+cd tests/arch/ice40 && bash run-test.sh $(SEEDOPT)
+cd tests/arch/xilinx && bash run-test.sh $(SEEDOPT)
+cd tests/arch/ecp5 && bash run-test.sh $(SEEDOPT)
+ +cd tests/arch/machxo2 && bash run-test.sh $(SEEDOPT)
+cd tests/arch/efinix && bash run-test.sh $(SEEDOPT)
+cd tests/arch/anlogic && bash run-test.sh $(SEEDOPT)
+cd tests/arch/gowin && bash run-test.sh $(SEEDOPT)
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+read_verilog ../common/logic.v
+hierarchy -top top
+equiv_opt -assert -map +/machxo2/cells_sim.v synth_machxo2 # equivalency check
+design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
+cd top # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
+select -assert-count 9 t:LUT4
+select -assert-none t:LUT4 %% t:* %D
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -eu
+source ../../gen-tests-makefile.sh
+run_tests --yosys-scripts --bash --yosys-args "-w 'Yosys has only limited support for tri-state logic at the moment.'"