.format(type(self).__name__, name))
-class _ModuleBuilderCase(_ModuleBuilderRoot):
- def __init__(self, builder, depth, test, value):
- super().__init__(builder, depth)
- self._test = test
- self._value = value
- def __enter__(self):
- if self._value is None:
- self._value = "-" * len(self._test)
- if isinstance(self._value, str) and len(self._test) != len(self._value):
- raise SyntaxError("Case value {} must have the same width as test {}"
- .format(self._value, self._test))
- if self._builder._stmt_switch_test != ValueKey(self._test):
- self._builder._flush()
- self._builder._stmt_switch_test = ValueKey(self._test)
- self._outer_case = self._builder._statements
- self._builder._statements = []
- return self
- def __exit__(self, *args):
- self._builder._stmt_switch_cases[self._value] = self._builder._statements
- self._builder._statements = self._outer_case
class _ModuleBuilderSubmodules:
def __init__(self, builder):
object.__setattr__(self, "_builder", builder)
_ModuleBuilderRoot.__init__(self, self, depth=0)
self.submodules = _ModuleBuilderSubmodules(self)
- self._submodules = []
- self._driving = ValueDict()
- self._statements = Statement.wrap([])
- self._stmt_depth = 0
+ self._submodules = []
+ self._driving = ValueDict()
+ self._statements = Statement.wrap([])
+ self._ctrl_context = None
+ self._ctrl_stack = []
self._stmt_if_cond = []
self._stmt_if_bodies = []
self._stmt_switch_test = None
self._stmt_switch_cases = OrderedDict()
+ def _check_context(self, construct, context):
+ if self._ctrl_context != context:
+ if self._ctrl_context is None:
+ raise SyntaxError("{} is not permitted outside of {}"
+ .format(construct, context))
+ else:
+ raise SyntaxError("{} is not permitted inside of {}"
+ .format(construct, self._ctrl_context))
+ def _get_ctrl(self, name):
+ if self._ctrl_stack:
+ top_name, top_data = self._ctrl_stack[-1]
+ if top_name == name:
+ return top_data
+ def _flush_ctrl(self):
+ while len(self._ctrl_stack) > self.domain._depth:
+ self._pop_ctrl()
+ def _set_ctrl(self, name, data):
+ self._flush_ctrl()
+ self._ctrl_stack.append((name, data))
+ return data
def If(self, cond):
- self._flush()
+ self._check_context("If", context=None)
+ if_data = self._set_ctrl("If", {"tests": [], "bodies": []})
- _outer_case = self._statements
- self._statements = []
+ _outer_case, self._statements = self._statements, []
self.domain._depth += 1
- self._stmt_if_cond.append(cond)
- self._stmt_if_bodies.append(self._statements)
+ self._flush_ctrl()
+ if_data["tests"].append(cond)
+ if_data["bodies"].append(self._statements)
self.domain._depth -= 1
self._statements = _outer_case
def Elif(self, cond):
- if not self._stmt_if_cond:
+ self._check_context("Elif", context=None)
+ if_data = self._get_ctrl("If")
+ if if_data is None:
raise SyntaxError("Elif without preceding If")
- _outer_case = self._statements
- self._statements = []
+ _outer_case, self._statements = self._statements, []
self.domain._depth += 1
- self._stmt_if_cond.append(cond)
- self._stmt_if_bodies.append(self._statements)
+ self._flush_ctrl()
+ if_data["tests"].append(cond)
+ if_data["bodies"].append(self._statements)
self.domain._depth -= 1
self._statements = _outer_case
def Else(self):
- if not self._stmt_if_cond:
+ self._check_context("Else", context=None)
+ if_data = self._get_ctrl("If")
+ if if_data is None:
raise SyntaxError("Else without preceding If/Elif")
- _outer_case = self._statements
- self._statements = []
+ _outer_case, self._statements = self._statements, []
self.domain._depth += 1
- self._stmt_if_bodies.append(self._statements)
+ self._flush_ctrl()
+ if_data["bodies"].append(self._statements)
self.domain._depth -= 1
self._statements = _outer_case
- self._flush()
+ self._pop_ctrl()
+ @contextmanager
+ def Switch(self, test):
+ self._check_context("Switch", context=None)
+ switch_data = self._set_ctrl("Switch", {"test": test, "cases": OrderedDict()})
+ try:
+ self._ctrl_context = "Switch"
+ self.domain._depth += 1
+ yield
+ finally:
+ self.domain._depth -= 1
+ self._ctrl_context = None
+ self._pop_ctrl()
- def Case(self, test, value=None):
- return _ModuleBuilderCase(self, self._stmt_depth + 1, test, value)
+ @contextmanager
+ def Case(self, value=None):
+ self._check_context("Case", context="Switch")
+ switch_data = self._get_ctrl("Switch")
+ if value is None:
+ value = "-" * len(switch_data["test"])
+ if isinstance(value, str) and len(switch_data["test"]) != len(value):
+ raise SyntaxError("Case value '{}' must have the same width as test (which is {})"
+ .format(value, len(switch_data["test"])))
+ try:
+ _outer_case, self._statements = self._statements, []
+ self._ctrl_context = None
+ yield
+ self._flush_ctrl()
+ switch_data["cases"][value] = self._statements
+ finally:
+ self._ctrl_context = "Switch"
+ self._statements = _outer_case
+ def _pop_ctrl(self):
+ name, data = self._ctrl_stack.pop()
+ if name == "If":
+ if_tests, if_bodies = data["tests"], data["bodies"]
- def _flush(self):
- if self._stmt_if_cond:
tests, cases = [], OrderedDict()
- for if_cond, if_case in zip(self._stmt_if_cond + [None], self._stmt_if_bodies):
- if if_cond is not None:
- if_cond = Value.wrap(if_cond)
- if len(if_cond) != 1:
- if_cond = if_cond.bool()
- tests.append(if_cond)
- if if_cond is not None:
- match = ("1" + "-" * (len(tests) - 1)).rjust(len(self._stmt_if_cond), "-")
+ for if_test, if_case in zip(if_tests + [None], if_bodies):
+ if if_test is not None:
+ if_test = Value.wrap(if_test)
+ if len(if_test) != 1:
+ if_test = if_test.bool()
+ tests.append(if_test)
+ if if_test is not None:
+ match = ("1" + "-" * (len(tests) - 1)).rjust(len(if_tests), "-")
match = "-" * len(tests)
cases[match] = if_case
self._statements.append(Switch(Cat(tests), cases))
- if self._stmt_switch_test:
- self._statements.append(Switch(self._stmt_switch_test.value, self._stmt_switch_cases))
+ if name == "Switch":
+ switch_test, switch_cases = data["test"], data["cases"]
- self._stmt_if_cond = []
- self._stmt_if_bodies = []
- self._stmt_switch_test = None
- self._stmt_switch_cases = OrderedDict()
+ self._statements.append(Switch(switch_test, switch_cases))
def _add_statement(self, assigns, cd_name, depth, compat_mode=False):
def cd_human_name(cd_name):
return cd_name
- if depth < self._stmt_depth:
- self._flush()
- self._stmt_depth = depth
+ while len(self._ctrl_stack) > self.domain._depth:
+ self._pop_ctrl()
for assign in Statement.wrap(assigns):
if not compat_mode and not isinstance(assign, Assign):
"a submodule".format(submodule))
self._submodules.append((submodule, name))
+ def _flush(self):
+ while self._ctrl_stack:
+ self._pop_ctrl()
def lower(self, platform):
def assertRaises(self, exception, msg=None):
with super().assertRaises(exception) as cm:
- if msg:
+ if msg is not None:
# WTF? unittest.assertRaises is completely broken.
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), msg)
+ def test_If_If(self):
+ m = Module()
+ with m.If(self.s1):
+ m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
+ with m.If(self.s2):
+ m.d.comb += self.c2.eq(1)
+ m._flush()
+ self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
+ (
+ (switch (cat (sig s1))
+ (case 1 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1)))
+ )
+ (switch (cat (sig s2))
+ (case 1 (eq (sig c2) (const 1'd1)))
+ )
+ )
+ """)
+ def test_If_nested_If(self):
+ m = Module()
+ with m.If(self.s1):
+ m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
+ with m.If(self.s2):
+ m.d.comb += self.c2.eq(1)
+ m._flush()
+ self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
+ (
+ (switch (cat (sig s1))
+ (case 1 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1))
+ (switch (cat (sig s2))
+ (case 1 (eq (sig c2) (const 1'd1)))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ """)
+ def test_If_dangling_Else(self):
+ m = Module()
+ with m.If(self.s1):
+ m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
+ with m.If(self.s2):
+ m.d.comb += self.c2.eq(1)
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += self.c3.eq(1)
+ m._flush()
+ self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
+ (
+ (switch (cat (sig s1))
+ (case 1
+ (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1))
+ (switch (cat (sig s2))
+ (case 1 (eq (sig c2) (const 1'd1)))
+ )
+ )
+ (case -
+ (eq (sig c3) (const 1'd1))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ """)
def test_Elif_wrong(self):
m = Module()
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
- def test_auto_flush(self):
+ def test_Switch(self):
+ m = Module()
+ with m.Switch(self.w1):
+ with m.Case(3):
+ m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
+ with m.Case("11--"):
+ m.d.comb += self.c2.eq(1)
+ m._flush()
+ self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
+ (
+ (switch (sig w1)
+ (case 0011 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1)))
+ (case 11-- (eq (sig c2) (const 1'd1)))
+ )
+ )
+ """)
+ def test_Switch_default(self):
+ m = Module()
+ with m.Switch(self.w1):
+ with m.Case(3):
+ m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)
+ with m.Case():
+ m.d.comb += self.c2.eq(1)
+ m._flush()
+ self.assertRepr(m._statements, """
+ (
+ (switch (sig w1)
+ (case 0011 (eq (sig c1) (const 1'd1)))
+ (case ---- (eq (sig c2) (const 1'd1)))
+ )
+ )
+ """)
+ def test_Case_width_wrong(self):
+ m = Module()
+ with m.Switch(self.w1):
+ with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
+ msg="Case value '--' must have the same width as test (which is 4)"):
+ with m.Case("--"):
+ pass
+ def test_Case_outside_Switch_wrong(self):
+ m = Module()
+ with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
+ msg="Case is not permitted outside of Switch"):
+ with m.Case():
+ pass
+ def test_If_inside_Switch_wrong(self):
+ m = Module()
+ with m.Switch(self.s1):
+ with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,
+ msg="If is not permitted inside of Switch"):
+ with m.If(self.s2):
+ pass
+ def test_auto_pop_ctrl(self):
m = Module()
with m.If(self.w1):
m.d.comb += self.c1.eq(1)