--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This file is Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Florent Kermarrec <florent@enjoy-digital.fr>
+# This file is Copyright (c) 2020 Piotr Binkowski <pbinkowski@antmicro.com>
+# This file is Copyright (c) 2017 Pierre-Olivier Vauboin <po@lambdaconcept>
+# License: BSD
+import argparse
+from migen import *
+from litex.build.generic_platform import *
+from litex.build.sim import SimPlatform
+from litex.build.sim.config import SimConfig
+from litex.soc.integration.common import *
+from litex.soc.integration.soc import *
+from litex.soc.integration.soc_core import *
+from litex.soc.integration.soc_sdram import *
+from litex.soc.integration.builder import *
+from litex.soc.cores import uart
+from litedram import modules as litedram_modules
+from litedram.common import *
+from litedram.phy.model import SDRAMPHYModel
+from liteeth.phy.model import LiteEthPHYModel
+from liteeth.mac import LiteEthMAC
+from liteeth.core import LiteEthUDPIPCore
+from liteeth.frontend.etherbone import LiteEthEtherbone
+from litescope import LiteScopeAnalyzer
+# IOs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+_io = [
+ ("sys_clk", 0, Pins(1)),
+ ("sys_rst", 0, Pins(1)),
+ ("serial", 0,
+ Subsignal("source_valid", Pins(1)),
+ Subsignal("source_ready", Pins(1)),
+ Subsignal("source_data", Pins(8)),
+ Subsignal("sink_valid", Pins(1)),
+ Subsignal("sink_ready", Pins(1)),
+ Subsignal("sink_data", Pins(8)),
+ ),
+ ("eth_clocks", 0,
+ Subsignal("tx", Pins(1)),
+ Subsignal("rx", Pins(1)),
+ ),
+ ("eth", 0,
+ Subsignal("source_valid", Pins(1)),
+ Subsignal("source_ready", Pins(1)),
+ Subsignal("source_data", Pins(8)),
+ Subsignal("sink_valid", Pins(1)),
+ Subsignal("sink_ready", Pins(1)),
+ Subsignal("sink_data", Pins(8)),
+ ),
+# Platform -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Platform(SimPlatform):
+ def __init__(self):
+ SimPlatform.__init__(self, "SIM", _io)
+# DFI PHY model settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sdram_module_nphases = {
+ "SDR": 1,
+ "DDR": 2,
+ "LPDDR": 2,
+ "DDR2": 2,
+ "DDR3": 4,
+ "DDR4": 4,
+def get_sdram_phy_settings(memtype, data_width, clk_freq):
+ nphases = sdram_module_nphases[memtype]
+ if memtype == "SDR":
+ # Settings from gensdrphy
+ rdphase = 0
+ wrphase = 0
+ rdcmdphase = 0
+ wrcmdphase = 0
+ cl = 2
+ cwl = None
+ read_latency = 4
+ write_latency = 0
+ elif memtype in ["DDR", "LPDDR"]:
+ # Settings from s6ddrphy
+ rdphase = 0
+ wrphase = 1
+ rdcmdphase = 1
+ wrcmdphase = 0
+ cl = 3
+ cwl = None
+ read_latency = 5
+ write_latency = 0
+ elif memtype in ["DDR2", "DDR3"]:
+ # Settings from s7ddrphy
+ tck = 2/(2*nphases*clk_freq)
+ cmd_latency = 0
+ cl, cwl = get_cl_cw(memtype, tck)
+ cl_sys_latency = get_sys_latency(nphases, cl)
+ cwl = cwl + cmd_latency
+ cwl_sys_latency = get_sys_latency(nphases, cwl)
+ rdcmdphase, rdphase = get_sys_phases(nphases, cl_sys_latency, cl)
+ wrcmdphase, wrphase = get_sys_phases(nphases, cwl_sys_latency, cwl)
+ read_latency = 2 + cl_sys_latency + 2 + 3
+ write_latency = cwl_sys_latency
+ elif memtype == "DDR4":
+ # Settings from usddrphy
+ tck = 2/(2*nphases*clk_freq)
+ cmd_latency = 0
+ cl, cwl = get_cl_cw(memtype, tck)
+ cl_sys_latency = get_sys_latency(nphases, cl)
+ cwl = cwl + cmd_latency
+ cwl_sys_latency = get_sys_latency(nphases, cwl)
+ rdcmdphase, rdphase = get_sys_phases(nphases, cl_sys_latency, cl)
+ wrcmdphase, wrphase = get_sys_phases(nphases, cwl_sys_latency, cwl)
+ read_latency = 2 + cl_sys_latency + 1 + 3
+ write_latency = cwl_sys_latency
+ sdram_phy_settings = {
+ "nphases": nphases,
+ "rdphase": rdphase,
+ "wrphase": wrphase,
+ "rdcmdphase": rdcmdphase,
+ "wrcmdphase": wrcmdphase,
+ "cl": cl,
+ "cwl": cwl,
+ "read_latency": read_latency,
+ "write_latency": write_latency,
+ }
+ return PhySettings(
+ memtype = memtype,
+ databits = data_width,
+ dfi_databits = data_width if memtype == "SDR" else 2*data_width,
+ **sdram_phy_settings,
+ )
+# Simulation SoC -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class SimSoC(SoCCore):
+ mem_map = {
+ "ethmac": 0xb0000000,
+ }
+ mem_map.update(SoCCore.mem_map)
+ def __init__(self,
+ with_sdram = False,
+ with_ethernet = False,
+ with_etherbone = False,
+ etherbone_mac_address = 0x10e2d5000000,
+ etherbone_ip_address = "",
+ with_analyzer = False,
+ sdram_module = "MT48LC16M16",
+ sdram_init = [],
+ sdram_data_width = 32,
+ **kwargs):
+ platform = Platform()
+ sys_clk_freq = int(1e6)
+ # SoCCore ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SoCCore.__init__(self, platform, clk_freq=sys_clk_freq,
+ ident = "LiteX Simulation", ident_version=True,
+ with_uart = False,
+ **kwargs)
+ # CRG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ self.submodules.crg = CRG(platform.request("sys_clk"))
+ # Serial -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ self.submodules.uart_phy = uart.RS232PHYModel(platform.request("serial"))
+ self.submodules.uart = uart.UART(self.uart_phy)
+ self.add_csr("uart")
+ self.add_interrupt("uart")
+ # SDRAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if with_sdram:
+ sdram_clk_freq = int(100e6) # FIXME: use 100MHz timings
+ sdram_module_cls = getattr(litedram_modules, sdram_module)
+ sdram_rate = "1:{}".format(sdram_module_nphases[sdram_module_cls.memtype])
+ sdram_module = sdram_module_cls(sdram_clk_freq, sdram_rate)
+ phy_settings = get_sdram_phy_settings(
+ memtype = sdram_module.memtype,
+ data_width = sdram_data_width,
+ clk_freq = sdram_clk_freq)
+ self.submodules.sdrphy = SDRAMPHYModel(sdram_module, phy_settings, init=sdram_init)
+ self.add_sdram("sdram",
+ phy = self.sdrphy,
+ module = sdram_module,
+ origin = self.mem_map["main_ram"]
+ )
+ # Reduce memtest size for simulation speedup
+ self.add_constant("MEMTEST_DATA_SIZE", 8*1024)
+ self.add_constant("MEMTEST_ADDR_SIZE", 8*1024)
+ assert not (with_ethernet and with_etherbone)
+ # Ethernet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if with_ethernet:
+ # Ethernet PHY
+ self.submodules.ethphy = LiteEthPHYModel(self.platform.request("eth", 0))
+ self.add_csr("ethphy")
+ # Ethernet MAC
+ ethmac = LiteEthMAC(phy=self.ethphy, dw=32,
+ interface = "wishbone",
+ endianness = self.cpu.endianness)
+ if with_etherbone:
+ ethmac = ClockDomainsRenamer({"eth_tx": "ethphy_eth_tx", "eth_rx": "ethphy_eth_rx"})(ethmac)
+ self.submodules.ethmac = ethmac
+ self.add_memory_region("ethmac", self.mem_map["ethmac"], 0x2000, type="io")
+ self.add_wb_slave(self.mem_regions["ethmac"].origin, self.ethmac.bus, 0x2000)
+ self.add_csr("ethmac")
+ self.add_interrupt("ethmac")
+ # Etherbone --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if with_etherbone:
+ # Ethernet PHY
+ self.submodules.ethphy = LiteEthPHYModel(self.platform.request("eth", 0)) # FIXME
+ self.add_csr("ethphy")
+ # Ethernet Core
+ ethcore = LiteEthUDPIPCore(self.ethphy,
+ mac_address = etherbone_mac_address,
+ ip_address = etherbone_ip_address,
+ clk_freq = sys_clk_freq)
+ self.submodules.ethcore = ethcore
+ # Etherbone
+ self.submodules.etherbone = LiteEthEtherbone(self.ethcore.udp, 1234, mode="master")
+ self.add_wb_master(self.etherbone.wishbone.bus)
+ # Analyzer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if with_analyzer:
+ analyzer_signals = [
+ self.cpu.ibus,
+ self.cpu.dbus
+ ]
+ self.submodules.analyzer = LiteScopeAnalyzer(analyzer_signals, 512)
+ self.add_csr("analyzer")
+# Build --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generic LiteX SoC Simulation")
+ builder_args(parser)
+ soc_sdram_args(parser)
+ parser.add_argument("--threads", default=1, help="Set number of threads (default=1)")
+ parser.add_argument("--rom-init", default=None, help="rom_init file")
+ parser.add_argument("--ram-init", default=None, help="ram_init file")
+ parser.add_argument("--with-sdram", action="store_true", help="Enable SDRAM support")
+ parser.add_argument("--sdram-module", default="MT48LC16M16", help="Select SDRAM chip")
+ parser.add_argument("--sdram-data-width", default=32, help="Set SDRAM chip data width")
+ parser.add_argument("--sdram-init", default=None, help="SDRAM init file")
+ parser.add_argument("--with-ethernet", action="store_true", help="Enable Ethernet support")
+ parser.add_argument("--with-etherbone", action="store_true", help="Enable Etherbone support")
+ parser.add_argument("--with-analyzer", action="store_true", help="Enable Analyzer support")
+ parser.add_argument("--trace", action="store_true", help="Enable VCD tracing")
+ parser.add_argument("--trace-start", default=0, help="Cycle to start VCD tracing")
+ parser.add_argument("--trace-end", default=-1, help="Cycle to end VCD tracing")
+ parser.add_argument("--opt-level", default="O3", help="Compilation optimization level")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ soc_kwargs = soc_sdram_argdict(args)
+ builder_kwargs = builder_argdict(args)
+ sim_config = SimConfig(default_clk="sys_clk")
+ sim_config.add_module("serial2console", "serial")
+ # Configuration --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ cpu_endianness = "little"
+ if "cpu_type" in soc_kwargs:
+ if soc_kwargs["cpu_type"] in ["mor1kx", "lm32"]:
+ cpu_endianness = "big"
+ if args.rom_init:
+ soc_kwargs["integrated_rom_init"] = get_mem_data(args.rom_init, cpu_endianness)
+ if not args.with_sdram:
+ soc_kwargs["integrated_main_ram_size"] = 0x10000000 # 256 MB
+ if args.ram_init is not None:
+ soc_kwargs["integrated_main_ram_init"] = get_mem_data(args.ram_init, cpu_endianness)
+ else:
+ assert args.ram_init is None
+ soc_kwargs["integrated_main_ram_size"] = 0x0
+ soc_kwargs["sdram_module"] = args.sdram_module
+ soc_kwargs["sdram_data_width"] = int(args.sdram_data_width)
+ if args.with_ethernet or args.with_etherbone:
+ sim_config.add_module("ethernet", "eth", args={"interface": "tap0", "ip": ""})
+ # SoC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ soc = SimSoC(
+ with_sdram = args.with_sdram,
+ with_ethernet = args.with_ethernet,
+ with_etherbone = args.with_etherbone,
+ with_analyzer = args.with_analyzer,
+ sdram_init = [] if args.sdram_init is None else get_mem_data(args.sdram_init, cpu_endianness),
+ **soc_kwargs)
+ if args.ram_init is not None:
+ soc.add_constant("ROM_BOOT_ADDRESS", 0x40000000)
+ # Build/Run ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ builder_kwargs["csr_csv"] = "csr.csv"
+ builder = Builder(soc, **builder_kwargs)
+ vns = builder.build(run=False, threads=args.threads, sim_config=sim_config,
+ opt_level=args.opt_level,
+ trace=args.trace, trace_start=int(args.trace_start), trace_end=int(args.trace_end))
+ if args.with_analyzer:
+ soc.analyzer.export_csv(vns, "analyzer.csv")
+ builder.build(build=False, threads=args.threads, sim_config=sim_config,
+ opt_level = args.opt_level,
+ trace = args.trace,
+ trace_start = int(args.trace_start),
+ trace_end = int(args.trace_end)
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()