# if there was not an explicit CR0 in the pseudocode,
# do implicit Rc=1
c = self.handle_comparison(result, regnum, overflow, no_so=is_setvl)
- log("implicit cr0", c)
+ log("implicit cr0 %d" % regnum, c)
# otherwise we just blat CR0 into the required regnum
- log("explicit cr0", cr0)
+ log("explicit cr0 %d" % regnum, cr0)
def do_outregs(self, info, outs, ca_en, ffirst_hit, ew_dst, outs_ok):
from openpower.simulator.program import Program
from openpower.insndb.asm import SVP64Asm
from openpower.util import log
+from openpower.decoder.isa.maxloc import m2
self.assertEqual(sim.gpr(i), SelectableInt(expected[i], 64))
def test_sv_maxloc_1(self):
- self.sv_maxloc([1,2,3,0])
+ self.sv_maxloc([0,6,1,7])
def tst_sv_maxloc_2(self):
#"addi 6, 0, 0", # initialise r6 to zero
#"sv.lbzu/pi/dw=8 *6, 1(4)", # should be /lf here as well
# while (i<n and a[i]<=m) : i += 1
- "sv.minmax./ff=ge *5, *10, *4, 1", # scalar RB=RT
+ "sv.minmax./ff=ge/m=ge *5, *10, *4, 1", # scalar RB=RT
"sv.mcrf/m=ge *4,*0", # masked-copy CR0-CR3 to CR4-CR7
"setvl 3,0,4,0,1,1", # set MVL=4, VL=MIN(MVL,CTR)
"sv.addi/mr/m=lt 4, *5, 0", # r4 = last non-masked value
- "sv.minmax./ff=lt/m=ge 4, *10, 4, 1", # scalar RB=RT
+ "mtcrf 128, 0", # clear CR0
+ "sv.minmax./ff=lt/m=ge/vli 4, *10, 4, 1", # scalar RB=RT
"sv.svstep/mr 2, 0, 6, 1", # svstep: get vector dststep
- "setvl 3,0,4,0,1,1", # set MVL=4, VL=MIN(MVL,CTR)
- "sv.bc/all/m=ge 16, 19, -0x38", # until r10[i]>r4 (and dec CTR)
+ "sv.creqv *16,*16,*16", # masked-copy CR0-CR3 to CR4-CR7
+ "bc 12,0, -0x3c" # CR0 lt bit clear, branch back
+ #"setvl 3,0,4,0,1,1", # set MVL=4, VL=MIN(MVL,CTR)
+ #"sv.bc/all/m=ge 16, 19, -0x3c", # until r10[i]>r4 (and dec CTR)
lst = list(lst)