-from litescope.host.driver import LiteScopeUART2WBDriver
+from litescope.host.driver.uart import LiteScopeUARTDriver
csr_csv_file = "./csr.csv"
busword = 32
com = 2
baud = 921600
-wb = LiteScopeUART2WBDriver(com, baud, csr_csv_file, busword, debug_wb)
\ No newline at end of file
+wb = LiteScopeUARTDriver(com, baud, csr_csv_file, busword, debug_wb)
\ No newline at end of file
from config import *
from tools import *
from bist import *
-from litescope.host.driver import LiteScopeLADriver
+from litescope.host.driver.la import LiteScopeLADriver
la = LiteScopeLADriver(wb.regs, "la")
identify = LiteSATABISTIdentifyDriver(wb.regs, "sata_bist")