- The "tri", "triand", "trior", "wand" and "wor" net types
-- The "library" and "configuration" source file formats
+- The "config" keyword and library map files
-- The "disable" and "primitive" statements
+- The "disable", "primitive" and "specify" statements
- Latched logic (is synthesized as logic with feedback loops)
- Implement missing Verilog 2005 features:
- Signed constants
+ - Constant functions
+ - Indexed part selects
+ - Multi-dimensional arrays
- ROM modelling using "initial" blocks
+ - The "defparam <cell_name>.<parameter_name> = <value>;" syntax
- Builtin primitive gates (and, nand, cmos, nmos, pmos, etc..)
- Ignore what needs to be ignored (e.g. drive and charge strenghts)
- Check standard vs. implementation to identify missing features