center_window .c
+# Begin support primarily for debugging the tcl/tk portion of gdbtk. You can
+# start gdbtk, and then issue the command "tk tclsh" and a window will pop up
+# giving you direct access to the tcl interpreter. With this, it is very easy
+# to examine the values of global variables, directly invoke routines that are
+# part of the gdbtk interface, replace existing proc's with new ones, etc.
+# This code was inspired from example 11-3 in Brent Welch's "Practical
+# Programming in Tcl and Tk"
+set tcl_prompt "tcl> "
+# Get the current command that user has typed, from cmdstart to end of text
+# widget. Evaluate it, insert result back into text widget, issue a new
+# prompt, update text widget and update command start mark.
+proc evaluate_tcl_command { twidget } {
+ global tcl_prompt
+ set command [$twidget get cmdstart end]
+ if [info complete $command] {
+ set err [catch {uplevel #0 $command} result]
+ $twidget insert insert \n$result\n
+ $twidget insert insert $tcl_prompt
+ $twidget see insert
+ $twidget mark set cmdstart insert
+ return
+ }
+# Create the evaluation window and set up the keybindings to evaluate the
+# last single line entered by the user. FIXME: allow multiple lines?
+proc tclsh {} {
+ global tcl_prompt
+ # Create top level frame with scrollbar and text widget.
+ toplevel .eval
+ wm title .eval "Tcl Evaluation"
+ wm iconname .eval "Tcl"
+ text .eval.text -width 80 -height 20 -setgrid true -cursor hand2 \
+ -yscrollcommand {.eval.scroll set}
+ scrollbar .eval.scroll -command {.eval.text yview}
+ pack .eval.scroll -side left -fill y
+ pack .eval.text -side right -fill both -expand true
+ # Insert the tcl_prompt and initialize the cmdstart mark
+ .eval.text insert insert $tcl_prompt
+ .eval.text mark set cmdstart insert
+ .eval.text mark gravity cmdstart left
+ # Make this window the current one for input.
+ focus .eval.text
+ # Keybindings that limit input and evaluate things
+ bind .eval.text <Return> { evaluate_tcl_command .eval.text ; break }
+ bind .eval.text <Any-Key> {
+ if [%W compare insert < cmdstart] {
+ %W mark set insert end
+ }
+ }
+ bindtags .eval.text {.eval.text Text all}
# FIXME need to handle mono here. In Tk4 that is more complicated.
set highlight "-background red2 -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken"