Node boundVarList = nm->mkNode(kind::BOUND_VAR_LIST, boundVars);
Node body = rewriteBooleanTermsRec(top[1], theory::THEORY_BOOL, quantBoolVars);
- Node quant = nm->mkNode(top.getKind(), boundVarList, body);
+ Node quant;
+ if( top.getNumChildren()==3 ){
+ Node ipl = rewriteBooleanTermsRec(top[2], theory::THEORY_BOOL, quantBoolVars);
+ quant = nm->mkNode(top.getKind(), boundVarList, body, ipl );
+ }else{
+ quant = nm->mkNode(top.getKind(), boundVarList, body);
+ }
Debug("bt") << "rewrote quantifier to -> " << quant << endl;
d_termCache[make_pair(top, theory::THEORY_BOOL)] = quant;
d_termCache[make_pair(top, theory::THEORY_BUILTIN)] = quant.iteNode(d_tt, d_ff);
k != kind::RECORD_SELECT &&
k != kind::RECORD_UPDATE &&
k != kind::DIVISIBLE &&
- // Theory parametric functions go here
- k != kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_UBV &&
- k != kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_SBV &&
- ) {
+ // Theory parametric functions go here
+ k != kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_UBV &&
+ k != kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_SBV &&
+ ) {
Debug("bt") << "rewriting: " << top.getOperator() << endl;
result.top() << rewriteBooleanTermsRec(top.getOperator(), theory::THEORY_BUILTIN, quantBoolVars);
Debug("bt") << "got: " << result.top().getOperator() << endl;
#include "theory/bv/theory_bv_utils.h"
#include "util/bitvector.h"
+#include "theory/quantifiers/options.h"
using namespace CVC4;
using namespace CVC4::kind;
using namespace CVC4::context;
return -1;
-bool SygusSplit::hasKind( TypeNode tn, Kind k ) {
+bool SygusSplit::hasKind( TypeNode tn, Kind k ) {
return getKindArg( tn, k )!=-1;
-bool SygusSplit::hasConst( TypeNode tn, Node n ) {
+bool SygusSplit::hasConst( TypeNode tn, Node n ) {
return getConstArg( tn, n )!=-1;
Assert( isRegistered( tn ) );
std::map< TypeNode, std::map< int, Kind > >::iterator itt = d_arg_kind.find( tn );
if( itt!=d_arg_kind.end() ){
- return itt->second.find( i )!=itt->second.end();
+ return itt->second.find( i )!=itt->second.end();
return false;
Assert( isRegistered( tn ) );
std::map< TypeNode, std::map< int, Node > >::iterator itt = d_arg_const.find( tn );
if( itt!=d_arg_const.end() ){
- return itt->second.find( i )!=itt->second.end();
+ return itt->second.find( i )!=itt->second.end();
return false;
-void SygusSplit::getSygusSplits( Node n, const Datatype& dt, std::vector< Node >& splits ) {
+void SygusSplit::getSygusSplits( Node n, const Datatype& dt, std::vector< Node >& splits, std::vector< Node >& lemmas ) {
Assert( dt.isSygus() );
- Trace("sygus-split") << "Get sygus splits " << n << std::endl;
- //get the kinds for child datatype
- TypeNode tnn = n.getType();
- registerSygusType( tnn, dt );
- //get parent information, if possible
- int csIndex = -1;
- int sIndex = -1;
- if( n.getKind()==APPLY_SELECTOR_TOTAL ){
- Node op = n.getOperator();
- Expr selectorExpr = op.toExpr();
- const Datatype& pdt = Datatype::datatypeOf(selectorExpr);
- Assert( pdt.isSygus() );
- csIndex = Datatype::cindexOf(selectorExpr);
- sIndex = Datatype::indexOf(selectorExpr);
- TypeNode tnnp = n[0].getType();
- //register the constructors that are redundant children of argument sIndex of constructor index csIndex of dt
- registerSygusTypeConstructorArg( tnn, dt, tnnp, pdt, csIndex, sIndex );
- //relationships between arguments
- /*
- if( isKindArg( tnnp, csIndex ) ){
- Kind parentKind = d_arg_kind[tnnp][csIndex];
- if( isComm( parentKind ) ){
- //if commutative, normalize based on term ordering (the constructor index of left arg must be less than or equal to the right arg)
- Trace("sygus-split-debug") << "Commutative operator : " << parentKind << std::endl;
- if( pdt[csIndex].getNumArgs()==2 ){
- TypeNode tn1 = TypeNode::fromType( ((SelectorType)pdt[csIndex][0].getType()).getRangeType() );
- TypeNode tn2 = TypeNode::fromType( ((SelectorType)pdt[csIndex][1].getType()).getRangeType() );
- if( tn1==tn2 ){
- if( sIndex==1 ){
+ if( d_splits.find( n )==d_splits.end() ){
+ Trace("sygus-split") << "Get sygus splits " << n << std::endl;
+ //get the kinds for child datatype
+ TypeNode tnn = n.getType();
+ registerSygusType( tnn, dt );
+ //get parent information, if possible
+ int csIndex = -1;
+ int sIndex = -1;
+ Node onComm;
+ if( n.getKind()==APPLY_SELECTOR_TOTAL ){
+ Node op = n.getOperator();
+ Expr selectorExpr = op.toExpr();
+ const Datatype& pdt = Datatype::datatypeOf(selectorExpr);
+ Assert( pdt.isSygus() );
+ csIndex = Datatype::cindexOf(selectorExpr);
+ sIndex = Datatype::indexOf(selectorExpr);
+ TypeNode tnnp = n[0].getType();
+ //register the constructors that are redundant children of argument sIndex of constructor index csIndex of dt
+ registerSygusTypeConstructorArg( tnn, dt, tnnp, pdt, csIndex, sIndex );
+ //relationships between arguments
+ if( isKindArg( tnnp, csIndex ) ){
+ Kind parentKind = d_arg_kind[tnnp][csIndex];
+ if( sIndex==1 && isComm( parentKind ) ){
+ //if commutative, normalize based on term ordering (the constructor index of left arg must be less than or equal to the right arg)
+ Trace("sygus-split-debug") << "Commutative operator : " << parentKind << std::endl;
+ if( pdt[csIndex].getNumArgs()==2 ){
+ TypeNode tn1 = TypeNode::fromType( ((SelectorType)pdt[csIndex][0].getType()).getRangeType() );
+ TypeNode tn2 = TypeNode::fromType( ((SelectorType)pdt[csIndex][1].getType()).getRangeType() );
+ if( tn1==tn2 ){
registerSygusTypeConstructorArg( tnn, dt, tnnp, pdt, csIndex, 0 );
- }
- for( unsigned i=1; i<pdt.getNumConstructors(); i++ ){
- if( d_sygus_pc_nred[tnn][csIndex][i] ){
- std::vector< Node > lem_c;
- for( unsigned j=0; j<i; j++ ){
- if( d_sygus_pc_nred[tnn][csIndex][j] ){
- lem_c.push_back(
- }
- }
- }
+ onComm = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( APPLY_SELECTOR_TOTAL, Node::fromExpr( pdt[csIndex][0].getSelector() ), n[0] );
- */
- }
- for( unsigned i=0; i<dt.getNumConstructors(); i++ ){
- bool addSplit = d_sygus_nred[tnn][i];
- if( addSplit ){
- if( csIndex!=-1 ){
- addSplit = d_sygus_pc_nred[tnn][csIndex][sIndex][i];
- }
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<dt.getNumConstructors(); i++ ){
+ Trace("sygus-split-debug2") << "Add split " << n << " : constructor " << i << " : ";
+ Assert( d_sygus_nred.find( tnn )!=d_sygus_nred.end() );
+ bool addSplit = d_sygus_nred[tnn][i];
if( addSplit ){
- Node test = DatatypesRewriter::mkTester( n, i, dt );
- splits.push_back( test );
+ if( csIndex!=-1 ){
+ Assert( d_sygus_pc_nred[tnn][csIndex].find( sIndex )!=d_sygus_pc_nred[tnn][csIndex].end() );
+ addSplit = d_sygus_pc_nred[tnn][csIndex][sIndex][i];
+ }
+ if( addSplit ){
+ Node test = DatatypesRewriter::mkTester( n, i, dt );
+ if( options::sygusNormalFormArg() ){
+ //strengthen based on commutativity, if possible
+ if( !onComm.isNull() ){
+ std::vector< Node > lem_c;
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<=i; j++ ){
+ if( d_sygus_pc_nred[tnn][csIndex][0][i] ){
+ lem_c.push_back( DatatypesRewriter::mkTester( onComm, j, dt ) );
+ }
+ }
+ Assert( !lem_c.empty() );
+ Node commStr = lem_c.size()==1 ? lem_c[0] : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( OR, lem_c );
+ Trace("sygus-nf") << "...strengthen " << test << " based on commutatitivity : " << commStr << std::endl;
+ test = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( AND, test, commStr );
+ }
+ }
+ d_splits[n].push_back( test );
+ Trace("sygus-split-debug2") << "SUCCESS" << std::endl;
+ }else{
+ Trace("sygus-split-debug2") << "redundant argument" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }else{
+ Trace("sygus-split-debug2") << "redundant operator" << std::endl;
+ Assert( !d_splits[n].empty() );
- Assert( !splits.empty() );
+ //copy to splits
+ splits.insert( splits.end(), d_splits[n].begin(), d_splits[n].end() );
void SygusSplit::registerSygusType( TypeNode tn, const Datatype& dt ) {
Trace("sygus-split") << std::endl;
//compute the redundant operators
for( unsigned i=0; i<dt.getNumConstructors(); i++ ){
bool nred = true;
return false;
return true;