gl_nir_lower_samplers_as_deref splits structure uniform variables,
creating new variables for individual fields. As part of that, it
calculates a new location. It then never set this on the new variables.
Thanks to Michael Fiano for finding this bug. Fixes crashes on i965
with Piglit's new tests/spec/glsl-1.10/execution/samplers/uniform-struct
test, which was reduced from the failing case in Michael's app.
Fixes: f003859f97c nir: Make gl_nir_lower_samplers use gl_nir_lower_samplers_as_deref
Reviewed-by: Timothy Arceri <>
} else {
var = nir_variable_create(state->shader, nir_var_uniform, type, name);
var->data.binding = binding;
+ var->data.location = location;
_mesa_hash_table_insert_pre_hashed(state->remap_table, hash, name, var);