It's not needed for the other ops (popcnt, parity, etc.) and the
logical unit shows up as a critical path from time to time.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
end if;
case op is
- when OP_AND =>
- tmp := rs and rb_adj;
- when OP_OR =>
- tmp := rs or rb_adj;
- when OP_XOR =>
- tmp := rs xor rb_adj;
+ when OP_AND | OP_OR | OP_XOR =>
+ case op is
+ when OP_AND =>
+ tmp := rs and rb_adj;
+ when OP_OR =>
+ tmp := rs or rb_adj;
+ when others =>
+ tmp := rs xor rb_adj;
+ end case;
+ if invert_out = '1' then
+ tmp := not tmp;
+ end if;
when OP_POPCNT =>
tmp := popcnt;
when OP_PRTY =>
tmp(7 downto 0) := rs(7 downto 0);
end case;
- if invert_out = '1' then
- tmp := not tmp;
- end if;
result <= tmp;
end process;