-\frame{\frametitle{Muxer cases to handle}
+\frame{\frametitle{Muxer cases to handle (One/Many to One/Many) etc.}
- \item Many FN outputs to Many Pins: no problem\\
- (weird configuration by end-user, but no damage to ASIC)\vspace{6pt}
+ \item One FN outputs to Many Pins: no problem\\
+ (weird configuration by end-user, but no damage to ASIC)
\item One Pin to Many FN inputs: no problem\\
- (weird configuration by end-user, but no damage to ASIC)\vspace{6pt}
+ (weird configuration by end-user, but no damage to ASIC)
\item Many Pins to One FN input: {\bf Priority Mux needed}\\
- No priority mux: Pin1 = HI, Pin0 = LO, ASIC is damaged\vspace{6pt}
+ No priority mux: Pin1 = HI, Pin0 = LO, ASIC is damaged
+ \item Many FN outputs simultaneously to one Pin: {\bf does not occur}\\
+ (not desirable and not possible, as part of the pinmux design)
\item Some FNs (I2C\_SDA, SD\_D0..3) are I/O Buses\\
Bi-directional control of the Pin must be handed to the
- FN\vspace{6pt}
+ FN
\item Nice to have: Bus sets pintype, signal strength etc.\\
e.g. selecting SD/MMC doesn't need manual pin-config.\\
\bf{caveat: get that wrong and the ASIC can't be sold}