if( options::cbqiModel() ){
if( pvtn.isInteger() || pvtn.isReal() ){
- bool use_inf = d_use_vts_inf && ( pvtn.isInteger() ? options::cbqiUseInfInt() : options::cbqiUseInfReal() );
+ bool use_inf = d_use_vts_inf && ( pvtn.isInteger() ? options::cbqiUseInfInt() : options::cbqiUseInfReal() ) && !options::cbqiMidpoint();
bool upper_first = false;
if( options::cbqiMinBounds() ){
upper_first = mbp_bounds[1].size()<mbp_bounds[0].size();
- unsigned best_used[2];
+ int best_used[2];
std::vector< Node > t_values[3];
//try optimal bounds
for( unsigned r=0; r<2; r++ ){
int rr = upper_first ? (1-r) : r;
+ best_used[rr] = -1;
if( mbp_bounds[rr].empty() ){
if( use_inf ){
Trace("cbqi-bound") << "No " << ( rr==0 ? "lower" : "upper" ) << " bounds for " << pv << " (type=" << pvtn << ")" << std::endl;
Trace("cbqi-bound") << " + ( " << best_bound_value[2] << " * DELTA )";
Trace("cbqi-bound") << std::endl;
- best_used[rr] = (unsigned)best;
- Node val = mbp_bounds[rr][best];
- val = getModelBasedProjectionValue( pv, val, rr==0, mbp_coeff[rr][best], pv_value, t_values[rr][best], theta,
- mbp_vts_coeff[rr][0][best], mbp_vts_coeff[rr][1][best] );
- if( !val.isNull() ){
- if( subs_proc[val].find( mbp_coeff[rr][best] )==subs_proc[val].end() ){
- subs_proc[val][mbp_coeff[rr][best]] = true;
- if( addInstantiationInc( val, pv, mbp_coeff[rr][best], rr==0 ? 1 : -1, sf, ssf, vars, btyp, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var ) ){
- return true;
+ best_used[rr] = best;
+ //if using cbqiMidpoint, only add the instance based on one bound if the bound is non-strict
+ if( !options::cbqiMidpoint() || pvtn.isInteger() || mbp_vts_coeff[rr][1][best].isNull() ){
+ Node val = mbp_bounds[rr][best];
+ val = getModelBasedProjectionValue( pv, val, rr==0, mbp_coeff[rr][best], pv_value, t_values[rr][best], theta,
+ mbp_vts_coeff[rr][0][best], mbp_vts_coeff[rr][1][best] );
+ if( !val.isNull() ){
+ if( subs_proc[val].find( mbp_coeff[rr][best] )==subs_proc[val].end() ){
+ subs_proc[val][mbp_coeff[rr][best]] = true;
+ if( addInstantiationInc( val, pv, mbp_coeff[rr][best], rr==0 ? 1 : -1, sf, ssf, vars, btyp, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var ) ){
+ return true;
+ }
+ if( options::cbqiMidpoint() && !pvtn.isInteger() ){
+ Node vals[2];
+ bool bothBounds = true;
+ Trace("cbqi-bound") << "Try midpoint of bounds..." << std::endl;
+ for( unsigned rr=0; rr<2; rr++ ){
+ int best = best_used[rr];
+ if( best==-1 ){
+ bothBounds = false;
+ }else{
+ vals[rr] = mbp_bounds[rr][best];
+ vals[rr] = getModelBasedProjectionValue( pv, vals[rr], rr==0, Node::null(), pv_value, t_values[rr][best], theta,
+ mbp_vts_coeff[rr][0][best], Node::null() );
+ }
+ Trace("cbqi-bound") << "Bound : " << vals[rr] << std::endl;
+ }
+ Node val;
+ if( bothBounds ){
+ Assert( !vals[0].isNull() && !vals[1].isNull() );
+ if( vals[0]==vals[1] ){
+ val = vals[0];
+ }else{
+ val = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( PLUS, vals[0], vals[1] ),
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational(1)/Rational(2) ) );
+ val = Rewriter::rewrite( val );
+ }
+ }else{
+ if( !vals[0].isNull() ){
+ val = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( PLUS, vals[0], d_one );
+ val = Rewriter::rewrite( val );
+ }else if( !vals[1].isNull() ){
+ val = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MINUS, vals[1], d_one );
+ val = Rewriter::rewrite( val );
+ }
+ }
+ Trace("cbqi-bound") << "Midpoint value : " << val << std::endl;
+ if( !val.isNull() ){
+ if( subs_proc[val].find( Node::null() )==subs_proc[val].end() ){
+ subs_proc[val][Node::null()] = true;
+ if( addInstantiationInc( val, pv, Node::null(), 0, sf, ssf, vars, btyp, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var ) ){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
Assert( false );
- //try non-optimal bounds (heuristic, may help when nested quantification) ?
- Trace("cbqi-bound") << "Try non-optimal bounds..." << std::endl;
- for( unsigned r=0; r<2; r++ ){
- int rr = upper_first ? (1-r) : r;
- for( unsigned j=0; j<mbp_bounds[rr].size(); j++ ){
- if( j!=best_used[rr] ){
- Node val = getModelBasedProjectionValue( pv, mbp_bounds[rr][j], rr==0, mbp_coeff[rr][j], pv_value, t_values[rr][j], theta,
- mbp_vts_coeff[rr][0][j], mbp_vts_coeff[rr][1][j] );
- if( !val.isNull() ){
- if( subs_proc[val].find( mbp_coeff[rr][j] )==subs_proc[val].end() ){
- subs_proc[val][mbp_coeff[rr][j]] = true;
- if( addInstantiationInc( val, pv, mbp_coeff[rr][j], rr==0 ? 1 : -1, sf, ssf, vars, btyp, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var ) ){
- return true;
+ if( options::cbqiNopt() ){
+ //try non-optimal bounds (heuristic, may help when nested quantification) ?
+ Trace("cbqi-bound") << "Try non-optimal bounds..." << std::endl;
+ for( unsigned r=0; r<2; r++ ){
+ int rr = upper_first ? (1-r) : r;
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<mbp_bounds[rr].size(); j++ ){
+ if( (int)j!=best_used[rr] && ( !options::cbqiMidpoint() || mbp_vts_coeff[rr][1][j].isNull() ) ){
+ Node val = getModelBasedProjectionValue( pv, mbp_bounds[rr][j], rr==0, mbp_coeff[rr][j], pv_value, t_values[rr][j], theta,
+ mbp_vts_coeff[rr][0][j], mbp_vts_coeff[rr][1][j] );
+ if( !val.isNull() ){
+ if( subs_proc[val].find( mbp_coeff[rr][j] )==subs_proc[val].end() ){
+ subs_proc[val][mbp_coeff[rr][j]] = true;
+ if( addInstantiationInc( val, pv, mbp_coeff[rr][j], rr==0 ? 1 : -1, sf, ssf, vars, btyp, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var ) ){
+ return true;
+ }