static AstNode *getTypeDefinitionNode(std::string type_name)
- // return the definition nodes from the typedef statement
- auto user_types = user_type_stack.back();
- log_assert(user_types->count(type_name) > 0);
- auto typedef_node = (*user_types)[type_name];
- log_assert(typedef_node->type == AST_TYPEDEF);
- return typedef_node->children[0];
+ // check current scope then outer scopes for a name
+ for (auto it = user_type_stack.rbegin(); it != user_type_stack.rend(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it)->count(type_name) > 0) {
+ // return the definition nodes from the typedef statement
+ auto typedef_node = (**it)[type_name];
+ log_assert(typedef_node->type == AST_TYPEDEF);
+ return typedef_node->children[0];
+ }
+ }
+ // The lexer recognized the name as a TOK_USER_TYPE, but now we can't find it anymore?
+ log_error("typedef for user type `%s' not found", type_name.c_str());
static AstNode *copyTypeDefinition(std::string type_name)
module top;
+ // globals are inherited
outer_uint4_t u4_i = 8'hA5;
outer_enum_t enum4_i = s0;
always @(*) assert(u4_i == 4'h5);
always @(*) assert(inner_enum1 == 3'h3);
if (1) begin: genblock
+ // type declarations in child scopes shadow their parents
typedef logic [7:0] inner_type;
parameter inner_type inner_const = 8'hA5;
typedef enum logic [2:0] {s5=5, s6, s7} inner_enum_t;
inner_type inner_gb_i = inner_const; //8'hA5;
inner_enum_t inner_gb_enum1 = s7;
always @(*) assert(inner_gb_i == 8'hA5);
always @(*) assert(inner_gb_enum1 == 3'h7);
+ // check that copying of struct member types works over multiple type scopes
+ typedef struct packed {
+ outer_uint4_t x;
+ } mystruct_t;
+ mystruct_t mystruct;
+ always @(*) assert($bits(mystruct) == 4);
inner_type inner_i2 = 8'h42;