;
end entity decode2;
architecture behaviour of decode2 is
- signal d : Decode1ToDecode2Type;
+ type reg_internal_type is record
+ state : state_type;
+ outstanding : integer;
+ end record;
+ type reg_type is record
+ e : Decode2ToExecute1Type;
+ m : Decode2ToMultiplyType;
+ l : Decode2ToLoadstore1Type;
+ end record;
+ signal r_int, rin_int : reg_internal_type;
+ signal r, rin : reg_type;
type decode_input_reg_t is record
reg_valid : std_ulogic;
decode2_0: process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
- d <= d_in;
+ r <= rin;
+ r_int <= rin_int;
end if;
end process;
- r_out.read1_reg <= insn_ra(d.insn) when (d.decode.input_reg_a = RA) else
- insn_ra(d.insn) when d.decode.input_reg_a = RA_OR_ZERO else
- insn_rs(d.insn) when d.decode.input_reg_a = RS else
+ r_out.read1_reg <= insn_ra(d_in.insn) when (d_in.decode.input_reg_a = RA) else
+ insn_ra(d_in.insn) when d_in.decode.input_reg_a = RA_OR_ZERO else
+ insn_rs(d_in.insn) when d_in.decode.input_reg_a = RS else
(others => '0');
- r_out.read2_reg <= insn_rb(d.insn) when d.decode.input_reg_b = RB else
- insn_rs(d.insn) when d.decode.input_reg_b = RS else
+ r_out.read2_reg <= insn_rb(d_in.insn) when d_in.decode.input_reg_b = RB else
+ insn_rs(d_in.insn) when d_in.decode.input_reg_b = RS else
(others => '0');
- r_out.read3_reg <= insn_rs(d.insn) when d.decode.input_reg_c = RS else
+ r_out.read3_reg <= insn_rs(d_in.insn) when d_in.decode.input_reg_c = RS else
(others => '0');
- <= d.decode.input_cr;
+ <= d_in.decode.input_cr;
decode2_1: process(all)
+ variable v : reg_type;
+ variable v_int : reg_internal_type;
variable mul_a : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable mul_b : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable decoded_reg_a : decode_input_reg_t;
variable decoded_reg_b : decode_input_reg_t;
variable decoded_reg_c : decode_input_reg_t;
+ variable is_valid : std_ulogic;
- e_out <= Decode2ToExecute1Init;
- l_out <= Decode2ToLoadStore1Init;
- m_out <= Decode2ToMultiplyInit;
+ v := r;
+ v_int := r_int;
+ v.e := Decode2ToExecute1Init;
+ v.l := Decode2ToLoadStore1Init;
+ v.m := Decode2ToMultiplyInit;
mul_a := (others => '0');
mul_b := (others => '0');
- --e_out.input_cr <= d.decode.input_cr;
- --m_out.input_cr <= d.decode.input_cr;
- --e_out.output_cr <= d.decode.output_cr;
+ --v.e.input_cr := d_in.decode.input_cr;
+ --v.m.input_cr := d_in.decode.input_cr;
+ --v.e.output_cr := d_in.decode.output_cr;
- decoded_reg_a := decode_input_reg_a (d.decode.input_reg_a, d.insn, r_in.read1_data);
- decoded_reg_b := decode_input_reg_b (d.decode.input_reg_b, d.insn, r_in.read2_data);
- decoded_reg_c := decode_input_reg_c (d.decode.input_reg_c, d.insn, r_in.read3_data);
+ decoded_reg_a := decode_input_reg_a (d_in.decode.input_reg_a, d_in.insn, r_in.read1_data);
+ decoded_reg_b := decode_input_reg_b (d_in.decode.input_reg_b, d_in.insn, r_in.read2_data);
+ decoded_reg_c := decode_input_reg_c (d_in.decode.input_reg_c, d_in.insn, r_in.read3_data);
r_out.read1_enable <= decoded_reg_a.reg_valid;
r_out.read2_enable <= decoded_reg_b.reg_valid;
r_out.read3_enable <= decoded_reg_c.reg_valid;
- case d.decode.unit is
- when ALU =>
- e_out.valid <= d.valid;
- when LDST =>
- l_out.valid <= d.valid;
- when MUL =>
- m_out.valid <= d.valid;
- when NONE =>
- e_out.valid <= d.valid;
- e_out.insn_type <= OP_ILLEGAL;
- end case;
-- execute unit
- e_out.nia <= d.nia;
- e_out.insn_type <= d.decode.insn_type;
- e_out.read_reg1 <= decoded_reg_a.reg;
- e_out.read_data1 <=;
- e_out.read_reg2 <= decoded_reg_b.reg;
- e_out.read_data2 <=;
- e_out.write_reg <= decode_output_reg(d.decode.output_reg_a, d.insn);
- e_out.rc <= decode_rc(d.decode.rc, d.insn);
- <= c_in.read_cr_data;
- e_out.input_carry <= d.decode.input_carry;
- e_out.output_carry <= d.decode.output_carry;
- if then
- <= insn_lk(d.insn);
+ v.e.nia := d_in.nia;
+ v.e.insn_type := d_in.decode.insn_type;
+ v.e.read_reg1 := decoded_reg_a.reg;
+ v.e.read_data1 :=;
+ v.e.read_reg2 := decoded_reg_b.reg;
+ v.e.read_data2 :=;
+ v.e.write_reg := decode_output_reg(d_in.decode.output_reg_a, d_in.insn);
+ v.e.rc := decode_rc(d_in.decode.rc, d_in.insn);
+ := c_in.read_cr_data;
+ v.e.input_carry := d_in.decode.input_carry;
+ v.e.output_carry := d_in.decode.output_carry;
+ if then
+ := insn_lk(d_in.insn);
end if;
- e_out.const1 <= decode_const_a(d.decode.const_a, d.insn);
- e_out.const2 <= decode_const_b(d.decode.const_b, d.insn);
- e_out.const3 <= decode_const_c(d.decode.const_c, d.insn);
+ v.e.const1 := decode_const_a(d_in.decode.const_a, d_in.insn);
+ v.e.const2 := decode_const_b(d_in.decode.const_b, d_in.insn);
+ v.e.const3 := decode_const_c(d_in.decode.const_c, d_in.insn);
-- multiply unit
- m_out.nia <= d.nia;
- m_out.insn_type <= d.decode.insn_type;
+ v.m.nia := d_in.nia;
+ v.m.insn_type := d_in.decode.insn_type;
mul_a :=;
mul_b :=;
- m_out.write_reg <= decode_output_reg(d.decode.output_reg_a, d.insn);
- m_out.rc <= decode_rc(d.decode.rc, d.insn);
- if d.decode.mul_32bit = '1' then
- if d.decode.mul_signed = '1' then
- m_out.data1 <= (others => mul_a(31));
- m_out.data1(31 downto 0) <= mul_a(31 downto 0);
- m_out.data2 <= (others => mul_b(31));
- m_out.data2(31 downto 0) <= mul_b(31 downto 0);
+ v.m.write_reg := decode_output_reg(d_in.decode.output_reg_a, d_in.insn);
+ v.m.rc := decode_rc(d_in.decode.rc, d_in.insn);
+ if d_in.decode.mul_32bit = '1' then
+ if d_in.decode.mul_signed = '1' then
+ v.m.data1 := (others => mul_a(31));
+ v.m.data1(31 downto 0) := mul_a(31 downto 0);
+ v.m.data2 := (others => mul_b(31));
+ v.m.data2(31 downto 0) := mul_b(31 downto 0);
- m_out.data1 <= '0' & x"00000000" & mul_a(31 downto 0);
- m_out.data2 <= '0' & x"00000000" & mul_b(31 downto 0);
+ v.m.data1 := '0' & x"00000000" & mul_a(31 downto 0);
+ v.m.data2 := '0' & x"00000000" & mul_b(31 downto 0);
end if;
- if d.decode.mul_signed = '1' then
- m_out.data1 <= mul_a(63) & mul_a;
- m_out.data2 <= mul_b(63) & mul_b;
+ if d_in.decode.mul_signed = '1' then
+ v.m.data1 := mul_a(63) & mul_a;
+ v.m.data2 := mul_b(63) & mul_b;
- m_out.data1 <= '0' & mul_a;
- m_out.data2 <= '0' & mul_b;
+ v.m.data1 := '0' & mul_a;
+ v.m.data2 := '0' & mul_b;
end if;
end if;
-- load/store unit
- l_out.nia <= d.nia;
- l_out.update_reg <= decoded_reg_a.reg;
- l_out.addr1 <=;
- l_out.addr2 <=;
- <=;
- l_out.write_reg <= decode_output_reg(d.decode.output_reg_a, d.insn);
- if d.decode.insn_type = OP_LOAD then
- l_out.load <= '1';
+ v.l.nia := d_in.nia;
+ v.l.update_reg := decoded_reg_a.reg;
+ v.l.addr1 :=;
+ v.l.addr2 :=;
+ :=;
+ v.l.write_reg := decode_output_reg(d_in.decode.output_reg_a, d_in.insn);
+ if d_in.decode.insn_type = OP_LOAD then
+ v.l.load := '1';
- l_out.load <= '0';
+ v.l.load := '0';
end if;
- case d.decode.length is
+ case d_in.decode.length is
when is1B =>
- l_out.length <= "0001";
+ v.l.length := "0001";
when is2B =>
- l_out.length <= "0010";
+ v.l.length := "0010";
when is4B =>
- l_out.length <= "0100";
+ v.l.length := "0100";
when is8B =>
- l_out.length <= "1000";
+ v.l.length := "1000";
when NONE =>
- l_out.length <= "0000";
+ v.l.length := "0000";
end case;
- l_out.byte_reverse <= d.decode.byte_reverse;
- l_out.sign_extend <= d.decode.sign_extend;
- l_out.update <= d.decode.update;
+ v.l.byte_reverse := d_in.decode.byte_reverse;
+ v.l.sign_extend := d_in.decode.sign_extend;
+ v.l.update := d_in.decode.update;
+ -- single issue
+ if complete_in = '1' then
+ v_int.outstanding := v_int.outstanding - 1;
+ end if;
+ -- state machine to handle instructions that must be single
+ -- through the pipeline.
+ stall_out <= '0';
+ is_valid := d_in.valid;
+ case v_int.state is
+ when IDLE =>
+ if (flush_in = '0') and (d_in.valid = '1') and (d_in.decode.sgl_pipe = '1') then
+ if v_int.outstanding /= 0 then
+ v_int.state := WAIT_FOR_PREV_TO_COMPLETE;
+ stall_out <= '1';
+ is_valid := '0';
+ else
+ -- send insn out and wait on it to complete
+ v_int.state := WAIT_FOR_CURR_TO_COMPLETE;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if v_int.outstanding = 0 then
+ -- send insn out and wait on it to complete
+ v_int.state := WAIT_FOR_CURR_TO_COMPLETE;
+ else
+ stall_out <= '1';
+ is_valid := '0';
+ end if;
+ if v_int.outstanding = 0 then
+ v_int.state := IDLE;
+ else
+ stall_out <= '1';
+ is_valid := '0';
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ v.e.valid := '0';
+ v.m.valid := '0';
+ v.l.valid := '0';
+ case d_in.decode.unit is
+ when ALU =>
+ v.e.valid := is_valid;
+ when LDST =>
+ v.l.valid := is_valid;
+ when MUL =>
+ v.m.valid := is_valid;
+ when NONE =>
+ v.e.valid := is_valid;
+ v.e.insn_type := OP_ILLEGAL;
+ end case;
+ if flush_in = '1' then
+ v.e.valid := '0';
+ v.m.valid := '0';
+ v.l.valid := '0';
+ end if;
+ -- track outstanding instructions
+ if v.e.valid = '1' or v.l.valid = '1' or v.m.valid = '1' then
+ v_int.outstanding := v_int.outstanding + 1;
+ end if;
+ assert r_int.outstanding <= 1 report "Outstanding bad " & integer'image(r_int.outstanding) severity failure;
+ if rst = '1' then
+ v_int.state := IDLE;
+ v_int.outstanding := 0;
+ v.e := Decode2ToExecute1Init;
+ v.l := Decode2ToLoadStore1Init;
+ v.m := Decode2ToMultiplyInit;
+ end if;
+ -- Update registers
+ rin <= v;
+ rin_int <= v_int;
+ -- Update outputs
+ e_out <= r.e;
+ l_out <= r.l;
+ m_out <= r.m;
end process;
end architecture behaviour;
port (
clk : in std_logic;
+ -- asynchronous
+ flush_out : out std_ulogic;
e_in : in Decode2ToExecute1Type;
+ -- asynchronous
f_out : out Execute1ToFetch1Type;
e_out : out Execute1ToExecute2Type;
terminate_out : out std_ulogic
end entity execute1;
architecture behaviour of execute1 is
- signal e: Decode2ToExecute1Type := Decode2ToExecute1Init;
+ type reg_type is record
+ --f : Execute1ToFetch1Type;
+ e : Execute1ToExecute2Type;
+ end record;
+ signal r, rin : reg_type;
signal ctrl: ctrl_t := (carry => '0', others => (others => '0'));
signal ctrl_tmp: ctrl_t := (carry => '0', others => (others => '0'));
execute1_0: process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
- e <= e_in;
+ r <= rin;
ctrl <= ctrl_tmp;
end if;
end process;
execute1_1: process(all)
+ variable v : reg_type;
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable result_with_carry : std_ulogic_vector(64 downto 0);
variable result_en : integer;
result_with_carry := (others => '0');
result_en := 0;
- e_out <= Execute1ToExecute2Init;
- f_out <= Execute1ToFetch1TypeInit;
+ v := r;
+ v.e := Execute1ToExecute2Init;
+ --v.f := Execute1ToFetch1TypeInit;
ctrl_tmp <= ctrl;
-- FIXME: run at 512MHz not core freq
ctrl_tmp.tb <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ctrl.tb) + 1);
terminate_out <= '0';
+ flush_out <= '0';
+ f_out <= Execute1ToFetch1TypeInit;
+ if e_in.valid = '1' then
- if e.valid = '1' then
- e_out.valid <= '1';
- e_out.write_reg <= e.write_reg;
+ v.e.valid := '1';
+ v.e.write_reg := e_in.write_reg;
- report "execute " & to_hstring(e.nia);
+ report "execute " & to_hstring(e_in.nia);
- case_0: case e.insn_type is
+ case_0: case e_in.insn_type is
when OP_ILLEGAL =>
terminate_out <= '1';
when OP_NOP =>
-- Do nothing
when OP_ADD =>
- result := ppc_add(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_add(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_ADDC =>
- result_with_carry := ppc_adde(e.read_data1, e.read_data2, ctrl.carry and e.input_carry);
+ result_with_carry := ppc_adde(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2, ctrl.carry and e_in.input_carry);
result := result_with_carry(63 downto 0);
- ctrl_tmp.carry <= result_with_carry(64) and e.output_carry;
+ ctrl_tmp.carry <= result_with_carry(64) and e_in.output_carry;
result_en := 1;
when OP_AND =>
- result := ppc_and(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_and(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_ANDC =>
- result := ppc_andc(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_andc(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_B =>
+ flush_out <= '1';
f_out.redirect <= '1';
- f_out.redirect_nia <= std_ulogic_vector(signed(e.nia) + signed(e.read_data2));
+ f_out.redirect_nia <= std_ulogic_vector(signed(e_in.nia) + signed(e_in.read_data2));
when OP_BC =>
- if e.const1(4-2) = '0' then
+ if e_in.const1(4-2) = '0' then
ctrl_tmp.ctr <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ctrl.ctr) - 1);
end if;
- if ppc_bc_taken(e.const1(4 downto 0), e.const2(4 downto 0),, ctrl.ctr) = 1 then
+ if ppc_bc_taken(e_in.const1(4 downto 0), e_in.const2(4 downto 0),, ctrl.ctr) = 1 then
+ flush_out <= '1';
f_out.redirect <= '1';
- f_out.redirect_nia <= std_ulogic_vector(signed(e.nia) + signed(e.read_data2));
+ f_out.redirect_nia <= std_ulogic_vector(signed(e_in.nia) + signed(e_in.read_data2));
end if;
when OP_BCLR =>
- if e.const1(4-2) = '0' then
+ if e_in.const1(4-2) = '0' then
ctrl_tmp.ctr <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ctrl.ctr) - 1);
end if;
- if ppc_bc_taken(e.const1(4 downto 0), e.const2(4 downto 0),, ctrl.ctr) = 1 then
+ if ppc_bc_taken(e_in.const1(4 downto 0), e_in.const2(4 downto 0),, ctrl.ctr) = 1 then
+ flush_out <= '1';
f_out.redirect <= '1';
f_out.redirect_nia <= downto 2) & "00";
end if;
when OP_BCCTR =>
- if ppc_bcctr_taken(e.const1(4 downto 0), e.const2(4 downto 0), = 1 then
+ if ppc_bcctr_taken(e_in.const1(4 downto 0), e_in.const2(4 downto 0), = 1 then
+ flush_out <= '1';
f_out.redirect <= '1';
f_out.redirect_nia <= ctrl.ctr(63 downto 2) & "00";
end if;
when OP_CMPB =>
- result := ppc_cmpb(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_cmpb(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_CMP =>
- e_out.write_cr_enable <= '1';
- crnum := to_integer(unsigned(e.const1(2 downto 0)));
- e_out.write_cr_mask <= num_to_fxm(crnum);
+ v.e.write_cr_enable := '1';
+ crnum := to_integer(unsigned(e_in.const1(2 downto 0)));
+ v.e.write_cr_mask := num_to_fxm(crnum);
for i in 0 to 7 loop
lo := i*4;
hi := lo + 3;
- e_out.write_cr_data(hi downto lo) <= ppc_cmp(e.const2(0), e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ v.e.write_cr_data(hi downto lo) := ppc_cmp(e_in.const2(0), e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
end loop;
when OP_CMPL =>
- e_out.write_cr_enable <= '1';
- crnum := to_integer(unsigned(e.const1(2 downto 0)));
- e_out.write_cr_mask <= num_to_fxm(crnum);
+ v.e.write_cr_enable := '1';
+ crnum := to_integer(unsigned(e_in.const1(2 downto 0)));
+ v.e.write_cr_mask := num_to_fxm(crnum);
for i in 0 to 7 loop
lo := i*4;
hi := lo + 3;
- e_out.write_cr_data(hi downto lo) <= ppc_cmpl(e.const2(0), e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ v.e.write_cr_data(hi downto lo) := ppc_cmpl(e_in.const2(0), e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
end loop;
when OP_CNTLZW =>
- result := ppc_cntlzw(e.read_data1);
+ result := ppc_cntlzw(e_in.read_data1);
result_en := 1;
when OP_CNTTZW =>
- result := ppc_cnttzw(e.read_data1);
+ result := ppc_cnttzw(e_in.read_data1);
result_en := 1;
when OP_CNTLZD =>
- result := ppc_cntlzd(e.read_data1);
+ result := ppc_cntlzd(e_in.read_data1);
result_en := 1;
when OP_CNTTZD =>
- result := ppc_cnttzd(e.read_data1);
+ result := ppc_cnttzd(e_in.read_data1);
result_en := 1;
when OP_EXTSB =>
- result := ppc_extsb(e.read_data1);
+ result := ppc_extsb(e_in.read_data1);
result_en := 1;
when OP_EXTSH =>
- result := ppc_extsh(e.read_data1);
+ result := ppc_extsh(e_in.read_data1);
result_en := 1;
when OP_EXTSW =>
- result := ppc_extsw(e.read_data1);
+ result := ppc_extsw(e_in.read_data1);
result_en := 1;
when OP_EQV =>
- result := ppc_eqv(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_eqv(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_ISEL =>
- crnum := to_integer(unsigned(e.const1));
- if = '1' then
- result := e.read_data1;
+ crnum := to_integer(unsigned(e_in.const1));
+ if = '1' then
+ result := e_in.read_data1;
- result := e.read_data2;
+ result := e_in.read_data2;
end if;
result_en := 1;
when OP_MFCTR =>
result := ctrl.tb;
result_en := 1;
when OP_MTCTR =>
- ctrl_tmp.ctr <= e.read_data1;
+ ctrl_tmp.ctr <= e_in.read_data1;
when OP_MTLR =>
- <= e.read_data1;
+ <= e_in.read_data1;
when OP_MFCR =>
- result := x"00000000" &;
+ result := x"00000000" &;
result_en := 1;
when OP_MFOCRF =>
- crnum := fxm_to_num(e.const1(7 downto 0));
+ crnum := fxm_to_num(e_in.const1(7 downto 0));
result := (others => '0');
--- result((4*(7-crnum)+3) downto (4*(7-crnum))) :=*(7-crnum)+3) downto (4*(7-crnum))); FIXME
+-- result((4*(7-crnum)+3) downto (4*(7-crnum))) :=*(7-crnum)+3) downto (4*(7-crnum))); FIXME
for i in 0 to 7 loop
lo := (7-i)*4;
hi := lo + 3;
if crnum = i then
- result(hi downto lo) := downto lo);
+ result(hi downto lo) := downto lo);
end if;
end loop;
result_en := 1;
when OP_MTCRF =>
- e_out.write_cr_enable <= '1';
- e_out.write_cr_mask <= e.const1(7 downto 0);
- e_out.write_cr_data <= e.read_data1(31 downto 0);
+ v.e.write_cr_enable := '1';
+ v.e.write_cr_mask := e_in.const1(7 downto 0);
+ v.e.write_cr_data := e_in.read_data1(31 downto 0);
when OP_MTOCRF =>
- e_out.write_cr_enable <= '1';
+ v.e.write_cr_enable := '1';
-- We require one hot priority encoding here
- crnum := fxm_to_num(e.const1(7 downto 0));
- e_out.write_cr_mask <= num_to_fxm(crnum);
- e_out.write_cr_data <= e.read_data1(31 downto 0);
+ crnum := fxm_to_num(e_in.const1(7 downto 0));
+ v.e.write_cr_mask := num_to_fxm(crnum);
+ v.e.write_cr_data := e_in.read_data1(31 downto 0);
when OP_NAND =>
- result := ppc_nand(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_nand(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_NEG =>
- result := ppc_neg(e.read_data1);
+ result := ppc_neg(e_in.read_data1);
result_en := 1;
when OP_NOR =>
- result := ppc_nor(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_nor(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_OR =>
- result := ppc_or(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_or(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_ORC =>
- result := ppc_orc(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_orc(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_POPCNTB =>
- result := ppc_popcntb(e.read_data1);
+ result := ppc_popcntb(e_in.read_data1);
result_en := 1;
when OP_POPCNTW =>
- result := ppc_popcntw(e.read_data1);
+ result := ppc_popcntw(e_in.read_data1);
result_en := 1;
when OP_POPCNTD =>
- result := ppc_popcntd(e.read_data1);
+ result := ppc_popcntd(e_in.read_data1);
result_en := 1;
when OP_PRTYD =>
- result := ppc_prtyd(e.read_data1);
+ result := ppc_prtyd(e_in.read_data1);
result_en := 1;
when OP_PRTYW =>
- result := ppc_prtyw(e.read_data1);
+ result := ppc_prtyw(e_in.read_data1);
result_en := 1;
when OP_RLDCL =>
- result := ppc_rldcl(e.read_data1, e.read_data2, e.const2(5 downto 0));
+ result := ppc_rldcl(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2, e_in.const2(5 downto 0));
result_en := 1;
when OP_RLDCR =>
- result := ppc_rldcr(e.read_data1, e.read_data2, e.const2(5 downto 0));
+ result := ppc_rldcr(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2, e_in.const2(5 downto 0));
result_en := 1;
when OP_RLDICL =>
- result := ppc_rldicl(e.read_data1, e.const1(5 downto 0), e.const2(5 downto 0));
+ result := ppc_rldicl(e_in.read_data1, e_in.const1(5 downto 0), e_in.const2(5 downto 0));
result_en := 1;
when OP_RLDICR =>
- result := ppc_rldicr(e.read_data1, e.const1(5 downto 0), e.const2(5 downto 0));
+ result := ppc_rldicr(e_in.read_data1, e_in.const1(5 downto 0), e_in.const2(5 downto 0));
result_en := 1;
when OP_RLWNM =>
- result := ppc_rlwnm(e.read_data1, e.read_data2, e.const2(4 downto 0), e.const3(4 downto 0));
+ result := ppc_rlwnm(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2, e_in.const2(4 downto 0), e_in.const3(4 downto 0));
result_en := 1;
when OP_RLWINM =>
- result := ppc_rlwinm(e.read_data1, e.const1(4 downto 0), e.const2(4 downto 0), e.const3(4 downto 0));
+ result := ppc_rlwinm(e_in.read_data1, e_in.const1(4 downto 0), e_in.const2(4 downto 0), e_in.const3(4 downto 0));
result_en := 1;
when OP_RLDIC =>
- result := ppc_rldic(e.read_data1, e.const1(5 downto 0), e.const2(5 downto 0));
+ result := ppc_rldic(e_in.read_data1, e_in.const1(5 downto 0), e_in.const2(5 downto 0));
result_en := 1;
when OP_RLDIMI =>
- result := ppc_rldimi(e.read_data1, e.read_data2, e.const1(5 downto 0), e.const2(5 downto 0));
+ result := ppc_rldimi(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2, e_in.const1(5 downto 0), e_in.const2(5 downto 0));
result_en := 1;
when OP_RLWIMI =>
- result := ppc_rlwimi(e.read_data1, e.read_data2, e.const1(4 downto 0), e.const2(4 downto 0), e.const3(4 downto 0));
+ result := ppc_rlwimi(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2, e_in.const1(4 downto 0), e_in.const2(4 downto 0), e_in.const3(4 downto 0));
result_en := 1;
when OP_SLD =>
- result := ppc_sld(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_sld(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_SLW =>
- result := ppc_slw(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_slw(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_SRAW =>
- result_with_carry := ppc_sraw(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result_with_carry := ppc_sraw(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result := result_with_carry(63 downto 0);
ctrl_tmp.carry <= result_with_carry(64);
result_en := 1;
when OP_SRAWI =>
- result_with_carry := ppc_srawi(e.read_data1, e.const1(5 downto 0));
+ result_with_carry := ppc_srawi(e_in.read_data1, e_in.const1(5 downto 0));
result := result_with_carry(63 downto 0);
ctrl_tmp.carry <= result_with_carry(64);
result_en := 1;
when OP_SRAD =>
- result_with_carry := ppc_srad(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result_with_carry := ppc_srad(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result := result_with_carry(63 downto 0);
ctrl_tmp.carry <= result_with_carry(64);
result_en := 1;
when OP_SRADI =>
- result_with_carry := ppc_sradi(e.read_data1, e.const1(5 downto 0));
+ result_with_carry := ppc_sradi(e_in.read_data1, e_in.const1(5 downto 0));
result := result_with_carry(63 downto 0);
ctrl_tmp.carry <= result_with_carry(64);
result_en := 1;
when OP_SRD =>
- result := ppc_srd(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_srd(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_SRW =>
- result := ppc_srw(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_srw(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_SUBF =>
- result := ppc_subf(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_subf(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
when OP_SUBFC =>
- result_with_carry := ppc_subfe(e.read_data1, e.read_data2, ctrl.carry or not(e.input_carry));
+ result_with_carry := ppc_subfe(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2, ctrl.carry or not(e_in.input_carry));
result := result_with_carry(63 downto 0);
- ctrl_tmp.carry <= result_with_carry(64) and e.output_carry;
+ ctrl_tmp.carry <= result_with_carry(64) and e_in.output_carry;
result_en := 1;
when OP_XOR =>
- result := ppc_xor(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_xor(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
-- sim console
end if;
when OP_SIM_WRITE =>
if SIM = true then
- sim_console_write(e.read_data1);
+ sim_console_write(e_in.read_data1);
terminate_out <= '1';
report "illegal";
when OP_DIVDU =>
if SIM = true then
- result := ppc_divdu(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_divdu(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
terminate_out <= '1';
end if;
when OP_DIVD =>
if SIM = true then
- result := ppc_divd(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_divd(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
terminate_out <= '1';
end if;
when OP_DIVWU =>
if SIM = true then
- result := ppc_divwu(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_divwu(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
terminate_out <= '1';
end if;
when OP_DIVW =>
if SIM = true then
- result := ppc_divw(e.read_data1, e.read_data2);
+ result := ppc_divw(e_in.read_data1, e_in.read_data2);
result_en := 1;
terminate_out <= '1';
report "illegal";
end case;
- if = '1' then
- <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(e.nia) + 4);
+ if = '1' then
+ <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(e_in.nia) + 4);
end if;
if result_en = 1 then
- e_out.write_data <= result;
- e_out.write_enable <= '1';
- e_out.rc <= e.rc;
+ v.e.write_data := result;
+ v.e.write_enable := '1';
+ v.e.rc := e_in.rc;
end if;
end if;
+ -- Update registers
+ rin <= v;
+ -- update outputs
+ --f_out <= r.f;
+ e_out <= r.e;
end process;
end architecture behaviour;
rst : in std_ulogic;
-- Control inputs:
- fetch_one_in : in std_ulogic;
+ stall_in : in std_ulogic;
+ flush_in : in std_ulogic;
-- redirect from execution unit
e_in : in Execute1ToFetch1Type;
end entity fetch1;
architecture behaviour of fetch1 is
- type reg_type is record
- pc : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
- fetch_one : std_ulogic;
+ type reg_internal_type is record
+ nia_next : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
- signal r : reg_type;
- signal rin : reg_type;
+ signal r_int, rin_int : reg_internal_type;
+ signal r, rin : Fetch1ToFetch2Type;
regs : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
r <= rin;
+ r_int <= rin_int;
end if;
end process;
comb : process(all)
- variable v : reg_type;
- variable fetch_valid : std_ulogic;
- variable fetch_nia : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ variable v : Fetch1ToFetch2Type;
+ variable v_int : reg_internal_type;
v := r;
+ v_int := r_int;
- fetch_valid := '0';
- fetch_nia := (others => '0');
- v.fetch_one := v.fetch_one or fetch_one_in;
- if e_in.redirect = '1' then
- v.pc := e_in.redirect_nia;
+ if stall_in = '0' then
+ v.nia := r_int.nia_next;
+ v_int.nia_next := std_logic_vector(unsigned(r_int.nia_next) + 4);
end if;
- if v.fetch_one = '1' then
- fetch_nia := v.pc;
- fetch_valid := '1';
- v.pc := std_logic_vector(unsigned(v.pc) + 4);
- v.fetch_one := '0';
+ if e_in.redirect = '1' then
+ v.nia := e_in.redirect_nia;
+ v_int.nia_next := std_logic_vector(unsigned(e_in.redirect_nia) + 4);
end if;
if rst = '1' then
- v.pc := RESET_ADDRESS;
- v.fetch_one := '0';
+ v.nia := RESET_ADDRESS;
+ v_int.nia_next := std_logic_vector(unsigned(RESET_ADDRESS) + 4);
end if;
+ -- Update registers
rin <= v;
+ rin_int <= v_int;
- f_out.valid <= fetch_valid;
- f_out.nia <= fetch_nia;
+ -- Update outputs
+ f_out <= r;
end process;
end architecture behaviour;
entity fetch2 is
clk : in std_ulogic;
+ rst : in std_ulogic;
+ stall_in : in std_ulogic;
+ stall_out : out std_ulogic;
+ flush_in : in std_ulogic;
-- instruction memory interface
wishbone_in : in wishbone_slave_out;
end entity fetch2;
architecture behaviour of fetch2 is
- type reg_type is record
- valid : std_ulogic;
- nia : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ type reg_internal_type is record
+ state : state_type;
+ nia : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ w : wishbone_master_out;
+ -- Trivial 64B cache
+ cache : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ tag : std_ulogic_vector(60 downto 0);
+ tag_valid : std_ulogic;
end record;
- signal f : Fetch1ToFetch2Type;
- signal wishbone: wishbone_slave_out;
- signal r : reg_type := (valid => '0', nia => (others => '0'));
- signal rin : reg_type := (valid => '0', nia => (others => '0'));
+ function wishbone_fetch(nia : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0)) return wishbone_master_out is
+ variable w : wishbone_master_out;
+ begin
+ assert nia(2 downto 0) = "000";
+ w.adr := nia;
+ w.dat := (others => '0');
+ w.cyc := '1';
+ w.stb := '1';
+ w.sel := "11111111";
+ w.we := '0';
+ return w;
+ end;
+ signal r, rin : Fetch2ToDecode1Type;
+ signal r_int, rin_int : reg_internal_type;
regs : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
- wishbone <= wishbone_in;
- f <= f_in;
- r <= rin;
+ -- Output state remains unchanged on stall, unless we are flushing
+ if rst = '1' or flush_in = '1' or stall_in = '0' then
+ r <= rin;
+ end if;
+ r_int <= rin_int;
end if;
end process;
comb : process(all)
- variable v : reg_type;
+ variable v : Fetch2ToDecode1Type;
+ variable v_int : reg_internal_type;
v := r;
+ v_int := r_int;
+ v.valid := '0';
+ v.nia := f_in.nia;
+ case v_int.state is
+ when IDLE | JUST_IDLE =>
+ v_int.state := IDLE;
+ if (v_int.tag_valid = '1') and (v_int.tag = f_in.nia(63 downto 3)) then
+ v.valid := '1';
+ if f_in.nia(2) = '0' then
+ v.insn := v_int.cache(31 downto 0);
+ else
+ v.insn := v_int.cache(63 downto 32);
+ end if;
+ else
+ v_int.state := WAIT_ACK;
+ v_int.nia := f_in.nia;
+ v_int.w := wishbone_fetch(f_in.nia(63 downto 3) & "000");
+ end if;
- if f.valid = '1' then
- v.valid := '1';
- v.nia := f.nia;
+ when WAIT_ACK =>
+ if wishbone_in.ack = '1' then
+ v_int.state := IDLE;
+ v_int.w := wishbone_master_out_init;
+ v_int.cache := wishbone_in.dat;
+ v_int.tag := v_int.nia(63 downto 3);
+ v_int.tag_valid := '1';
+ v.valid := '1';
+ if v_int.nia(2) = '0' then
+ v.insn := v_int.cache(31 downto 0);
+ else
+ v.insn := v_int.cache(63 downto 32);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if wishbone_in.ack = '1' then
+ -- Should we put the returned data in the cache? We went to the
+ -- trouble of fetching it and it might be useful in the future
+ v_int.w := wishbone_master_out_init;
+ -- We need to stall fetch1 for one more cycle, so transition through JUST_IDLE
+ v_int.state := JUST_IDLE;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ stall_out <= '0';
+ if v_int.state /= IDLE then
+ stall_out <= '1';
end if;
- if v.valid = '1' and wishbone.ack = '1' then
+ if flush_in = '1' then
v.valid := '0';
+ -- Throw away in flight data
+ if v_int.state = WAIT_ACK then
+ v_int.state := WAIT_ACK_THROWAWAY;
+ end if;
end if;
- rin <= v;
+ if rst = '1' then
+ v := Fetch2ToDecode1Init;
- wishbone_out.adr <= v.nia(63 downto 3) & "000";
- wishbone_out.dat <= (others => '0');
- wishbone_out.cyc <= v.valid;
- wishbone_out.stb <= v.valid;
- wishbone_out.sel <= "00001111" when v.nia(2) = '0' else "11110000";
- wishbone_out.we <= '0';
+ v_int.state := IDLE;
+ v_int.nia := (others => '0');
+ v_int.w := wishbone_master_out_init;
+ v_int.cache := (others => '0');
+ v_int.tag := (others => '0');
+ v_int.tag_valid := '0';
+ end if;
+ -- Update registers
+ rin_int <= v_int;
+ rin <= v;
- f_out.valid <= wishbone.ack;
- f_out.nia <= v.nia;
- f_out.insn <= wishbone.dat(31 downto 0) when v.nia(2) = '0' else wishbone.dat(63 downto 32);
+ -- Update outputs
+ f_out <= r;
+ wishbone_out <= r_int.w;
end process;
end architecture behaviour;