#include "smt/dump.h"
#include "smt/preprocessor.h"
#include "smt/smt_solver.h"
+#include "theory/quantifiers/quantifiers_attributes.h"
+#include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_grammar_cons.h"
#include "theory/smt_engine_subsolver.h"
-#include "theory/theory_engine.h"
using namespace CVC4::theory;
using namespace CVC4::kind;
Trace("smt") << "SygusSolver::declareSynthFun: " << id << "\n";
NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
- TheoryEngine* te = d_smtSolver.getTheoryEngine();
- Assert(te != nullptr);
if (!vars.empty())
Node bvl = nm->mkNode(BOUND_VAR_LIST, vars);
- std::vector<Node> attr_val_bvl;
- attr_val_bvl.push_back(bvl);
- te->setUserAttribute("sygus-synth-fun-var-list", fn, attr_val_bvl, "");
+ // use an attribute to mark its bound variable list
+ SygusSynthFunVarListAttribute ssfvla;
+ fn.setAttribute(ssfvla, bvl);
// whether sygus type encodes syntax restrictions
if (sygusType.isDatatype() && sygusType.getDType().isSygus())
Node sym = nm->mkBoundVar("sfproxy", sygusType);
- std::vector<Node> attr_value;
- attr_value.push_back(sym);
- te->setUserAttribute("sygus-synth-grammar", fn, attr_value, "");
+ // use an attribute to mark its grammar
+ SygusSynthGrammarAttribute ssfga;
+ fn.setAttribute(ssfga, sym);
// sygus conjecture is now stale
Trace("smt") << "...constructed forall " << body << std::endl;
// set attribute for synthesis conjecture
- TheoryEngine* te = d_smtSolver.getTheoryEngine();
- te->setUserAttribute("sygus", sygusVar, {}, "");
+ SygusAttribute sa;
+ sygusVar.setAttribute(sa, true);
Trace("smt") << "Check synthesis conjecture: " << body << std::endl;
if (Dump.isOn("raw-benchmark"))
Trace("quant-attr-debug") << "Set function definition " << n << std::endl;
FunDefAttribute fda;
n.setAttribute( fda, true );
- }else if( attr=="sygus" ){
- Trace("quant-attr-debug") << "Set sygus " << n << std::endl;
- SygusAttribute ca;
- n.setAttribute( ca, true );
else if (attr == "qid")
Trace("quant-attr-debug") << "Set quant-name " << n << std::endl;
QuantNameAttribute qna;
n.setAttribute(qna, true);
- } else if (attr == "sygus-synth-grammar") {
- Assert(node_values.size() == 1);
- Trace("quant-attr-debug") << "Set sygus synth grammar " << n << " to "
- << node_values[0] << std::endl;
- SygusSynthGrammarAttribute ssg;
- n.setAttribute(ssg, node_values[0]);
- }else if( attr=="sygus-synth-fun-var-list" ){
- Assert(node_values.size() == 1);
- Trace("quant-attr-debug") << "Set sygus synth fun var list to " << n << " to " << node_values[0] << std::endl;
- SygusSynthFunVarListAttribute ssfvla;
- n.setAttribute( ssfvla, node_values[0] );
}else if( attr=="quant-inst-max-level" ){
Assert(node_values.size() == 1);
uint64_t lvl = node_values[0].getConst<Rational>().getNumerator().getLong();
d_qstate(c, u, valuation)
out.handleUserAttribute( "fun-def", this );
- out.handleUserAttribute( "sygus", this );
out.handleUserAttribute("qid", this);
- out.handleUserAttribute("sygus-synth-grammar", this);
- out.handleUserAttribute( "sygus-synth-fun-var-list", this );
out.handleUserAttribute( "quant-inst-max-level", this );
out.handleUserAttribute( "quant-elim", this );
out.handleUserAttribute( "quant-elim-partial", this );