enum flag {
clc = 1 << 0,
llvm = 1 << 1,
- native = 1 << 2
+ native = 1 << 2,
+ spirv = 1 << 3,
inline bool
{ "llvm", llvm, "Dump the generated LLVM IR for all kernels." },
{ "native", native, "Dump kernel assembly code for targets "
"specifying PIPE_SHADER_IR_NATIVE" },
+ { "spirv", spirv, "Dump the generated SPIR-V for all kernels." },
static const unsigned flags =
return spvTool.Validate(reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(binary.data()),
binary.size() / 4u);
+clover::spirv::print_module(const std::vector<char> &binary,
+ const std::string &opencl_version) {
+ const spv_target_env target_env =
+ convert_opencl_str_to_target_env(opencl_version);
+ spvtools::SpirvTools spvTool(target_env);
+ spv_context spvContext = spvContextCreate(target_env);
+ if (!spvContext)
+ return "Failed to create an spv_context for disassembling the module.";
+ spv_text disassembly;
+ spvBinaryToText(spvContext,
+ reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(binary.data()),
+ binary.size() / 4u, SPV_BINARY_TO_TEXT_OPTION_NONE,
+ &disassembly, nullptr);
+ spvContextDestroy(spvContext);
+ const std::string disassemblyStr = disassembly->str;
+ spvTextDestroy(disassembly);
+ return disassemblyStr;
clover::spirv::is_valid_spirv(const std::vector<char> &/*binary*/,
r_log += "SPIR-V support in clover is not enabled.\n";
+clover::spirv::print_module(const std::vector<char> &binary,
+ const std::string &opencl_version) {
+ return std::string();
// link dependencies between them.
module link_program(const std::vector<module> &modules, const device &dev,
const std::string &opts, std::string &r_log);
+ // Returns a textual representation of the given binary.
+ std::string print_module(const std::vector<char> &binary,
+ const std::string &opencl_version);