defaults.result_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.testing-results')
defaults.list_only_failed = False
+ defaults.resource_url = 'http://dist.gem5.org/dist/develop'
def define_constants(constants):
help='Path where binaries are stored (downloaded if not present)'
+ Argument(
+ '--resource-url',
+ action='store',
+ default=config._defaults.resource_url,
+ help='The URL where the resources reside.'
+ ),
base_path = joinpath(absdirpath(__file__), 'benchmarks', 'bin')
-base_url = 'http://dist.gem5.org/dist/current/gem5/cpu_tests/benchmarks/bin/'
+base_url = config.resource_url + '/gem5/cpu_tests/benchmarks/bin/'
for isa in valid_isas:
path = joinpath(base_path, isa)
for workload in workloads:
tarball = 'aarch-system-201901106.tar.bz2'
-url = "http://dist.gem5.org/dist/current/arm/" + tarball
+url = config.resource_url + "/arm/" + tarball
filepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
path = config.bin_path if config.bin_path else filepath
arm_fs_binaries = DownloadedArchive(url, path, tarball)
base_path = joinpath(absdirpath(__file__), '..', 'test-progs', 'hello',
-urlbase = 'http://dist.gem5.org/dist/current/test-progs/hello/bin/'
+urlbase = config.resource_url + '/test-progs/hello/bin/'
ref_path = joinpath(getcwd(), 'ref')
verifiers = (
base_path = joinpath(absdirpath(__file__), '..', 'test-progs')
-urlbase = 'http://dist.gem5.org/dist/current/test-progs/insttest/bin/'
+urlbase = config.resource_url + '/test-progs/insttest/bin/'
for isa in test_progs:
for binary in test_progs[isa]:
for operating_s in supported_os[isa]:
path = joinpath(absdirpath(__file__), '..',
'test-progs', 'hello', 'bin', 'x86', 'linux')
filename = 'm5_exit'
-url = ('http://dist.gem5.org/dist/current/test-progs/' +
- 'm5-exit/bin/x86/linux/m5_exit')
+url = (config.resource_url + '/test-progs/m5-exit/bin/x86/linux/m5_exit')
test_program = DownloadedProgram(url, path, filename)
a = verifier.MatchRegex(m5_exit_regex)
'test_atomic', 'bin')
binary = 'test_atomic'
-url = 'http://dist.gem5.org/dist/current/test-progs/pthread/bin/' + binary
+url = config.resource_url + '/current/test-progs/pthread/bin/' + binary
DownloadedProgram(url, base_path, binary)
verifiers = (
base_path = joinpath(absdirpath(__file__), '..', 'resources',
-image_url = 'http://dist.gem5.org/images/x86/ubuntu-18-04/base.img'
-kernel_url = 'http://dist.gem5.org/kernels/x86/static/vmlinux-4.19.83'
+image_url = config.resource_url + '/images/x86/ubuntu-18-04/base.img'
+kernel_url = config.resource_url + '/kernels/x86/static/vmlinux-4.19.83'
image_name = 'ubuntu-18-04-base.img'
kernel_name = 'vmlinux-4.19.83' # 4.19 is LTS (Projected EOL: Dec, 2020)
all: hello64-static hello32-static
-upload: hello64-static hello32-static
- scp hello64-static hello32-static $(UPLOAD_LOCATION)
hello64-static: hello.c dockcross-arm64
./dockcross-arm64 bash -c '$$CC hello.c -o hello64-static -static'
all: hello64-static hello64-dynamic hello32-static
-upload: hello64-static hello64-dynamic hello32-static
- scp hello64-static hello64-dynamic hello32-static $(UPLOAD_LOCATION)
hello64-static: hello.c dockcross-x64
./dockcross-x64 bash -c '$$CC hello.c -o hello64-static -static'
all: m5_exit
-upload: m5_exit
- scp m5_exit $(UPLOAD_LOCATION)
# NOTE: For docker to work, all of the files must be in this directory
m5_exit: m5-exit.c
cp -r $(M5_INCLUDE)/gem5 .