initial_regs, initial_sprs,
+ def case_1_sc_rfid(self):
+ lst = ["ba 3080" ] # branch to 0xc08
+ lst += ["addi 0,0,0"] * (0xbfc//4) # 0x004 to 0xbfc all NOP
+ lst += ["addi 3,0,3", # 0xc00
+ "rfid", # 0xc04
+ "sc 0", # 0xc08
+ "addi 0,0,2", # 0xc0c
+ ]
+ initial_regs = [0] * 32
+ initial_regs[1] = 1
+ initial_sprs = {'SRR0': 0x12345678, 'SRR1': 0x5678} # to overwrite
+ # expected results: PC should be at 0xc00 (sc address)
+ e = ExpectedState(pc=0xc00)
+ e.intregs[3] = 3 # due to instruction at 0xc00
+ e.intregs[1] = 1 # should be unaltered
+ e.intregs[0] = 2 # due to instruction at 0xc0c
+ e.sprs['SRR0'] = 0xc0c # PC to return to: CIA+4 (0xc0c)
+ e.sprs['SRR1'] = 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff # MSR after rfid return
+ e.msr = 0xffffffffffffffff # MSR is restored (by rfid)
+ e.pc = 0xc10 # should stop after addi 0,0,2
+ self.add_case(Program(lst, bigendian),
+ initial_regs, initial_sprs,
+ initial_msr=0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff,
+ expected=e)
def case_1_rfid(self):
lst = ["rfid"]
initial_regs = [0] * 32