return self.__mapping.get(key, None)
+class Operands:
+ def __init__(self, insn, iterable):
+ custom_insns = {
+ "b": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandLI},
+ "ba": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandLI},
+ "bl": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandLI},
+ "bla": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandLI},
+ "bc": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandBD},
+ "bca": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandBD},
+ "bcl": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandBD},
+ "bcla": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandBD},
+ "addpcis": {"D": DOperandDX},
+ "fishmv": {"D": DOperandDX},
+ "fmvis": {"D": DOperandDX},
+ }
+ custom_fields = {
+ "SVi": NonZeroOperand,
+ "SVd": NonZeroOperand,
+ "SVxd": NonZeroOperand,
+ "SVyd": NonZeroOperand,
+ "SVzd": NonZeroOperand,
+ "BD": SignedOperand,
+ "D": SignedImmediateOperand,
+ "SI": SignedOperand,
+ "IB": SignedOperand,
+ "LI": SignedOperand,
+ "SIM": SignedOperand,
+ "SVD": SignedOperand,
+ "SVDS": SignedOperand,
+ }
+ custom_immediates = {
+ "DQ": EXTSOperandDQ,
+ "DS": EXTSOperandDS,
+ }
+ mapping = {}
+ for operand in iterable:
+ cls = DynamicOperand
+ if "=" in operand:
+ (name, value) = operand.split("=")
+ mapping[name] = (StaticOperand, {"value": int(value)})
+ else:
+ name = operand
+ if name.endswith(")"):
+ name = name.replace("(", " ").replace(")", "")
+ (immediate, _, name) = name.partition(" ")
+ else:
+ immediate = None
+ if immediate is not None:
+ cls = custom_immediates.get(immediate, ImmediateOperand)
+ mapping[name] = (cls, {})
+ if insn in custom_insns and name in custom_insns[insn]:
+ cls = custom_insns[insn][name]
+ elif name in custom_fields:
+ cls = custom_fields[name]
+ if name in _RegType.__members__:
+ regtype = _RegType[name]
+ if regtype is _RegType.GPR:
+ cls = GPROperand
+ elif regtype is _RegType.FPR:
+ cls = FPROperand
+ if regtype is _RegType.CR_BIT: # 5-bit
+ cls = CR5Operand
+ if regtype is _RegType.CR_REG: # actually CR Field, 3-bit
+ cls = CR3Operand
+ mapping[name] = (cls, {})
+ static = []
+ dynamic = []
+ for (name, (cls, kwargs)) in mapping.items():
+ kwargs = dict(kwargs)
+ kwargs["name"] = name
+ if issubclass(cls, StaticOperand):
+ static.append((cls, kwargs))
+ elif issubclass(cls, DynamicOperand):
+ dynamic.append((cls, kwargs))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(name)
+ self.__mapping = mapping
+ self.__static = tuple(static)
+ self.__dynamic = tuple(dynamic)
+ return super().__init__()
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ return self.__mapping.__contains__(key)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ (cls, kwargs) = self.__mapping.__getitem__(key)
+ kwargs = dict(kwargs)
+ kwargs["name"] = key
+ return (cls, kwargs)
+ @property
+ def static(self):
+ return self.__static
+ @property
+ def dynamic(self):
+ return self.__dynamic
+class PCode:
+ def __init__(self, iterable):
+ self.__pcode = tuple(iterable)
+ return super().__init__()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield from self.__pcode
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__pcode.__repr__()
+@_dataclasses.dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
+class MarkdownRecord:
+ pcode: PCode
+ operands: Operands
+@_dataclasses.dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
+class Record:
+ name: str
+ section: Section
+ ppc: PPCRecord
+ fields: Fields
+ mdwn: MarkdownRecord
+ svp64: SVP64Record = None
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, Record):
+ return NotImplemented
+ lhs = (min(self.opcodes),
+ rhs = (min(other.opcodes),
+ return (lhs < rhs)
+ @property
+ def opcodes(self):
+ def opcode(ppc):
+ value = ([0] * 32)
+ mask = ([0] * 32)
+ PO = self.section.opcode
+ if PO is not None:
+ for (src, dst) in enumerate(reversed(BitSel((0, 5)))):
+ value[dst] = int((PO.value & (1 << src)) != 0)
+ mask[dst] = int((PO.mask & (1 << src)) != 0)
+ XO = ppc.opcode
+ for (src, dst) in enumerate(reversed(self.section.bitsel)):
+ value[dst] = int((XO.value & (1 << src)) != 0)
+ mask[dst] = int((XO.mask & (1 << src)) != 0)
+ for (cls, kwargs) in self.mdwn.operands.static:
+ operand = cls(record=self, **kwargs)
+ for (src, dst) in enumerate(reversed(operand.span(record=self))):
+ value[dst] = int((operand.value & (1 << src)) != 0)
+ mask[dst] = 1
+ value = Opcode.Value(int(("".join(map(str, value))), 2))
+ mask = Opcode.Mask(int(("".join(map(str, mask))), 2))
+ return Opcode(value=value, mask=mask)
+ return tuple(sorted(map(opcode, self.ppc)))
+ def match(self, key):
+ for opcode in self.opcodes:
+ if ((opcode.value & opcode.mask) ==
+ (key & opcode.mask)):
+ return True
+ return False
+ @property
+ def mode(self):
+ return self.svp64.mode
+ @property
+ def in1(self):
+ return self.ppc.in1
+ @property
+ def in2(self):
+ return self.ppc.in2
+ @property
+ def in3(self):
+ return self.ppc.in3
+ @property
+ def out(self):
+ return self.ppc.out
+ @property
+ def out2(self):
+ if self.svp64 is None:
+ return _OutSel.NONE
+ return self.ppc.out
+ @property
+ def cr_in(self):
+ return self.ppc.cr_in
+ @property
+ def cr_in2(self):
+ return self.ppc.cr_in2
+ @property
+ def cr_out(self):
+ return self.ppc.cr_out
+ ptype = property(lambda self: self.svp64.ptype)
+ etype = property(lambda self: self.svp64.etype)
+ def extra_idx(self, key):
+ return self.svp64.extra_idx(key)
+ extra_idx_in1 = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_in1)
+ extra_idx_in2 = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_in2)
+ extra_idx_in3 = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_in3)
+ extra_idx_out = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_out)
+ extra_idx_out2 = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_out2)
+ extra_idx_cr_in = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_cr_in)
+ extra_idx_cr_in2 = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_cr_in2)
+ extra_idx_cr_out = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_cr_out)
+ @cached_property
+ def Rc(self):
+ (cls, kwargs) = self.mdwn.operands["Rc"]
+ Rc = cls(record=self, **kwargs)
+ if Rc is None:
+ return False
+ return bool(Rc.value)
@_dataclasses.dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
class Operand:
+ record: Record
name: str
def span(self, record):
yield str(value.to_signed_int())
-class Operands:
- def __init__(self, insn, iterable):
- custom_insns = {
- "b": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandLI},
- "ba": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandLI},
- "bl": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandLI},
- "bla": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandLI},
- "bc": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandBD},
- "bca": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandBD},
- "bcl": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandBD},
- "bcla": {"target_addr": TargetAddrOperandBD},
- "addpcis": {"D": DOperandDX},
- "fishmv": {"D": DOperandDX},
- "fmvis": {"D": DOperandDX},
- }
- custom_fields = {
- "SVi": NonZeroOperand,
- "SVd": NonZeroOperand,
- "SVxd": NonZeroOperand,
- "SVyd": NonZeroOperand,
- "SVzd": NonZeroOperand,
- "BD": SignedOperand,
- "D": SignedImmediateOperand,
- "SI": SignedOperand,
- "IB": SignedOperand,
- "LI": SignedOperand,
- "SIM": SignedOperand,
- "SVD": SignedOperand,
- "SVDS": SignedOperand,
- }
- custom_immediates = {
- "DQ": EXTSOperandDQ,
- "DS": EXTSOperandDS,
- }
- mapping = {}
- for operand in iterable:
- cls = DynamicOperand
- if "=" in operand:
- (name, value) = operand.split("=")
- mapping[name] = (StaticOperand, {"value": int(value)})
- else:
- name = operand
- if name.endswith(")"):
- name = name.replace("(", " ").replace(")", "")
- (immediate, _, name) = name.partition(" ")
- else:
- immediate = None
- if immediate is not None:
- cls = custom_immediates.get(immediate, ImmediateOperand)
- mapping[name] = (cls, {})
- if insn in custom_insns and name in custom_insns[insn]:
- cls = custom_insns[insn][name]
- elif name in custom_fields:
- cls = custom_fields[name]
- if name in _RegType.__members__:
- regtype = _RegType[name]
- if regtype is _RegType.GPR:
- cls = GPROperand
- elif regtype is _RegType.FPR:
- cls = FPROperand
- if regtype is _RegType.CR_BIT: # 5-bit
- cls = CR5Operand
- if regtype is _RegType.CR_REG: # actually CR Field, 3-bit
- cls = CR3Operand
- mapping[name] = (cls, {})
- static = []
- dynamic = []
- for (name, (cls, kwargs)) in mapping.items():
- kwargs = dict(kwargs)
- kwargs["name"] = name
- if issubclass(cls, StaticOperand):
- static.append((cls, kwargs))
- elif issubclass(cls, DynamicOperand):
- dynamic.append((cls, kwargs))
- else:
- raise ValueError(name)
- self.__mapping = mapping
- self.__static = tuple(static)
- self.__dynamic = tuple(dynamic)
- return super().__init__()
- def __contains__(self, key):
- return self.__mapping.__contains__(key)
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- (cls, kwargs) = self.__mapping.__getitem__(key)
- kwargs = dict(kwargs)
- kwargs["name"] = key
- return (cls, kwargs)
- @property
- def static(self):
- return self.__static
- @property
- def dynamic(self):
- return self.__dynamic
-class PCode:
- def __init__(self, iterable):
- self.__pcode = tuple(iterable)
- return super().__init__()
- def __iter__(self):
- yield from self.__pcode
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__pcode.__repr__()
-@_dataclasses.dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
-class MarkdownRecord:
- pcode: PCode
- operands: Operands
-@_dataclasses.dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
-class Record:
- name: str
- section: Section
- ppc: PPCRecord
- fields: Fields
- mdwn: MarkdownRecord
- svp64: SVP64Record = None
- def __lt__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, Record):
- return NotImplemented
- lhs = (min(self.opcodes),
- rhs = (min(other.opcodes),
- return (lhs < rhs)
- @property
- def opcodes(self):
- def opcode(ppc):
- value = ([0] * 32)
- mask = ([0] * 32)
- PO = self.section.opcode
- if PO is not None:
- for (src, dst) in enumerate(reversed(BitSel((0, 5)))):
- value[dst] = int((PO.value & (1 << src)) != 0)
- mask[dst] = int((PO.mask & (1 << src)) != 0)
- XO = ppc.opcode
- for (src, dst) in enumerate(reversed(self.section.bitsel)):
- value[dst] = int((XO.value & (1 << src)) != 0)
- mask[dst] = int((XO.mask & (1 << src)) != 0)
- for (cls, kwargs) in self.mdwn.operands.static:
- operand = cls(**kwargs)
- for (src, dst) in enumerate(reversed(operand.span(record=self))):
- value[dst] = int((operand.value & (1 << src)) != 0)
- mask[dst] = 1
- value = Opcode.Value(int(("".join(map(str, value))), 2))
- mask = Opcode.Mask(int(("".join(map(str, mask))), 2))
- return Opcode(value=value, mask=mask)
- return tuple(sorted(map(opcode, self.ppc)))
- def match(self, key):
- for opcode in self.opcodes:
- if ((opcode.value & opcode.mask) ==
- (key & opcode.mask)):
- return True
- return False
- @property
- def mode(self):
- return self.svp64.mode
- @property
- def in1(self):
- return self.ppc.in1
- @property
- def in2(self):
- return self.ppc.in2
- @property
- def in3(self):
- return self.ppc.in3
- @property
- def out(self):
- return self.ppc.out
- @property
- def out2(self):
- if self.svp64 is None:
- return _OutSel.NONE
- return self.ppc.out
- @property
- def cr_in(self):
- return self.ppc.cr_in
- @property
- def cr_in2(self):
- return self.ppc.cr_in2
- @property
- def cr_out(self):
- return self.ppc.cr_out
- ptype = property(lambda self: self.svp64.ptype)
- etype = property(lambda self: self.svp64.etype)
- def extra_idx(self, key):
- return self.svp64.extra_idx(key)
- extra_idx_in1 = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_in1)
- extra_idx_in2 = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_in2)
- extra_idx_in3 = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_in3)
- extra_idx_out = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_out)
- extra_idx_out2 = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_out2)
- extra_idx_cr_in = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_cr_in)
- extra_idx_cr_in2 = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_cr_in2)
- extra_idx_cr_out = property(lambda self: self.svp64.extra_idx_cr_out)
- @cached_property
- def Rc(self):
- (cls, kwargs) = self.mdwn.operands["Rc"]
- Rc = cls(**kwargs)
- if Rc is None:
- return False
- return bool(Rc.value)
class Instruction(_Mapping):
def integer(cls, value=0, bits=None, byteorder="little"):
imm_name = ""
imm_value = ""
for (cls, kwargs) in record.mdwn.operands.dynamic:
- operand = cls(**kwargs)
+ operand = cls(record=record, **kwargs)
name =
value = " ".join(operand.disassemble(insn=self,
record=record, verbosity=min(verbosity, Verbosity.NORMAL)))
def static_operands(self, db):
record = self.record(db=db)
for (cls, kwargs) in record.mdwn.operands.static:
- operand = cls(**kwargs)
+ operand = cls(record=record, **kwargs)
yield (, operand.value)
if len(operands) != len(arguments):
raise ValueError("operands count mismatch")
for (index, (cls, kwargs)) in enumerate(operands):
- operand = cls(**kwargs)
+ operand = cls(record=record, **kwargs)
value = arguments[index]
operand.assemble(value=value, insn=insn, record=record)
for opcode in record.opcodes:
yield f"{indent}{indent}{opcode!r}"
for (cls, kwargs) in record.mdwn.operands:
- operand = cls(**kwargs)
+ operand = cls(record=record, **kwargs)
yield from operand.disassemble(insn=self, record=record,
verbosity=verbosity, indent=indent)
yield ""
for opcode in record.opcodes:
yield f"{indent}{indent}{opcode!r}"
for (cls, kwargs) in record.mdwn.operands:
- operand = cls(**kwargs)
+ operand = cls(record=record, **kwargs)
yield from operand.disassemble(insn=self, record=record,
verbosity=verbosity, indent=indent)
yield f"{indent}RM"