signal eaa_priv : std_ulogic;
-- Cache reload state machine
- type state_t is (IDLE, CLR_TAG, WAIT_ACK);
+ type state_t is (IDLE, STOP_RELOAD, CLR_TAG, WAIT_ACK);
type reg_internal_t is record
-- Cache hit state (Latches for 1 cycle BRAM access)
end loop;
-- Generate the "hit" and "miss" signals for the synchronous blocks
- if i_in.req = '1' and access_ok = '1' and flush_in = '0' and rst = '0' then
+ if i_in.req = '1' and access_ok = '1' and flush_in = '0' and rst = '0' and use_previous = '0' then
req_is_hit <= is_hit;
req_is_miss <= not is_hit;
i_out.next_pred_ntaken <= i_in.pred_ntaken;
-- Stall fetch1 if we have a miss on cache or TLB or a protection fault
- stall_out <= not (is_hit and access_ok);
+ stall_out <= not (is_hit and access_ok) and not use_previous;
-- Wishbone requests output (from the cache miss reload machine)
wishbone_out <= r.wb;
r.wb.adr <= next_row_addr(r.wb.adr);
end if;
+ -- Abort reload if we get an invalidation
+ if inval_in = '1' then
+ r.wb.stb <= '0';
+ r.state <= STOP_RELOAD;
+ end if;
-- Incoming acks processing
if wishbone_in.ack = '1' then
- r.rows_valid(r.store_row mod ROW_PER_LINE) <= '1';
+ r.rows_valid(r.store_row mod ROW_PER_LINE) <= not inval_in;
-- Check for completion
if is_last_row(r.store_row, r.end_row_ix) then
-- Complete wishbone cycle
-- Increment store row counter
r.store_row <= next_row(r.store_row);
end if;
+ when STOP_RELOAD =>
+ -- Wait for all outstanding requests to be satisfied, then
+ -- go to IDLE state.
+ if get_row_of_line(r.store_row) = get_row_of_line(get_row(r.wb.adr)) then
+ r.wb.cyc <= '0';
+ r.state <= IDLE;
+ end if;
+ if wishbone_in.ack = '1' then
+ -- Increment store row counter
+ r.store_row <= next_row(r.store_row);
+ end if;
end case;
end if;