-- nodes or subprogram body and declaration nodes depending on the case).
-- On return, the node N has been rewritten with the actual body.
+ function Build_Subprogram_Decl_Wrapper
+ (Formal_Subp : Entity_Id;
+ Actual_Subp : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
+ -- Ada 2020 allows formal subprograms to carry pre/postconditions.
+ -- At the point of instantiation these contracts apply to uses of
+ -- the actual subprogram. This is implemented by creating wrapper
+ -- subprograms instead of the renamings previously used to link
+ -- formal subprograms and the corresponding actuals. If the actual
+ -- is not an entity (e.g. an attribute reference) a renaming is
+ -- created to handle the expansion of the attribute.
+ function Build_Subprogram_Body_Wrapper
+ (Formal_Subp : Entity_Id;
+ Actual_Subp : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
+ -- The body of the wrapper is a call to the actual, with the generated
+ -- pre/postconditon checks added.
procedure Check_Access_Definition (N : Node_Id);
-- Subsidiary routine to null exclusion processing. Perform an assertion
-- check on Ada version and the presence of an access definition in N.
-- In Ada 2005, indicates partial parameterization of a formal
-- package. As usual an other association must be last in the list.
+ procedure Build_Subprogram_Wrappers;
+ -- Ada_2020: AI12-0272 introduces pre/postconditions for formal
+ -- subprograms. The implementation of making the formal into a renaming
+ -- of the actual does not work, given that subprogram renaming cannot
+ -- carry aspect specifications. Instead we must create subprogram
+ -- wrappers whose body is a call to the actual, and whose declaration
+ -- carries the aspects of the formal.
procedure Check_Fixed_Point_Actual (Actual : Node_Id);
-- Warn if an actual fixed-point type has user-defined arithmetic
-- operations, but there is no corresponding formal in the generic,
-- anonymous types, the presence a formal equality will introduce an
-- implicit declaration for the corresponding inequality.
+ -----------------------------------------
+ -- procedure Build_Subprogram_Wrappers --
+ -----------------------------------------
+ procedure Build_Subprogram_Wrappers is
+ Formal : constant Entity_Id :=
+ Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (Analyzed_Formal));
+ Aspect_Spec : Node_Id;
+ Decl_Node : Node_Id;
+ Ent : Entity_Id;
+ begin
+ -- Create declaration for wrapper subprogram
+ if Is_Entity_Name (Match) then
+ Ent := Entity (Match);
+ else
+ Ent := Defining_Entity (Last (Assoc_List));
+ end if;
+ Decl_Node := Build_Subprogram_Decl_Wrapper (Formal, Ent);
+ -- Transfer aspect specifications from formal subprogram to wrapper
+ Set_Aspect_Specifications (Decl_Node,
+ New_Copy_List_Tree (Aspect_Specifications (Analyzed_Formal)));
+ Aspect_Spec := First (Aspect_Specifications (Decl_Node));
+ while Present (Aspect_Spec) loop
+ Set_Analyzed (Aspect_Spec, False);
+ Next (Aspect_Spec);
+ end loop;
+ Append_To (Assoc_List, Decl_Node);
+ -- Create corresponding body, and append it to association list
+ -- that appears at the head of the declarations in the instance.
+ -- The subprogram may be called in the analysis of subsequent
+ -- actuals.
+ Append_To (Assoc_List, Build_Subprogram_Body_Wrapper (Formal, Ent));
+ end Build_Subprogram_Wrappers;
-- Check_Overloaded_Formal_Subprogram --
(Formal, Match, Analyzed_Formal));
+ -- If formal subprogram has contracts, create wrappers
+ -- for it. This is an expansion activity that cannot
+ -- take place e.g. within an enclosing generic unit.
+ if Present (Aspect_Specifications (Analyzed_Formal))
+ and then Expander_Active
+ then
+ Build_Subprogram_Wrappers;
+ end if;
-- An instantiation is a freeze point for the actuals,
-- unless this is a rewritten formal package.
end loop;
Generate_Reference_To_Generic_Formals (Current_Scope);
+ -- For Ada_2020, some formal parameters can carry aspects, which must
+ -- be name-resolved at the end of the list of formal parameters (which
+ -- has the semantics of a declaration list).
+ Analyze_Contracts (Generic_Formal_Declarations (N));
end Analyze_Generic_Formal_Part;
return Decl;
end Build_Operator_Wrapper;
+ -----------------------------------
+ -- Build_Subprogram_Decl_Wrapper --
+ -----------------------------------
+ function Build_Subprogram_Decl_Wrapper
+ (Formal_Subp : Entity_Id;
+ Actual_Subp : Entity_Id) return Node_Id
+ is
+ Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Current_Scope);
+ Ret_Type : constant Entity_Id := Get_Instance_Of (Etype (Formal_Subp));
+ Decl : Node_Id;
+ Subp : Entity_Id;
+ Parm_Spec : Node_Id;
+ Profile : List_Id := New_List;
+ Spec : Node_Id;
+ Form_F : Entity_Id;
+ New_F : Entity_Id;
+ begin
+ Subp := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Formal_Subp));
+ Set_Ekind (Subp, Ekind (Formal_Subp));
+ Set_Is_Generic_Actual_Subprogram (Subp);
+ Profile := Parameter_Specifications (
+ New_Copy_Tree
+ (Specification (Unit_Declaration_Node (Actual_Subp))));
+ Form_F := First_Formal (Formal_Subp);
+ Parm_Spec := First (Profile);
+ -- Create new entities for the formals.
+ while Present (Parm_Spec) loop
+ New_F := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Form_F));
+ Set_Defining_Identifier (Parm_Spec, New_F);
+ Next (Parm_Spec);
+ Next_Formal (Form_F);
+ end loop;
+ if Ret_Type = Standard_Void_Type then
+ Spec :=
+ Make_Procedure_Specification (Loc,
+ Defining_Unit_Name => Subp,
+ Parameter_Specifications => Profile);
+ else
+ Spec :=
+ Make_Function_Specification (Loc,
+ Defining_Unit_Name => Subp,
+ Parameter_Specifications => Profile,
+ Result_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Ret_Type, Loc));
+ end if;
+ Decl :=
+ Make_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc, Specification => Spec);
+ return Decl;
+ end Build_Subprogram_Decl_Wrapper;
+ -----------------------------------
+ -- Build_Subprogram_Body_Wrapper --
+ -----------------------------------
+ function Build_Subprogram_Body_Wrapper
+ (Formal_Subp : Entity_Id;
+ Actual_Subp : Entity_Id) return Node_Id
+ is
+ Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Current_Scope);
+ Ret_Type : constant Entity_Id := Get_Instance_Of (Etype (Formal_Subp));
+ Spec_Node : constant Node_Id :=
+ Specification
+ (Build_Subprogram_Decl_Wrapper (Formal_Subp, Actual_Subp));
+ Act : Node_Id;
+ Actuals : List_Id;
+ Body_Node : Node_Id;
+ Stmt : Node_Id;
+ begin
+ Actuals := New_List;
+ Act := First (Parameter_Specifications (Spec_Node));
+ while Present (Act) loop
+ Append_To (Actuals,
+ Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Defining_Identifier (Act))));
+ Next (Act);
+ end loop;
+ if Ret_Type = Standard_Void_Type then
+ Stmt := Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
+ Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Actual_Subp, Loc),
+ Parameter_Associations => Actuals);
+ else
+ Stmt := Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc,
+ Expression =>
+ Make_Function_Call (Loc,
+ Name =>
+ New_Occurrence_Of (Actual_Subp, Loc),
+ Parameter_Associations => Actuals));
+ end if;
+ Body_Node := Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc,
+ Specification => Spec_Node,
+ Declarations => New_List,
+ Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
+ Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
+ Statements => New_List (Stmt)));
+ return Body_Node;
+ end Build_Subprogram_Body_Wrapper;
-- Build_Instance_Compilation_Unit_Nodes --
-- Create new entity for the actual (New_Copy_Tree does not), and
-- indicate that it is an actual.
- New_Subp := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Formal_Sub));
+ -- If the actual is not an entity and the formal includes aspect
+ -- specifications for contracts, we create an internal name for
+ -- the renaming declaration. The constructed wrapper contains a
+ -- call to the entity in the renaming.
+ if Ada_Version >= Ada_2020
+ and then Present (Aspect_Specifications (Analyzed_Formal))
+ then
+ New_Subp := Make_Temporary (Sloc (Actual), 'S');
+ Set_Defining_Unit_Name (New_Spec, New_Subp);
+ else
+ New_Subp := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Formal_Sub));
+ end if;
Set_Ekind (New_Subp, Ekind (Analyzed_S));
Set_Is_Generic_Actual_Subprogram (New_Subp);
Set_Defining_Unit_Name (New_Spec, New_Subp);
-- Perform atomic/volatile checks (RM C.6(12)). Note that AI05-0218-1
-- removes the second instance of the phrase "or allow pass by copy".
- -- In Ada_2020 the aspect may be specified explicitly for the formal
- -- regardless of whether an ancestor obeys it.
+ -- For Ada_2020, the aspect may be specified explicitly for the
+ -- formal regardless of whether an ancestor obeys it.
if Is_Atomic (Act_T)
and then not Is_Atomic (Ancestor)