* ``ddtcmd``
The environment is populated by running the script specified in the environment variable
- ``NMIGEN_ENV_Diamond``, if present.
+ ``NMIGEN_ENV_Diamond``, if present. On Linux, diamond_env as provided by Diamond
+ itself is a good candidate. On Windows, the following script (named ``diamond_env.bat``,
+ for instance) is known to work::
+ @echo off
+ set PATH=C:\\lscc\\diamond\\%DIAMOND_VERSION%\\bin\\nt64;%PATH%
Available overrides:
* ``script_project``: inserts commands before ``prj_project save`` in Tcl script.
* ``ddtcmd``
The environment is populated by running the script specified in the environment variable
- ``NMIGEN_ENV_Diamond``, if present.
+ ``NMIGEN_ENV_Diamond``, if present. On Linux, diamond_env as provided by Diamond
+ itself is a good candidate. On Windows, the following script (named ``diamond_env.bat``,
+ for instance) is known to work::
+ @echo off
+ set PATH=C:\\lscc\\diamond\\%DIAMOND_VERSION%\\bin\\nt64;%PATH%
Available overrides:
* ``script_project``: inserts commands before ``prj_project save`` in Tcl script.