return body;
-Node QuantifiersRewriter::computePrenex( Node body, std::vector< Node >& args, bool pol ){
+Node QuantifiersRewriter::computePrenex( Node body, std::vector< Node >& args, std::vector< Node >& nargs, bool pol ){
if( body.getKind()==FORALL ){
- if( pol && ( options::prenexQuant()==PRENEX_ALL || body.getNumChildren()==2 ) ){
+ if( ( pol || options::prenexQuantAgg() ) && ( options::prenexQuant()==PRENEX_ALL || body.getNumChildren()==2 ) ){
std::vector< Node > terms;
std::vector< Node > subs;
//for doing prenexing of same-signed quantifiers
terms.push_back( body[0][i] );
subs.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkBoundVar( body[0][i].getType() ) );
- args.insert( args.end(), subs.begin(), subs.end() );
+ if( pol ){
+ args.insert( args.end(), subs.begin(), subs.end() );
+ }else{
+ nargs.insert( nargs.end(), subs.begin(), subs.end() );
+ }
Node newBody = body[1];
newBody = newBody.substitute( terms.begin(), terms.end(), subs.begin(), subs.end() );
return newBody;
- }else{
- return body;
- }else{
+ //must remove structure
+ }else if( options::prenexQuantAgg() && body.getKind()==kind::ITE && body.getType().isBoolean() ){
+ Node nn = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND,
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::OR, body[0].notNode(), body[1] ),
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::OR, body[0], body[2] ) );
+ return computePrenex( nn, args, nargs, pol );
+ }else if( options::prenexQuantAgg() && body.getKind()==kind::IFF ){
+ Node nn = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND,
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::OR, body[0].notNode(), body[1] ),
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::OR, body[0], body[1].notNode() ) );
+ return computePrenex( nn, args, nargs, pol );
+ }else if( body.getType().isBoolean() ){
Assert( body.getKind()!=EXISTS );
bool childrenChanged = false;
std::vector< Node > newChildren;
bool newPol;
QuantPhaseReq::getPolarity( body, i, true, pol, newHasPol, newPol );
if( newHasPol ){
- Node n = computePrenex( body[i], args, newPol );
+ Node n = computePrenex( body[i], args, nargs, newPol );
newChildren.push_back( n );
if( n!=body[i] ){
childrenChanged = true;
return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( body.getKind(), newChildren );
+ }
+ }
+ return body;
+Node QuantifiersRewriter::computePrenexAgg( Node n ){
+ if( containsQuantifiers( n ) ){
+ if( n.getKind()==NOT ){
+ return computePrenexAgg( n[0] ).negate();
+ }else if( n.getKind()==FORALL ){
+ Node nn = computePrenexAgg( n[1] );
+ if( nn!=n[1] ){
+ if( n.getNumChildren()==2 ){
+ return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( FORALL, n[0], nn );
+ }else{
+ return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( FORALL, n[0], nn, n[2] );
+ }
+ }
- return body;
+ std::vector< Node > args;
+ std::vector< Node > nargs;
+ Node nn = computePrenex( n, args, nargs, true );
+ if( n!=nn ){
+ Node nnn = computePrenexAgg( nn );
+ //merge prenex
+ if( nnn.getKind()==FORALL ){
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<nnn[0].getNumChildren(); i++ ){
+ args.push_back( nnn[0][i] );
+ }
+ nnn = nnn[1];
+ //pos polarity variables are inner
+ if( !args.empty() ){
+ nnn = mkForall( args, nnn, true );
+ }
+ args.clear();
+ }else if( nnn.getKind()==NOT && nnn[0].getKind()==FORALL ){
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<nnn[0][0].getNumChildren(); i++ ){
+ nargs.push_back( nnn[0][0][i] );
+ }
+ nnn = nnn[0][1].negate();
+ }
+ if( !nargs.empty() ){
+ nnn = mkForall( nargs, nnn.negate(), true ).negate();
+ }
+ if( !args.empty() ){
+ nnn = mkForall( args, nnn, true );
+ }
+ return nnn;
+ }else{
+ Assert( args.empty() );
+ Assert( nargs.empty() );
+ }
+ return n;
Node QuantifiersRewriter::computeSplit( std::vector< Node >& args, Node body, QAttributes& qa ) {
return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::FORALL, children );
+Node QuantifiersRewriter::mkForall( std::vector< Node >& args, Node body, bool marked ) {
+ if( args.empty() ){
+ return body;
+ }else{
+ std::vector< Node > children;
+ children.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::BOUND_VAR_LIST, args ) );
+ children.push_back( body );
+ std::vector< Node > iplc;
+ if( marked ){
+ Node avar = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( "id", NodeManager::currentNM()->booleanType() );
+ QuantIdNumAttribute ida;
+ avar.setAttribute(ida,0);
+ iplc.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( INST_ATTRIBUTE, avar ) );
+ }
+ if( !iplc.empty() ){
+ children.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( INST_PATTERN_LIST, iplc ) );
+ }
+ return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( FORALL, children );
+ }
//computes miniscoping, also eliminates variables that do not occur free in body
Node QuantifiersRewriter::computeMiniscoping( std::vector< Node >& args, Node body, QAttributes& qa ){
//general method for computing various rewrites
Node QuantifiersRewriter::computeOperation( Node f, int computeOption, QAttributes& qa ){
- Trace("quantifiers-rewrite-debug") << "Compute operation " << computeOption << " on " << f << std::endl;
+ Trace("quantifiers-rewrite-debug") << "Compute operation " << computeOption << " on " << f << " " << qa.d_qid_num << std::endl;
std::vector< Node > args;
for( unsigned i=0; i<f[0].getNumChildren(); i++ ){
args.push_back( f[0][i] );
if( computeOption==COMPUTE_ELIM_SYMBOLS ){
n = computeElimSymbols( n );
}else if( computeOption==COMPUTE_MINISCOPING ){
+ if( options::prenexQuantAgg() ){
+ //if( isPrenexNormalForm( n ) ){
+ if( !qa.d_qid_num.isNull() ){
+ return f;
+ }
+ }
//return directly
return computeMiniscoping( args, n, qa );
}else if( computeOption==COMPUTE_AGGRESSIVE_MINISCOPING ){
}else if( computeOption==COMPUTE_COND_SPLIT ){
n = computeCondSplit( n, qa );
}else if( computeOption==COMPUTE_PRENEX ){
- n = computePrenex( n, args, true );
+ if( options::prenexQuantAgg() ){
+ //Node pf = computePrenexAgg( f );
+ //Assert( isPrenexNormalForm( pf ) );
+ //will do it at preprocess time
+ return f;
+ }else{
+ std::vector< Node > nargs;
+ n = computePrenex( n, args, nargs, true );
+ Assert( nargs.empty() );
+ }
}else if( computeOption==COMPUTE_VAR_ELIMINATION ){
n = computeVarElimination( n, args, qa );
return cq;
+bool QuantifiersRewriter::isPrenexNormalForm( Node n ) {
+ if( n.getKind()==FORALL ){
+ return n[1].getKind()!=FORALL && isPrenexNormalForm( n[1] );
+ }else if( n.getKind()==NOT ){
+ return n[0].getKind()!=NOT && isPrenexNormalForm( n[0] );
+ }else{
+ return !containsQuantifiers( n );
+ }
Node QuantifiersRewriter::preSkolemizeQuantifiers( Node n, bool polarity, std::vector< TypeNode >& fvTypes, std::vector< TNode >& fvs ){
Trace("pre-sk") << "Pre-skolem " << n << " " << polarity << " " << fvs.size() << endl;
+ //pull all quantifiers globally
+ if( options::prenexQuantAgg() ){
+ n = quantifiers::QuantifiersRewriter::computePrenexAgg( n );
+ Assert( isPrenexNormalForm( n ) );
+ }
if( n!=prev ){
Trace("quantifiers-preprocess") << "Preprocess " << prev << std::endl;
Trace("quantifiers-preprocess") << "..returned " << n << std::endl;
static bool addCheckElimChild( std::vector< Node >& children, Node c, Kind k, std::map< Node, bool >& lit_pol, bool& childrenChanged );
static void addNodeToOrBuilder( Node n, NodeBuilder<>& t );
- static Node mkForAll( std::vector< Node >& args, Node body, QAttributes& qa );
static void computeArgs( std::vector< Node >& args, std::map< Node, bool >& activeMap, Node n, std::map< Node, bool >& visited );
static void computeArgVec( std::vector< Node >& args, std::vector< Node >& activeArgs, Node n );
static void computeArgVec2( std::vector< Node >& args, std::vector< Node >& activeArgs, Node n, Node ipl );
static bool computeVariableElimLit( Node n, bool pol, std::vector< Node >& args, std::vector< Node >& var, std::vector< Node >& subs,
std::map< Node, std::map< bool, std::map< Node, bool > > >& num_bounds );
static Node computeVarElimination2( Node body, std::vector< Node >& args, QAttributes& qa );
static Node computeElimSymbols( Node body );
static Node computeMiniscoping( std::vector< Node >& args, Node body, QAttributes& qa );
static Node computeAggressiveMiniscoping( std::vector< Node >& args, Node body );
//cache is dependent upon currCond, icache is not, new_conds are negated conditions
static Node computeProcessTerms( Node body, std::vector< Node >& new_vars, std::vector< Node >& new_conds, Node q, QAttributes& qa );
static Node computeCondSplit( Node body, QAttributes& qa );
- static Node computePrenex( Node body, std::vector< Node >& args, bool pol );
+ static Node computePrenex( Node body, std::vector< Node >& args, std::vector< Node >& nargs, bool pol );
+ static Node computePrenexAgg( Node n );
static Node computeSplit( std::vector< Node >& args, Node body, QAttributes& qa );
static Node computeVarElimination( Node body, std::vector< Node >& args, QAttributes& qa );
static Node preSkolemizeQuantifiers(Node n, bool polarity, std::vector< TypeNode >& fvTypes, std::vector<TNode>& fvs);
static Node rewriteRewriteRule( Node r );
- static bool containsQuantifiers(Node n);
+ static bool containsQuantifiers( Node n );
+ static bool isPrenexNormalForm( Node n );
static Node preprocess( Node n, bool isInst = false );
+ static Node mkForAll( std::vector< Node >& args, Node body, QAttributes& qa );
+ static Node mkForall( std::vector< Node >& args, Node body, bool marked = false );
};/* class QuantifiersRewriter */
}/* CVC4::theory::quantifiers namespace */