# Pypowersim/ISACaller tutorial - In progress!
-* Libre-SOC Wiki OpenPOWER ISA Pseudo-code: <https://libre-soc.org/openpower/isa/>
-* PowerPC Arch assembler lecture: <https://www.eecs.umich.edu/courses/eecs373.w04/Lectures/stever_old_lectures/lec2.pdf>
-* Hello world in PPC64 assembly: <https://github.com/matja/asm-examples/blob/master/ppc64/hello.ppc64.linux.syscall.gas.asm>
-* Hello world in PPC64LE assembly: <https://gist.github.com/sandip4n/09b50786e88968faaecdf42360c85b1b>
+Useful Links (Libre-SOC):
+* (**Very Useful**) OpenPOWER ISA Pseudo-code:
+Useful Links (External):
+* PowerPC Arch assembler lecture:
+* Hello world in PPC64 assembly:
+* Hello world in PPC64LE assembly:
This tutorial is intended to get started with Libre-SOC's in-house instruction
simulator. The main Python class doing the work is called `ISACaller`, while