-import os, sys, getopt, shutil, tempfile
+import argparse, os, sys, shutil, tempfile
from sby_core import SbyJob, SbyAbort
from time import localtime
-sbyfile = None
-workdir = None
-tasknames = list()
-opt_force = False
-opt_backup = False
-opt_tmpdir = False
-exe_paths = dict()
-throw_err = False
-dump_cfg = False
-dump_tasks = False
+class DictAction(argparse.Action):
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ assert isinstance(getattr(namespace, self.dest), dict), "Use ArgumentParser.set_defaults() to initialize {} to dict()".format(self.dest)
+ name = option_string.lstrip(parser.prefix_chars).replace("-", "_")
+ getattr(namespace, self.dest)[name] = values
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="sby",
+ usage="%(prog)s [options] [<jobname>.sby [tasknames] | <dirname>]")
+parser.add_argument("-d", metavar="<dirname>", dest="workdir",
+ help="set workdir name (ignored if <dirname> is given as a positional argument). default: <jobname> (without .sby)")
+parser.add_argument("-f", action="store_true", dest="force",
+ help="remove workdir if it already exists")
+parser.add_argument("-b", action="store_true", dest="backup",
+ help="backup workdir if it already exists")
+parser.add_argument("-t", action="store_true", dest="tmpdir",
+ help="run in a temporary workdir (remove when finished)")
+parser.add_argument("-T", metavar="<taskname>", action="append", dest="tasknames",
+ help="add taskname (useful when sby file is read from stdin, ignored if tasknames are given as positional arguments)")
+parser.add_argument("-E", action="store_true", dest="throw_err",
+ help="throw an exception (incl stack trace) for most errors")
+parser.add_argument("--yosys", metavar="<path_to_executable>",
+ action=DictAction, dest="exe_paths")
+parser.add_argument("--abc", metavar="<path_to_executable>",
+ action=DictAction, dest="exe_paths")
+parser.add_argument("--smtbmc", metavar="<path_to_executable>",
+ action=DictAction, dest="exe_paths")
+parser.add_argument("--suprove", metavar="<path_to_executable>",
+ action=DictAction, dest="exe_paths")
+parser.add_argument("--aigbmc", metavar="<path_to_executable>",
+ action=DictAction, dest="exe_paths")
+parser.add_argument("--avy", metavar="<path_to_executable>",
+ action=DictAction, dest="exe_paths")
+parser.add_argument("--btormc", metavar="<path_to_executable>",
+ action=DictAction, dest="exe_paths",
+ help="configure which executable to use for the respective tool")
+parser.add_argument("--dumpcfg", action="store_true", dest="dump_cfg",
+ help="print the pre-processed configuration file")
+parser.add_argument("--dumptasks", action="store_true", dest="dump_tasks",
+ help="print the list of tasks")
+parser.add_argument("--setup", action="store_true", dest="setupmode",
+ help="set up the working directory and exit")
+parser.add_argument("sbyfile", metavar="<jobname>.sby | <dirname>", nargs="?",
+ help=".sby file OR directory containing config.sby file (causes -d to be ignored if <dirname> is used)")
+parser.add_argument("arg_tasknames", metavar="tasknames", nargs="*",
+ help="tasks to run (only valid when <jobname> is used, causes -T to be ignored)")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+sbyfile = args.sbyfile
+workdir = args.workdir
+tasknames = args.arg_tasknames if args.arg_tasknames else args.tasknames
+opt_force = args.force
+opt_backup = args.backup
+opt_tmpdir = args.tmpdir
+exe_paths = args.exe_paths
+throw_err = args.throw_err
+dump_cfg = args.dump_cfg
+dump_tasks = args.dump_tasks
reusedir = False
-setupmode = False
+setupmode = args.setupmode
-def usage():
- print("""
-sby [options] [<jobname>.sby [tasknames] | <dirname>]
- -d <dirname>
- set workdir name. default: <jobname> (without .sby)
- -f
- remove workdir if it already exists
- -b
- backup workdir if it already exists
- -t
- run in a temporary workdir (remove when finished)
- -T taskname
- add taskname (useful when sby file is read from stdin)
- -E
- throw an exception (incl stack trace) for most errors
- --yosys <path_to_executable>
- --abc <path_to_executable>
- --smtbmc <path_to_executable>
- --suprove <path_to_executable>
- --aigbmc <path_to_executable>
- --avy <path_to_executable>
- --btormc <path_to_executable>
- configure which executable to use for the respective tool
- --dumpcfg
- print the pre-processed configuration file
- --dumptasks
- print the list of tasks
- --setup
- set up the working directory and exit
- sys.exit(1)
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:btfT:E", ["yosys=",
- "abc=", "smtbmc=", "suprove=", "aigbmc=", "avy=", "btormc=",
- "dumpcfg", "dumptasks", "setup"])
- usage()
-for o, a in opts:
- if o == "-d":
- workdir = a
- elif o == "-f":
- opt_force = True
- elif o == "-b":
- opt_backup = True
- elif o == "-t":
- opt_tmpdir = True
- elif o == "-T":
- tasknames.append(a)
- elif o == "-E":
- throw_err = True
- elif o == "--yosys":
- exe_paths["yosys"] = a
- elif o == "--abc":
- exe_paths["abc"] = a
- elif o == "--smtbmc":
- exe_paths["smtbmc"] = a
- elif o == "--suprove":
- exe_paths["suprove"] = a
- elif o == "--aigbmc":
- exe_paths["aigbmc"] = a
- elif o == "--avy":
- exe_paths["avy"] = a
- elif o == "--btormc":
- exe_paths["btormc"] = a
- elif o == "--dumpcfg":
- dump_cfg = True
- elif o == "--dumptasks":
- dump_tasks = True
- elif o == "--setup":
- setupmode = True
- else:
- usage()
-if len(args) > 0:
- sbyfile = args[0]
+if sbyfile is not None:
if os.path.isdir(sbyfile):
workdir = sbyfile
sbyfile += "/config.sby"
if not opt_force and os.path.exists(workdir + "/model"):
print("ERROR: Use -f to re-run in existing directory.", file=sys.stderr)
- if len(args) > 1:
+ if tasknames:
print("ERROR: Can't use tasks when running in existing directory.", file=sys.stderr)
if setupmode:
print("ERROR: Sby file does not have .sby file extension.", file=sys.stderr)
-if len(args) > 1:
- tasknames = args[1:]
early_logmsgs = list()