#include "passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp_pm.h"
-void create_xilinx_dsp(xilinx_dsp_pm &pm)
+void pack_xilinx_dsp(xilinx_dsp_pm &pm)
auto &st = pm.st_xilinx_dsp;
-#if 0
+#if 1
log("ffA: %s\n", log_id(st.ffA, "--"));
log("ffB: %s\n", log_id(st.ffB, "--"));
- log("mul: %s\n", log_id(st.mul, "--"));
- log("ffY: %s\n", log_id(st.ffY, "--"));
+ log("dsp: %s\n", log_id(st.dsp, "--"));
+ log("ffP: %s\n", log_id(st.ffP, "--"));
+ log("muxP: %s\n", log_id(st.muxP, "--"));
+ log("P_WIDTH: %d\n", st.P_WIDTH);
- log("Analysing %s.%s for Xilinx DSP register packing.\n", log_id(pm.module), log_id(st.mul));
+ log("Analysing %s.%s for Xilinx DSP register packing.\n", log_id(pm.module), log_id(st.dsp));
- Cell *cell = st.mul;
+ Cell *cell = st.dsp;
- // Input Interface
- cell->setPort("\\A", st.sigA);
- cell->setPort("\\B", st.sigB);
- cell->setParam("\\AREG", st.ffA ? State::S1 : State::S0);
- cell->setParam("\\BREG", st.ffB ? State::S1 : State::S0);
if (st.clock != SigBit())
cell->setPort("\\CLK", st.clock);
if (st.ffA) {
+ SigSpec D = st.ffA->getPort("\\D");
+ cell->setPort("\\A", D.extend_u0(30));
cell->setParam("\\AREG", State::S1);
- cell->setPort("\\CEA2", State::S1);
+ if (st.ffA->type == "$dff")
+ cell->setPort("\\CEA2", State::S1);
+ else if (st.ffA->type == "$dffe")
+ cell->setPort("\\CEA2", st.ffA->getPort("\\EN"));
+ else log_abort();
if (st.ffB) {
+ SigSpec D = st.ffB->getPort("\\D");
+ cell->setPort("\\B", D.extend_u0(18));
cell->setParam("\\BREG", State::S1);
- cell->setPort("\\CEA2", State::S1);
+ if (st.ffB->type == "$dff")
+ cell->setPort("\\CEB2", State::S1);
+ else if (st.ffB->type == "$dffe")
+ cell->setPort("\\CEB2", st.ffB->getPort("\\EN"));
+ else log_abort();
- if (st.ffY) {
- cell->setPort("\\PREG", State::S1);
- cell->setPort("\\CEP", State::S1);
+ if (st.ffP) {
+ SigSpec P = cell->getPort("\\P");
+ SigSpec Q = st.ffP->getPort("\\Q");
+ Q.append(P.extract(GetSize(Q), -1));
+ cell->setPort("\\P", Q);
+ cell->setParam("\\PREG", State::S1);
+ if (st.ffP->type == "$dff")
+ cell->setPort("\\CEP", State::S1);
+ else if (st.ffP->type == "$dffe")
+ cell->setPort("\\CEP", st.ffP->getPort("\\EN"));
+ else log_abort();
log(" clock: %s (%s)", log_signal(st.clock), "posedge");
if (st.ffB)
log(" ffB:%s", log_id(st.ffB));
- if (st.ffY)
- log(" ffY:%s", log_id(st.ffY));
+ if (st.ffP)
+ log(" ffY:%s", log_id(st.ffP));
- // Output Interface
- pm.autoremove(st.ffY);
+ pm.autoremove(st.ffA);
+ pm.autoremove(st.ffB);
+ pm.autoremove(st.ffP);
+ pm.autoremove(st.muxP);
+ pm.blacklist(cell);
struct Ice40DspPass : public Pass {
void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) YS_OVERRIDE
- log_header(design, "Executing ICE40_DSP pass (map multipliers).\n");
+ log_header(design, "Executing XILINX_DSP pass (pack DSPs).\n");
size_t argidx;
for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++)
extra_args(args, argidx, design);
for (auto module : design->selected_modules())
- xilinx_dsp_pm(module, module->selected_cells()).run_xilinx_dsp(create_xilinx_dsp);
+ xilinx_dsp_pm(module, module->selected_cells()).run_xilinx_dsp(pack_xilinx_dsp);
} Ice40DspPass;
pattern xilinx_dsp
state <SigBit> clock
-state <SigSpec> sigA sigB sigY sigS
-state <Cell*> addAB muxAB
+state <int> P_WIDTH
-match mul
- select mul->type.in($__MUL25X18)
+match dsp
+ select dsp->type.in(\DSP48E1)
match ffA
- select ffA->type.in($dff) /* TODO: $dffe */
+ select ffA->type.in($dff, $dffe)
// select nusers(port(ffA, \Q)) == 2
- index <SigSpec> port(ffA, \Q) === port(mul, \A)
+ index <SigSpec> port(ffA, \Q).extend_u0(30) === port(dsp, \A)
// DSP48E1 does not support clock inversion
- index <SigBit> port(ffA, \CLK_POLARITY) === State::S1
+ index <Const> param(ffA, \CLK_POLARITY).as_bool() === true
-code sigA clock
- sigA = port(mul, \A);
- if (ffA) {
- sigA = port(ffA, \D);
+code clock
+ if (ffA)
clock = port(ffA, \CLK).as_bit();
- }
match ffB
- select ffB->type.in($dff)
+ select ffB->type.in($dff, $dffe)
// select nusers(port(ffB, \Q)) == 2
- index <SigSpec> port(ffB, \Q) === port(mul, \B)
- index <SigBit> port(ffB, \CLK_POLARITY) === State::S1
+ index <SigSpec> port(ffB, \Q).extend_u0(18) === port(dsp, \B)
+ index <Const> param(ffB, \CLK_POLARITY).as_bool() === true
-code sigB clock
- sigB = port(mul, \B);
+code clock
if (ffB) {
- sigB = port(ffB, \D);
SigBit c = port(ffB, \CLK).as_bit();
if (clock != SigBit() && c != clock)
+code P_WIDTH
+ SigSpec P = port(dsp, \P);
+ int i;
+ for (i = GetSize(P); i > 0; i--)
+ if (nusers(P[i-1]) > 1)
+ break;
+ P_WIDTH = i;
+match ffP
+ select ffP->type.in($dff, $dffe)
+ select nusers(port(ffP, \D)) == 2
+ filter param(ffP, \WIDTH).as_int() == P_WIDTH
+ filter port(ffP, \D) == port(dsp, \P).extract(0, P_WIDTH)
+ index <Const> param(ffP, \CLK_POLARITY) === State::S1
+ optional
+// $mux cell left behind by dff2dffe
+// would prefer not to run 'opt_expr -mux_undef'
+// since that would lose information helpful for
+// efficient wide-mux inference
+match muxP
+ if !ffP
+ select muxP->type.in($mux)
+ select port(muxP, \A).is_fully_undef()
+ filter param(muxP, \WIDTH).as_int() == P_WIDTH
+ filter port(muxP, \B) == port(dsp, \P).extract(0, P_WIDTH)
+ select nusers(port(muxP, \B)) == 2
+ optional
match ffY
- select ffY->type.in($dff)
+ if muxP
+ select ffY->type.in($dff, $dffe)
select nusers(port(ffY, \D)) == 2
- index <SigSpec> port(ffY, \D) === port(mul, \Y)
- index <SigBit> port(ffY, \CLK_POLARITY) === State::S1
- optional
+ index <SigSpec> port(ffY, \D) === port(muxP, \Y)
-code sigY clock
- sigY = port(mul, \Y);
+code ffP clock
+ if (ffY)
+ ffP = ffY;
- if (ffY) {
- sigY = port(ffY, \Q);
- SigBit c = port(ffY, \CLK).as_bit();
+ if (ffP) {
+ SigBit c = port(ffP, \CLK).as_bit();
if (clock != SigBit() && c != clock)