Name_Validity_Check : constant Name_Id := N + $; -- GNAT
Name_Container_Checks : constant Name_Id := N + $; -- GNAT
Name_Tampering_Check : constant Name_Id := N + $; -- GNAT
+ Name_Program_Error_Check : constant Name_Id := N + $;
+ Name_Tasking_Check : constant Name_Id := N + $;
Name_All_Checks : constant Name_Id := N + $;
Last_Check_Name : constant Name_Id := N + $;
Validity_Check : constant := 17;
Container_Checks : constant := 18;
Tampering_Check : constant := 19;
+ Program_Error_Check : constant := 20;
+ Tasking_Check : constant := 21;
-- Values used to represent individual predefined checks (including the
-- setting of Atomic_Synchronization, which is implemented internally using
-- a "check" whose name is Atomic_Synchronization).
- All_Checks : constant := 20;
+ All_Checks : constant := 22;
-- Value used to represent All_Checks value
subtype Predefined_Check_Id is Check_Id range 1 .. All_Checks;