#10961: Grub2 fails to build for x86_64 when BR2_SSP_ALL is
+2018.02.10, Released January 31th, 2019
+ Important / security related fixes.
+ Defconfigs: Fixes for Lego EV3, QEMU AArch64-virt
+ check-package: fix Python 3 support
+ get-developers: Fix behaviour when called from elsewhere than
+ the toplevel directory.
+ cmake: Also set CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION in toolchainfile.cmake
+ Updated/fixed packages: acpica, apache, apr, asterisk,
+ avrdude, cargo, cc-tool, dash, dhcpdump, dmalloc, gnuchess,
+ gnupg2, leveldb, libarchive, libassuan, libftdi1,
+ libgpg-error, libhttpparser, libmad, libsndfile, libsquish,
+ liburiparser, libwebsock, libxml2, lighttpd, lm-sensors,
+ lua-msgpack-native, mbedtls, mosquitto, netatalk, nodejs,
+ openssh, pango, patchelf, php, python-django, python-pyyaml,
+ rauc, rp-pppoe, s6-networking, samba4, sdl_sound,
+ shairport-sync, sqlite, subversion, sunxi-cedarx, tcpreplay,
+ tekui, usb_modeswitch, webkitgtk, wireshark, wolfssl,
+ xapp_rgb, xenomai, xerces
+ Issues resolved (http://bugs.uclibc.org):
+ #11576: Unable to start apache with event MPM on raspberry pi 3
2018.02.9, Released December 20th, 2018
Important / security related fixes.