return image->planes[plane].aux_usage;
-anv_cmd_buffer_resolve_subpass(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer)
- struct anv_framebuffer *fb = cmd_buffer->state.framebuffer;
- struct anv_subpass *subpass = cmd_buffer->state.subpass;
- if (subpass->has_color_resolve) {
- /* We are about to do some MSAA resolves. We need to flush so that the
- * result of writes to the MSAA color attachments show up in the sampler
- * when we blit to the single-sampled resolve target.
- */
- cmd_buffer->state.pending_pipe_bits |=
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subpass->color_count; ++i) {
- uint32_t src_att = subpass->color_attachments[i].attachment;
- uint32_t dst_att = subpass->resolve_attachments[i].attachment;
- if (dst_att == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
- continue;
- assert(src_att < cmd_buffer->state.pass->attachment_count);
- assert(dst_att < cmd_buffer->state.pass->attachment_count);
- if (cmd_buffer->state.attachments[dst_att].pending_clear_aspects) {
- /* From the Vulkan 1.0 spec:
- *
- * If the first use of an attachment in a render pass is as a
- * resolve attachment, then the loadOp is effectively ignored
- * as the resolve is guaranteed to overwrite all pixels in the
- * render area.
- */
- cmd_buffer->state.attachments[dst_att].pending_clear_aspects = 0;
- }
- struct anv_image_view *src_iview = fb->attachments[src_att];
- struct anv_image_view *dst_iview = fb->attachments[dst_att];
- const VkRect2D render_area = cmd_buffer->state.render_area;
- enum isl_aux_usage src_aux_usage =
- cmd_buffer->state.attachments[src_att].aux_usage;
- enum isl_aux_usage dst_aux_usage =
- cmd_buffer->state.attachments[dst_att].aux_usage;
- assert(src_iview->aspect_mask == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT &&
- dst_iview->aspect_mask == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT);
- anv_image_msaa_resolve(cmd_buffer,
- src_iview->image, src_aux_usage,
- src_iview->planes[0].isl.base_level,
- src_iview->planes[0].isl.base_array_layer,
- dst_iview->image, dst_aux_usage,
- dst_iview->planes[0].isl.base_level,
- dst_iview->planes[0].isl.base_array_layer,
- render_area.offset.x, render_area.offset.y,
- render_area.offset.x, render_area.offset.y,
- render_area.extent.width,
- render_area.extent.height,
- fb->layers, BLORP_FILTER_NONE);
- }
- }
anv_image_copy_to_shadow(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
const struct anv_image *image,
struct anv_state
anv_cmd_buffer_cs_push_constants(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer);
-void anv_cmd_buffer_resolve_subpass(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer);
const struct anv_image_view *
anv_cmd_buffer_get_depth_stencil_view(const struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer);
struct anv_cmd_state *cmd_state = &cmd_buffer->state;
struct anv_subpass *subpass = cmd_state->subpass;
uint32_t subpass_id = anv_get_subpass_id(&cmd_buffer->state);
+ struct anv_framebuffer *fb = cmd_buffer->state.framebuffer;
- anv_cmd_buffer_resolve_subpass(cmd_buffer);
+ if (subpass->has_color_resolve) {
+ /* We are about to do some MSAA resolves. We need to flush so that the
+ * result of writes to the MSAA color attachments show up in the sampler
+ * when we blit to the single-sampled resolve target.
+ */
+ cmd_buffer->state.pending_pipe_bits |=
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subpass->color_count; ++i) {
+ uint32_t src_att = subpass->color_attachments[i].attachment;
+ uint32_t dst_att = subpass->resolve_attachments[i].attachment;
+ if (dst_att == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
+ continue;
+ assert(src_att < cmd_buffer->state.pass->attachment_count);
+ assert(dst_att < cmd_buffer->state.pass->attachment_count);
+ if (cmd_buffer->state.attachments[dst_att].pending_clear_aspects) {
+ /* From the Vulkan 1.0 spec:
+ *
+ * If the first use of an attachment in a render pass is as a
+ * resolve attachment, then the loadOp is effectively ignored
+ * as the resolve is guaranteed to overwrite all pixels in the
+ * render area.
+ */
+ cmd_buffer->state.attachments[dst_att].pending_clear_aspects = 0;
+ }
+ struct anv_image_view *src_iview = fb->attachments[src_att];
+ struct anv_image_view *dst_iview = fb->attachments[dst_att];
+ const VkRect2D render_area = cmd_buffer->state.render_area;
+ enum isl_aux_usage src_aux_usage =
+ cmd_buffer->state.attachments[src_att].aux_usage;
+ enum isl_aux_usage dst_aux_usage =
+ cmd_buffer->state.attachments[dst_att].aux_usage;
+ assert(src_iview->aspect_mask == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT &&
+ dst_iview->aspect_mask == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT);
+ anv_image_msaa_resolve(cmd_buffer,
+ src_iview->image, src_aux_usage,
+ src_iview->planes[0].isl.base_level,
+ src_iview->planes[0].isl.base_array_layer,
+ dst_iview->image, dst_aux_usage,
+ dst_iview->planes[0].isl.base_level,
+ dst_iview->planes[0].isl.base_array_layer,
+ render_area.offset.x, render_area.offset.y,
+ render_area.offset.x, render_area.offset.y,
+ render_area.extent.width,
+ render_area.extent.height,
+ fb->layers, BLORP_FILTER_NONE);
+ }
+ }
- struct anv_framebuffer *fb = cmd_buffer->state.framebuffer;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subpass->attachment_count; ++i) {
const uint32_t a = subpass->attachments[i].attachment;