namespace theory {
namespace arith {
-namespace attr {
- struct ToIntegerTag { };
- struct LinearIntDivTag { };
- struct LinearDivTag { };
-}/* CVC4::theory::arith::attr namespace */
- * This attribute maps the child of a to_int / is_int to the
- * corresponding integer skolem.
- */
-typedef expr::CDAttribute<attr::ToIntegerTag, Node> ToIntegerAttr;
- * This attribute maps division-by-constant-k terms to a variable
- * used to eliminate them.
- */
-typedef expr::CDAttribute<attr::LinearIntDivTag, Node> LinearIntDivAttr;
-typedef expr::CDAttribute<attr::LinearDivTag, Node> LinearDivAttr;
static Node toSumNode(const ArithVariables& vars, const DenseMap<Rational>& sum);
static double fRand(double fMin, double fMax);
static bool complexityBelow(const DenseMap<Rational>& row, uint32_t cap);
- d_statistics()
+ d_statistics(),
+ d_to_int_skolem(u),
+ d_div_skolem(u),
+ d_int_div_skolem(u)
// return safeConstructNary(nb);
-// Returns a skolem variable that is constrained to equal
-// division_total(num, den) in the current context. May add lemmas to out.
-static Node getSkolemConstrainedToDivisionTotal(
- Node num, Node den, OutputChannel* out) {
- NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
- Node total_div_node = nm->mkNode(kind::DIVISION_TOTAL, num, den);
- Node total_div_skolem;
- if(total_div_node.getAttribute(LinearDivAttr(), total_div_skolem)) {
- return total_div_skolem;
- }
- total_div_skolem = nm->mkSkolem("DivisionTotalSkolem", nm->realType(),
- "the result of a div term");
- total_div_node.setAttribute(LinearDivAttr(), total_div_skolem);
- Node zero = mkRationalNode(0);
- Node lemma = den.eqNode(zero).iteNode(
- total_div_skolem.eqNode(zero), num.eqNode(mkMult(total_div_skolem, den)));
- out->lemma(lemma);
- return total_div_skolem;
// Integer division axioms:
// These concenrate the high level constructs needed to constrain the functions:
// div, mod, div_total and mod_total.
// when_den_is_zero);
// }
-// Returns a skolem variable that is constrained to equal
-// integer_division_total(num, den) in the current context. May add lemmas to
-// out.
-static Node getSkolemConstrainedToIntegerDivisionTotal(
- Node num, Node den, OutputChannel* out) {
- NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
- Node total_div_node = nm->mkNode(kind::INTS_DIVISION_TOTAL, num, den);
- Node total_div_skolem;
- if(total_div_node.getAttribute(LinearIntDivAttr(), total_div_skolem)) {
- return total_div_skolem;
- }
- total_div_skolem = nm->mkSkolem("linearIntDiv", nm->integerType(),
- "the result of an intdiv term");
- total_div_node.setAttribute(LinearIntDivAttr(), total_div_skolem);
- out->lemma(mkAxiomForTotalIntDivision(num, den, total_div_skolem));
- return total_div_skolem;
void TheoryArithPrivate::setMasterEqualityEngine(eq::EqualityEngine* eq) {
case kind::TO_INTEGER:
case kind::IS_INTEGER: {
Node toIntSkolem;
- if(!n[0].getAttribute(ToIntegerAttr(), toIntSkolem)) {
+ NodeMap::const_iterator it = d_to_int_skolem.find( n[0] );
+ if( it==d_to_int_skolem.end() ){
toIntSkolem = nm->mkSkolem("toInt", nm->integerType(),
"a conversion of a Real term to its Integer part");
- n[0].setAttribute(ToIntegerAttr(), toIntSkolem);
+ d_to_int_skolem[n[0]] = toIntSkolem;
// n[0] - 1 < toIntSkolem <= n[0]
// -1 < toIntSkolem - n[0] <= 0
// 0 <= n[0] - toIntSkolem < 1
Node one = mkRationalNode(1);
Node lem = mkAxiomForTotalIntDivision(n[0], one, toIntSkolem);
+ }else{
+ toIntSkolem = (*it).second;
if(k == kind::IS_INTEGER) {
return nm->mkNode(kind::EQUAL, n[0], toIntSkolem);
// these should be removed during expand definitions
Assert( false );
-/*//AJR : This version seems to cause memory corruption, see bugs 803-805
- // The only difference w.r.t the code below is that the integer division skolem is shared between MOD AND DIV terms.
- // There may be an issue related to garbage collection on attributes, TODO : revisit this.
- case kind::INTS_MODULUS_TOTAL:
- case kind::INTS_DIVISION_TOTAL: {
- Node den = Rewriter::rewrite(n[1]);
- if (!options::rewriteDivk() && den.isConst()) {
- return n;
- }
- Node num = Rewriter::rewrite(n[0]);
- if( k == kind::INTS_MODULUS_TOTAL ){
- Node dk = getSkolemConstrainedToIntegerDivisionTotal(num, den, d_containing.d_out);
- return node = nm->mkNode(kind::MINUS, num, nm->mkNode(kind::MULT, den, dk));
- } else{
- Assert(k == kind::INTS_DIVISION_TOTAL);
- return getSkolemConstrainedToIntegerDivisionTotal(num, den, d_containing.d_out);
- }
- }
- case kind::DIVISION_TOTAL: {
- Node num = Rewriter::rewrite(n[0]);
- Node den = Rewriter::rewrite(n[1]);
- Assert(!den.isConst());
- return getSkolemConstrainedToDivisionTotal(num, den, d_containing.d_out);
- }
- */
case kind::INTS_MODULUS_TOTAL: {
Node num = Rewriter::rewrite(n[0]);
Node intVar;
Node rw = nm->mkNode(k, num, den);
- if(!rw.getAttribute(LinearIntDivAttr(), intVar)) {
+ NodeMap::const_iterator it = d_int_div_skolem.find( rw );
+ if( it==d_int_div_skolem.end() ){
intVar = nm->mkSkolem("linearIntDiv", nm->integerType(), "the result of an intdiv-by-k term");
- rw.setAttribute(LinearIntDivAttr(), intVar);
+ d_div_skolem[rw] = intVar;
Node lem;
if (den.isConst()) {
const Rational& rat = den.getConst<Rational>();
if( !lem.isNull() ){
+ }else{
+ intVar = (*it).second;
if( k==kind::INTS_MODULUS_TOTAL ){
Node node = nm->mkNode(kind::MINUS, num, nm->mkNode(kind::MULT, den, intVar));
Node var;
Node rw = nm->mkNode(k, num, den);
- if(!rw.getAttribute(LinearDivAttr(), var)) {
+ NodeMap::const_iterator it = d_div_skolem.find( rw );
+ if( it==d_div_skolem.end() ){
var = nm->mkSkolem("nonlinearDiv", nm->realType(), "the result of a non-linear div term");
- rw.setAttribute(LinearDivAttr(), var);
+ d_div_skolem[rw] = var;
d_containing.d_out->lemma(nm->mkNode(kind::IMPLIES, den.eqNode(nm->mkConst(Rational(0))).negate(), nm->mkNode(kind::MULT, den, var).eqNode(num)));
+ }else{
+ var = (*it).second;
return var;