Essential deliverables for effective project monitoring.
|Deliv. #|Deliverable name |Wp # | Lead name |Type |Diss. |Del Mon |
+|------ |----------- |------ | ------- |------ |----------- | ---- |
|1.3 |Reports |1 |5/NLnet |R |PU |12/24/36 |
|2.4 |SVP64 RFCs |2 |2/Libre-SOC |R |PU |multiple |
|3.4 |Compliance |3 |1/RED |R |PU |24 |
|11.2 |Requirements |11 |6/HELIX |R |PU |12 |
|11.5 |Reporting |11 |6/HELIX |R |PU |12/24/36 |
## Table 3.1d: List of milestones
|M/stone #|Milestone name |WP# |Due date |Means of verification |
+|------ | ------ | ----- | ------ | ------ |
|2.4 |SVP64 RFCs |2 |multiple |OpenPOWER Foundation ISA WG |
|3.1 |cavatools/SVP64 |3 |12 |Deliverable 3.5 (Compliance tests) |
|4.2 |compilers |4 |24 |Deliverable 4.3 (software tests) |
|Description of risk |Wp# |Proposed risk-mitigation measures |
+|----------------- | ----- | ------ |
|loss of personnel |1-11 |L/H key-man insurance |
|4/CNRS availability |7 |H/H Additional personnel from 1/RED, at market rates |
|Unforeseen Technical |2-11 |L/H 5/NLnet "reserve" mini-grant budget (Wp#1) |
|Part # / name |Wp1 |Wp2 |Wp3 |Wp4 |Wp5 |Wp6 |Wp7 |Wp8 |Wp9 |Wp10 |Wp11 |Total |
+|------------- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |----- |
|1 / RED | | |32 |20 |94 |25 |63 |98 |62 |116 |136 |598 |
|2 / Libre-SOC | |21 |32 |12 |72 |13 |13 |128 |94 |15 | |230 |
|3 / SU | | | | |27 |26 |33 |112 |64 |12 | |273 |
|Cost EUR |description and justification |
+| ----- | ------ |
|60000 |feasibility and scope studies for compilers |
|1500000 |gcc compiler |
|1500000 |llvm compiler |
|Cost EUR |description and justification |
+| ----- | ------ |
|5000000 |NLnet "mini-grants" |
| |Cost EUR |Justification |
+| ------ | ----- | ------ |
|travel / subst |48000 |3yr World-wide travel to conferences/meetings/interviews |
|equipment |140000 |High-end Servers for Layouts, High-end FPGAs for testing |
|Other/Good/work/Svc. |90000 |Legal/Accountancy/Insurance +prof. business services |
| |Cost EUR |Justification |
+| ------ | ----- | ------ |
|travel / subst |48000 | |
|equipment |90000 |High-end Servers for Layouts, FPGA Boards for testing |
|Other/Good/work/Svc. |12000 |I.T. Management of Libre-SOC Server |
| |Cost EUR |Justification |
+| ------ | ----- | ------ |
|travel / subst | | |
|equipment |100000 |High-end Servers for Layouts, Simulations |
|Other/Good/work/Svc. |10500 |Office Administration |
| |Cost EUR |Justification |
+| ------ | ----- | ------ |
|travel / subst |48000 |3yr EU-wide travel to conferences and meetings |
|equipment | | |
|Other/Good/work/Svc. | | |