Yosys 0.13 .. Yosys 0.13-dev
+ * Various
+ - Added $bmux and $demux cells and related optimization patterns.
+ * New commands and options
+ - Added "bmuxmap" and "dmuxmap" passes
+ - Added "-fst" option to "sim" pass for writing FST files
+ - Added "-r", "-scope", "-start", "-stop", "-at", "-sim", "-sim-gate",
+ "-sim-gold" options to "sim" pass for co-simulation
+ * Anlogic support
+ - Added support for BRAMs
Yosys 0.12 .. Yosys 0.13
module attribute).
+\section{bmuxmap -- transform \$bmux cells to trees of \$mux cells}
+ bmuxmap [selection]
+This pass transforms $bmux cells to trees of $mux cells.
\section{bugpoint -- minimize testcases}
"Demote" inout ports to input or output ports, if possible.
+\section{demuxmap -- transform \$demux cells to \$eq + \$mux cells}
+ demuxmap [selection]
+This pass transforms $demux cells to a bunch of equality comparisons.
\section{design -- save, restore and reset current design}
-inpad <celltype> <in_port>[:<ext_port>]
Map module input ports to the given cell type with the
given output port name. if a 2nd portname is given, the
- signal is passed through the pad call, using the 2nd
+ signal is passed through the pad cell, using the 2nd
portname as the port facing the module port.
-outpad <celltype> <out_port>[:<ext_port>]
-vcd <filename>
write the simulation results to the given VCD file
+ -fst <filename>
+ write the simulation results to the given FST file
-clock <portname>
name of top-level clock input
include the specified timescale declaration in the vcd
-n <integer>
- number of cycles to simulate (default: 20)
+ number of clock cycles to simulate (default: 20)
- include all nets in VCD output, not just those with public names
+ use all nets in VCD/FST operations, not just those with public names
writeback mode: use final simulation state as new init state
+ -r
+ read simulation results file (file formats supported: FST)
+ -scope
+ scope of simulation top model
+ -at <time>
+ sets start and stop time
+ -start <time>
+ start co-simulation in arbitary time (default 0)
+ -stop <time>
+ stop co-simulation in arbitary time (default END)
+ -sim
+ simulation with stimulus from FST (default)
+ -sim-cmp
+ co-simulation expect exact match
+ -sim-gold
+ co-simulation, x in simulation can match any value in FST
+ -sim-gate
+ co-simulation, x in FST can match any value in simulation
enable debug output
do not use EG_LOGIC_DRAM16X4 cells in output netlist
+ -nobram
+ do not use EG_PHY_BRAM or EG_PHY_BRAM32K cells in output netlist
The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
synth -run coarse
+ map_bram: (skip if -nobram)
+ memory_bram -rules +/anlogic/brams.txt
+ techmap -map +/anlogic/brams_map.v
+ setundef -zero -params t:EG_PHY_BRAM
+ setundef -zero -params t:EG_PHY_BRAM32K
map_lutram: (skip if -nolutram)
memory_bram -rules +/anlogic/lutrams.txt
techmap -map +/anlogic/lutrams_map.v
write_blif -attr -param -auto-top
+ write_verilog -noattr -nohex <file-name>
\section{synth\_sf2 -- synthesis for SmartFusion2 and IGLOO2 FPGAs}
Write a FIRRTL netlist of the current design.
The following commands are executed by this command:
+ bmuxmap
+ demuxmap
\section{write\_ilang -- (deprecated) alias of write\_rtlil}