using namespace CVC4::theory::strings;
Node TheoryStringsRewriter::simpleRegexpConsume( std::vector< Node >& mchildren, std::vector< Node >& children, int dir ){
+ Trace("regexp-ext-rewrite-debug")
+ << "Simple reg exp consume, dir=" << dir << ":" << std::endl;
+ Trace("regexp-ext-rewrite-debug")
+ << " mchildren : " << mchildren << std::endl;
+ Trace("regexp-ext-rewrite-debug") << " children : " << children << std::endl;
NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
unsigned tmin = dir<0 ? 0 : dir;
unsigned tmax = dir<0 ? 1 : dir;
do_next = true;
+ Trace("regexp-ext-rewrite-debug") << "...strip equal" << std::endl;
}else if( xc.isConst() && rc[0].isConst() ){
//split the constant
int index;
Node s = splitConstant( xc, rc[0], index, t==0 );
Trace("regexp-ext-rewrite-debug") << "CRE: Regexp const split : " << xc << " " << rc[0] << " -> " << s << " " << index << " " << t << std::endl;
if( s.isNull() ){
+ Trace("regexp-ext-rewrite-debug")
+ << "...return false" << std::endl;
return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( false );
+ Trace("regexp-ext-rewrite-debug")
+ << "...strip equal const" << std::endl;
if( index==0 ){
CVC4::String s = xc.getConst<String>();
if (s.size() == 0)
+ Trace("regexp-ext-rewrite-debug") << "...ignore empty" << std::endl;
// ignore and continue
do_next = true;
std::vector< Node > children_s;
getConcat( rc[0], children_s );
+ Trace("regexp-ext-rewrite-debug")
+ << "...recursive call on body of star" << std::endl;
Node ret = simpleRegexpConsume( mchildren_s, children_s, t );
if( !ret.isNull() ){
Trace("regexp-ext-rewrite-debug") << "CRE : regexp star infeasable " << xc << " " << rc << std::endl;
- if( children.empty() ){
- return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( false );
- }else{
+ if (!children.empty())
+ {
+ Trace("regexp-ext-rewrite-debug") << "...continue" << std::endl;
do_next = true;
if( !can_skip ){
+ Trace("regexp-ext-rewrite-debug")
+ << "...can't skip" << std::endl;
//take the result of fully consuming once
if( t==1 ){
std::reverse( mchildren_s.begin(), mchildren_s.end() );
mchildren.insert( mchildren.end(), mchildren_s.begin(), mchildren_s.end() );
do_next = true;
- Trace("regexp-ext-rewrite-debug") << "CRE : can skip " << rc << " from " << xc << std::endl;
+ Trace("regexp-ext-rewrite-debug")
+ << "...can skip " << rc << " from " << xc << std::endl;
* membership. The argument dir indicates the direction to consider, where
* 0 means strip off the front, 1 off the back, and < 0 off of both.
- * If this method returns the false node, then we have inferred that the input
- * membership is equivalent to false. Otherwise, it returns the null node.
+ * If this method returns the false node, then we have inferred that no
+ * string in the language of r1 ++ ... ++ rm is a prefix (when dir!=1) or
+ * suffix (when dir!=0) of s1 ++ ... ++ sn. Otherwise, it returns the null
+ * node.
* For example, given input
* mchildren = { "ab", x }, children = { [["a"]], ([["cd"]])* } and dir = 0,
* this method updates:
* { "b" }, { [[y]] }
* where [[.]] denotes, and returns null.
+ *
+ * Notice that the above requirement for returning false is stronger than
+ * determining that s1 ++ ... ++ sn in r1 ++ ... ++ rm is equivalent to false.
+ * For example, for input "bb" in "b" ++ ( "a" )*, we do not return false
+ * since "b" is in the language of "b" ++ ( "a" )* and is a prefix of "bb".
+ * We do not return false even though the above membership is equivalent
+ * to false. We do this because the function is used e.g. to test whether a
+ * possible unrolling leads to a conflict. This is demonstrated by the
+ * following examples:
+ *
+ * For example, given input
+ * { "bb", x }, { "b", ("a")* } and dir=-1,
+ * this method updates:
+ * { "b" }, { ("a")* }
+ * and returns null.
+ *
+ * For example, given input
+ * { "cb", x }, { "b", ("a")* } and dir=-1,
+ * this method leaves children and mchildren unchanged and returns false.
+ *
+ * Notice that based on this, we can determine that:
+ * "cb" ++ x in ( "b" ++ ("a")* )*
+ * is equivalent to false, whereas we cannot determine that:
+ * "bb" ++ x in ( "b" ++ ("a")* )*
+ * is equivalent to false.
static Node simpleRegexpConsume( std::vector< Node >& mchildren, std::vector< Node >& children, int dir = -1 );
static bool isConstRegExp( TNode t );
+ regress1/strings/simple-re-consume.smt2
--- /dev/null
+(set-info :smt-lib-version 2.5)
+(set-logic QF_SLIA)
+(set-info :status sat)
+(declare-fun x () String)
+(assert ( (str.++ "bbbbbbbb" x) (re.* (re.++ ( "bbbb") (re.* ( "aaaa"))))))