Converting {\tt softusb\_navre.v} to {\tt softusb\_navre.blif} could not be
- yosys -o softusb_navre.blif \
- -S softusb_navre.v
+yosys -o softusb_navre.blif \
+ -S softusb_navre.v
+ \renewcommand{\figurename}{Listing}
+\caption{Calling Yosys without script file}
Behind the scenes Yosys is controlled by synthesis scripts that execute
commands that operate on Yosys' internal state. For example, the {\tt -o
With a script file we have better control over Yosys. The following script
file replicates what the command from the last section did:
-\begin{lstlisting}[frame=trBL,xleftmargin=1.5em,numbers=left,caption={\tt softusb\_navre.ys}]
read_verilog softusb_navre.v
proc; opt; memory; opt; techmap; opt
write_blif softusb_navre.blif
+ \renewcommand{\figurename}{Listing}
+\caption{\tt softusb\_navre.ys}
The first and last line obviously read the Verilog file and write the BLIF
Now Yosys can be run with the file of the synthesis script as argument:
- yosys softusb_navre.ys
+yosys softusb_navre.ys
+ \renewcommand{\figurename}{Listing}
+\caption{Calling Yosys with script file}
So now we have the final synthesis script for generating a BLIF file
for the navre CPU:
-\begin{lstlisting}[frame=trBL,xleftmargin=1.5em,numbers=left,caption={\tt softusb\_navre.ys} (improved)]
read_verilog softusb_navre.v
hierarchy -check -top softusb_navre
proc; opt; memory; opt;
fsm; opt; techmap; opt
write_blif softusb_navre.blif
+ \renewcommand{\figurename}{Listing}
+\caption{{\tt softusb\_navre.ys} (improved)}
\section{Advanced Example: The Amber23 ARMv2a CPU}
ARMv2a CPU. Once again we base our example on the Verilog code that is included
in {\it yosys-bigsim}.
-\begin{lstlisting}[frame=trBL,xleftmargin=1.5em,numbers=left,caption={\tt amber23.ys}]
read_verilog a23_alu.v
read_verilog a23_barrel_shift_fpga.v
read_verilog a23_barrel_shift.v
hierarchy -check -top a23_core
add -global_input globrst 1
proc -global_arst globrst
-opt; memory; opt; fsm; opt
techmap -map adff2dff.v
+opt; memory; opt; fsm; opt; techmap
write_blif amber23.blif
+ \renewcommand{\figurename}{Listing}
+\caption{\tt amber23.ys}
+The problem with this core is that it contains no dedicated reset signals.
+Instead it is using the coding techiques shown in Listing~\ref{glob_arst} to
+set reset values to be used on the global asynchronous reset in an FPGA
+implementation. This design can not be expressed in BLIF as it is. Instead we
+need to use a synthesis script that transforms this to synchonous resets that
+can be expressed in BLIF.
+Listing~\ref{aber23.ys} shows the synthesis script for the Amber23 core. In
+line 17 the {\tt add} command is used to add a 1-bit wide global input signal
+with the name {\tt globrst}. That means that an input with that name is added
+to each module in the design hierarchy and then all module instanciations are
+altered so that this new signal is connected throughout the whole design
+reg [7:0] a = 13, b;
+initial b = 37;
+ \renewcommand{\figurename}{Listing}
+\caption{Implicit coding of global asynchronous resets}
+module \$adff (CLK, ARST, D, Q);
+parameter WIDTH = 1;
+parameter CLK_POLARITY = 1'b1;
+parameter ARST_POLARITY = 1'b1;
+parameter ARST_VALUE = 0;
+input CLK, ARST;
+input [WIDTH-1:0] D;
+output reg [WIDTH-1:0] Q;
+wire _TECHMAP_FAIL_ =
+always @(posedge CLK)
+ if (ARST)
+ else
+ Q <= D;
+ \renewcommand{\figurename}{Listing}
+\caption{\tt adff2dff.v}
+In line 18 the {\tt proc} command is called. But this time the newly created
+reset signal is passed to the core as a global reset line to use for resetting
+all registers to their initial values.
+Finally in line 19 the {\tt techmap} command is used to replace all instances
+of flip-flops with asynchronous resets to flip-flops with synchronous resets.
+The map file used fo this is shown in Lising~\ref{adff2dff.v}.
+{\color{red} FIXME}