# becasue we just append extensions list to the arch string.
std_exts += list(filter(lambda x:len(x) == 1, long_exts))
+ def longext_sort (exts):
+ if not exts.startswith("zxm") and exts.startswith("z"):
+ # If "Z" extensions are named, they should be ordered first by CANONICAL.
+ if exts[1] not in CANONICAL_ORDER:
+ raise Exception("Unsupported extension `%s`" % exts)
+ canonical_sort = CANONICAL_ORDER.index(exts[1])
+ else:
+ canonical_sort = -1
+ return (exts.startswith("x"), exts.startswith("zxm"),
+ LONG_EXT_PREFIXES.index(exts[0]), canonical_sort, exts[1:])
# Multi-letter extension must be in lexicographic order.
- long_exts = list(sorted(filter(lambda x:len(x) != 1, long_exts)))
+ long_exts = list(sorted(filter(lambda x:len(x) != 1, long_exts),
+ key=longext_sort))
# Put extensions in canonical order.
def _expand_combination(ext):
exts = list(ext.split("*"))
- # No need to expand if there is no `*`.
- if len(exts) == 1:
- return [(exts[0],)]
# Add underline to every extension.
# e.g.
# _b * zvamo => _b * _zvamo
exts = list(map(lambda x: '_' + x, exts))
+ # No need to expand if there is no `*`.
+ if len(exts) == 1:
+ return [(exts[0],)]
# Generate combination!
ext_combs = []
for comb_len in range(1, len(exts)+1):
# Drop duplicated entry.
alts = unique(alts)
- for alt in alts[1:]:
+ for alt in alts:
+ if alt == arch:
+ continue
arches[alt] = 1
reuse.append('march.%s/mabi.%s=march.%s/mabi.%s' % (arch, abi, alt, abi))
required.append('march=%s/mabi=%s' % (arch, abi))