parameter WIDTH = 0;
parameter LUT = 0;
+ // Need to swap input ordering, and fix init accordingly,
+ // to match ABC's expectation of LUT inputs in non-decreasing
+ // delay order
+ localparam P_WIDTH = WIDTH < 4 ? 4 : WIDTH;
+ function [P_WIDTH-1:0] permute_index;
+ input [P_WIDTH-1:0] i;
+ integer j;
+ begin
+ permute_index = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < P_WIDTH; j = j + 1)
+ permute_index[P_WIDTH-1 - j] = i[j];
+ end
+ endfunction
+ function [2**P_WIDTH-1:0] permute_init;
+ input [2**P_WIDTH-1:0] orig;
+ integer i;
+ begin
+ permute_init = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 2**P_WIDTH; i = i + 1)
+ permute_init[i] = orig[permute_index(i)];
+ end
+ endfunction
+ parameter [2**P_WIDTH-1:0] P_LUT = permute_init(LUT);
input [WIDTH-1:0] A;
output Y;
if (WIDTH == 1) begin
- .A(A[0]), .B(1'b0), .C(1'b0), .D(1'b0));
+ .A(1'b0), .B(1'b0), .C(1'b0), .D(A[0]));
end else
if (WIDTH == 2) begin
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(1'b0), .D(1'b0));
+ .A(1'b0), .B(1'b0), .C(A[1]), .D(A[0]));
end else
if (WIDTH == 3) begin
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(1'b0));
+ .A(1'b0), .B(A[2]), .C(A[1]), .D(A[0]));
end else
if (WIDTH == 4) begin
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
+ .A(A[3]), .B(A[2]), .C(A[1]), .D(A[0]));
`ifndef NO_PFUMUX
end else
if (WIDTH == 5) begin
wire f0, f1;
- LUT4 #(.INIT(LUT[15: 0])) lut0 (.Z(f0),
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
- LUT4 #(.INIT(LUT[31:16])) lut1 (.Z(f1),
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
- PFUMX mux5(.ALUT(f1), .BLUT(f0), .C0(A[4]), .Z(Y));
+ LUT4 #(.INIT(P_LUT[15: 0])) lut0 (.Z(f0),
+ .A(A[4]), .B(A[3]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[1]));
+ LUT4 #(.INIT(P_LUT[31:16])) lut1 (.Z(f1),
+ .A(A[4]), .B(A[3]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[1]));
+ PFUMX mux5(.ALUT(f1), .BLUT(f0), .C0(A[0]), .Z(Y));
end else
if (WIDTH == 6) begin
wire f0, f1, f2, f3, g0, g1;
- LUT4 #(.INIT(LUT[15: 0])) lut0 (.Z(f0),
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
- LUT4 #(.INIT(LUT[31:16])) lut1 (.Z(f1),
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
- LUT4 #(.INIT(LUT[47:32])) lut2 (.Z(f2),
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
- LUT4 #(.INIT(LUT[63:48])) lut3 (.Z(f3),
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
- PFUMX mux50(.ALUT(f1), .BLUT(f0), .C0(A[4]), .Z(g0));
- PFUMX mux51(.ALUT(f3), .BLUT(f2), .C0(A[4]), .Z(g1));
- L6MUX21 mux6 (.D0(g0), .D1(g1), .SD(A[5]), .Z(Y));
+ LUT4 #(.INIT(P_LUT[15: 0])) lut0 (.Z(f0),
+ .A(A[5]), .B(A[4]), .C(A[3]), .D(A[2]));
+ LUT4 #(.INIT(P_LUT[31:16])) lut1 (.Z(f1),
+ .A(A[5]), .B(A[4]), .C(A[3]), .D(A[2]));
+ LUT4 #(.INIT(P_LUT[47:32])) lut2 (.Z(f2),
+ .A(A[5]), .B(A[4]), .C(A[3]), .D(A[2]));
+ LUT4 #(.INIT(P_LUT[63:48])) lut3 (.Z(f3),
+ .A(A[5]), .B(A[4]), .C(A[3]), .D(A[2]));
+ PFUMX mux50(.ALUT(f1), .BLUT(f0), .C0(A[1]), .Z(g0));
+ PFUMX mux51(.ALUT(f3), .BLUT(f2), .C0(A[1]), .Z(g1));
+ L6MUX21 mux6 (.D0(g0), .D1(g1), .SD(A[0]), .Z(Y));
end else
if (WIDTH == 7) begin
wire f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, g0, g1, g2, g3, h0, h1;
- LUT4 #(.INIT(LUT[15: 0])) lut0 (.Z(f0),
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
- LUT4 #(.INIT(LUT[31:16])) lut1 (.Z(f1),
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
- LUT4 #(.INIT(LUT[47:32])) lut2 (.Z(f2),
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
- LUT4 #(.INIT(LUT[63:48])) lut3 (.Z(f3),
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
- LUT4 #(.INIT(LUT[79:64])) lut4 (.Z(f4),
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
- LUT4 #(.INIT(LUT[95:80])) lut5 (.Z(f5),
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
- LUT4 #(.INIT(LUT[111: 96])) lut6 (.Z(f6),
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
- LUT4 #(.INIT(LUT[127:112])) lut7 (.Z(f7),
- .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2]), .D(A[3]));
- PFUMX mux50(.ALUT(f1), .BLUT(f0), .C0(A[4]), .Z(g0));
- PFUMX mux51(.ALUT(f3), .BLUT(f2), .C0(A[4]), .Z(g1));
- PFUMX mux52(.ALUT(f5), .BLUT(f4), .C0(A[4]), .Z(g2));
- PFUMX mux53(.ALUT(f7), .BLUT(f6), .C0(A[4]), .Z(g3));
- L6MUX21 mux60 (.D0(g0), .D1(g1), .SD(A[5]), .Z(h0));
- L6MUX21 mux61 (.D0(g2), .D1(g3), .SD(A[5]), .Z(h1));
- L6MUX21 mux7 (.D0(h0), .D1(h1), .SD(A[6]), .Z(Y));
+ LUT4 #(.INIT(P_LUT[15: 0])) lut0 (.Z(f0),
+ .A(A[6]), .B(A[5]), .C(A[4]), .D(A[3]));
+ LUT4 #(.INIT(P_LUT[31:16])) lut1 (.Z(f1),
+ .A(A[6]), .B(A[5]), .C(A[4]), .D(A[3]));
+ LUT4 #(.INIT(P_LUT[47:32])) lut2 (.Z(f2),
+ .A(A[6]), .B(A[5]), .C(A[4]), .D(A[3]));
+ LUT4 #(.INIT(P_LUT[63:48])) lut3 (.Z(f3),
+ .A(A[6]), .B(A[5]), .C(A[4]), .D(A[3]));
+ LUT4 #(.INIT(P_LUT[79:64])) lut4 (.Z(f4),
+ .A(A[6]), .B(A[5]), .C(A[4]), .D(A[3]));
+ LUT4 #(.INIT(P_LUT[95:80])) lut5 (.Z(f5),
+ .A(A[6]), .B(A[5]), .C(A[4]), .D(A[3]));
+ LUT4 #(.INIT(P_LUT[111: 96])) lut6 (.Z(f6),
+ .A(A[6]), .B(A[5]), .C(A[4]), .D(A[3]));
+ LUT4 #(.INIT(P_LUT[127:112])) lut7 (.Z(f7),
+ .A(A[6]), .B(A[5]), .C(A[4]), .D(A[3]));
+ PFUMX mux50(.ALUT(f1), .BLUT(f0), .C0(A[2]), .Z(g0));
+ PFUMX mux51(.ALUT(f3), .BLUT(f2), .C0(A[2]), .Z(g1));
+ PFUMX mux52(.ALUT(f5), .BLUT(f4), .C0(A[2]), .Z(g2));
+ PFUMX mux53(.ALUT(f7), .BLUT(f6), .C0(A[2]), .Z(g3));
+ L6MUX21 mux60 (.D0(g0), .D1(g1), .SD(A[1]), .Z(h0));
+ L6MUX21 mux61 (.D0(g2), .D1(g3), .SD(A[1]), .Z(h1));
+ L6MUX21 mux7 (.D0(h0), .D1(h1), .SD(A[0]), .Z(Y));
end else begin
wire _TECHMAP_FAIL_ = 1;
// ---------------------------------------
+(* abc_box_id=4, lib_whitebox *)
module L6MUX21 (input D0, D1, SD, output Z);
assign Z = SD ? D1 : D0;
// ---------------------------------------
-module CCU2C(input CIN, A0, B0, C0, D0, A1, B1, C1, D1,
- output S0, S1, COUT);
+(* abc_box_id=1, abc_carry, lib_whitebox *)
+module CCU2C((* abc_carry_in *) input CIN,
+ input A0, B0, C0, D0, A1, B1, C1, D1,
+ output S0, S1,
+ (* abc_carry_out *) output COUT);
parameter [15:0] INIT0 = 16'h0000;
parameter [15:0] INIT1 = 16'h0000;
// First half
wire LUT4_0, LUT2_0;
+`ifdef _ABC
+ assign LUT4_0 = INIT0[{D0, C0, B0, A0}];
+ assign LUT2_0 = INIT0[{2'b00, B0, A0}];
LUT4 #(.INIT(INIT0)) lut4_0(.A(A0), .B(B0), .C(C0), .D(D0), .Z(LUT4_0));
LUT2 #(.INIT(INIT0[3:0])) lut2_0(.A(A0), .B(B0), .Z(LUT2_0));
wire gated_cin_0 = (INJECT1_0 == "YES") ? 1'b0 : CIN;
assign S0 = LUT4_0 ^ gated_cin_0;
// Second half
wire LUT4_1, LUT2_1;
+`ifdef _ABC
+ assign LUT4_1 = INIT1[{D1, C1, B1, A1}];
+ assign LUT2_1 = INIT1[{2'b00, B1, A1}];
LUT4 #(.INIT(INIT1)) lut4_1(.A(A1), .B(B1), .C(C1), .D(D1), .Z(LUT4_1));
LUT2 #(.INIT(INIT1[3:0])) lut2_1(.A(A1), .B(B1), .Z(LUT2_1));
wire gated_cin_1 = (INJECT1_1 == "YES") ? 1'b0 : cout_0;
assign S1 = LUT4_1 ^ gated_cin_1;
// ---------------------------------------
+(* abc_box_id=3, lib_whitebox *)
module PFUMX (input ALUT, BLUT, C0, output Z);
assign Z = C0 ? ALUT : BLUT;
// ---------------------------------------
+(* abc_box_id=2 *)
module TRELLIS_DPR16X4 (
input [3:0] DI,
input [3:0] WAD,
// ---------------------------------------
-module TRELLIS_FF(input CLK, LSR, CE, DI, M, output reg Q);
+module TRELLIS_FF(input CLK, LSR, CE, DI, M, (* abc_flop_q *) output reg Q);
parameter GSR = "ENABLED";
parameter [127:0] CEMUX = "1";
parameter CLKMUX = "CLK";
input ADA13, ADA12, ADA11, ADA10, ADA9, ADA8, ADA7, ADA6, ADA5, ADA4, ADA3, ADA2, ADA1, ADA0,
input CSA2, CSA1, CSA0,
- output DOA17, DOA16, DOA15, DOA14, DOA13, DOA12, DOA11, DOA10, DOA9, DOA8, DOA7, DOA6, DOA5, DOA4, DOA3, DOA2, DOA1, DOA0,
+ (* abc_flop_q *) output DOA17, DOA16, DOA15, DOA14, DOA13, DOA12, DOA11, DOA10, DOA9, DOA8, DOA7, DOA6, DOA5, DOA4, DOA3, DOA2, DOA1, DOA0,
input DIB17, DIB16, DIB15, DIB14, DIB13, DIB12, DIB11, DIB10, DIB9, DIB8, DIB7, DIB6, DIB5, DIB4, DIB3, DIB2, DIB1, DIB0,
input ADB13, ADB12, ADB11, ADB10, ADB9, ADB8, ADB7, ADB6, ADB5, ADB4, ADB3, ADB2, ADB1, ADB0,
input CSB2, CSB1, CSB0,
- output DOB17, DOB16, DOB15, DOB14, DOB13, DOB12, DOB11, DOB10, DOB9, DOB8, DOB7, DOB6, DOB5, DOB4, DOB3, DOB2, DOB1, DOB0
+ (* abc_flop_q *) output DOB17, DOB16, DOB15, DOB14, DOB13, DOB12, DOB11, DOB10, DOB9, DOB8, DOB7, DOB6, DOB5, DOB4, DOB3, DOB2, DOB1, DOB0
parameter DATA_WIDTH_A = 18;
parameter DATA_WIDTH_B = 18;