+"""AXI4 support for LiteX"""
from migen import *
from litex.soc.interconnect import stream
self.ar = stream.Endpoint(ax_description(address_width, id_width))
self.r = stream.Endpoint(r_description(data_width, id_width))
+# AXI Bursts to Beats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class AXIBurst2Beat(Module):
+ def __init__(self, ax_burst, ax_beat):
+ # # #
+ self.count = count = Signal(8)
+ size = Signal(8 + 4)
+ offset = Signal(8 + 4)
+ # convert burst size to bytes
+ cases = {}
+ cases["default"] = size.eq(1024)
+ for i in range(10):
+ cases[i] = size.eq(2**i)
+ self.comb += Case(ax_burst.size, cases)
+ # fsm
+ self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
+ fsm.act("IDLE",
+ ax_beat.valid.eq(ax_burst.valid),
+ ax_beat.first.eq(1),
+ ax_beat.last.eq(ax_burst.len == 0),
+ ax_beat.addr.eq(ax_burst.addr),
+ ax_beat.id.eq(ax_burst.id),
+ If(ax_beat.valid & ax_beat.ready,
+ If(ax_burst.len != 0,
+ NextState("BURST2BEAT")
+ ).Else(
+ ax_burst.ready.eq(1)
+ )
+ ),
+ NextValue(count, 1),
+ NextValue(offset, size),
+ )
+ wrap_offset = Signal(8 + 4)
+ self.sync += wrap_offset.eq((ax_burst.len - 1)*size)
+ fsm.act("BURST2BEAT",
+ ax_beat.valid.eq(1),
+ ax_beat.first.eq(0),
+ ax_beat.last.eq(count == ax_burst.len),
+ If((ax_burst.burst == BURST_INCR) |
+ (ax_burst.burst == BURST_WRAP),
+ ax_beat.addr.eq(ax_burst.addr + offset)
+ ).Else(
+ ax_beat.addr.eq(ax_burst.addr)
+ ),
+ ax_beat.id.eq(ax_burst.id),
+ If(ax_beat.valid & ax_beat.ready,
+ If(ax_beat.last,
+ ax_burst.ready.eq(1),
+ NextState("IDLE")
+ ),
+ NextValue(count, count + 1),
+ NextValue(offset, offset + size),
+ If(ax_burst.burst == BURST_WRAP,
+ If(offset == wrap_offset,
+ NextValue(offset, 0)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
# AXI to Wishbone ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class AXI2Wishbone(Module):
--- /dev/null
+import unittest
+import random
+from migen import *
+from litedram.common import *
+from litedram.frontend.axi import *
+from litex.gen.sim import *
+class Burst:
+ def __init__(self, addr, type=BURST_FIXED, len=0, size=0):
+ self.addr = addr
+ self.type = type
+ self.len = len
+ self.size = size
+ def to_beats(self):
+ r = []
+ for i in range(self.len + 1):
+ if self.type == BURST_INCR:
+ offset = i*2**(self.size)
+ r += [Beat(self.addr + offset)]
+ elif self.type == BURST_WRAP:
+ offset = (i*2**(self.size))%((2**self.size)*(self.len))
+ r += [Beat(self.addr + offset)]
+ else:
+ r += [Beat(self.addr)]
+ return r
+class Beat:
+ def __init__(self, addr):
+ self.addr = addr
+class TestAXI(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_burst2beat(self):
+ def bursts_generator(ax, bursts, valid_rand=50):
+ prng = random.Random(42)
+ for burst in bursts:
+ yield ax.valid.eq(1)
+ yield ax.addr.eq(burst.addr)
+ yield ax.burst.eq(burst.type)
+ yield ax.len.eq(burst.len)
+ yield ax.size.eq(burst.size)
+ while (yield ax.ready) == 0:
+ yield
+ yield ax.valid.eq(0)
+ while prng.randrange(100) < valid_rand:
+ yield
+ yield
+ @passive
+ def beats_checker(ax, beats, ready_rand=50):
+ self.errors = 0
+ yield ax.ready.eq(0)
+ prng = random.Random(42)
+ for beat in beats:
+ while ((yield ax.valid) and (yield ax.ready)) == 0:
+ if prng.randrange(100) > ready_rand:
+ yield ax.ready.eq(1)
+ else:
+ yield ax.ready.eq(0)
+ yield
+ ax_addr = (yield ax.addr)
+ if ax_addr != beat.addr:
+ self.errors += 1
+ yield
+ # dut
+ ax_burst = stream.Endpoint(ax_description(32, 32))
+ ax_beat = stream.Endpoint(ax_description(32, 32))
+ dut = AXIBurst2Beat(ax_burst, ax_beat)
+ # generate dut input (bursts)
+ prng = random.Random(42)
+ bursts = []
+ for i in range(32):
+ bursts.append(Burst(prng.randrange(2**32), BURST_FIXED, prng.randrange(255), log2_int(32//8)))
+ bursts.append(Burst(prng.randrange(2**32), BURST_INCR, prng.randrange(255), log2_int(32//8)))
+ bursts.append(Burst(4, BURST_WRAP, 4-1, log2_int(2)))
+ # generate expected dut output (beats for reference)
+ beats = []
+ for burst in bursts:
+ beats += burst.to_beats()
+ # simulation
+ generators = [
+ bursts_generator(ax_burst, bursts),
+ beats_checker(ax_beat, beats)
+ ]
+ run_simulation(dut, generators)
+ self.assertEqual(self.errors, 0)