struct iris_batch *batch,
struct iris_vtable *vtbl,
struct pipe_debug_callback *dbg);
+ void (*init_compute_context)(struct iris_screen *screen,
+ struct iris_batch *batch,
+ struct iris_vtable *vtbl,
+ struct pipe_debug_callback *dbg);
void (*upload_render_state)(struct iris_context *ice,
struct iris_batch *batch,
const struct pipe_draw_info *draw);
void (*update_surface_base_address)(struct iris_batch *batch,
struct iris_binder *binder);
+ void (*upload_compute_state)(struct iris_context *ice,
+ struct iris_batch *batch,
+ const struct pipe_grid_info *grid);
void (*load_register_imm32)(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t reg,
uint32_t val);
void (*load_register_imm64)(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t reg,
struct brw_gs_prog_key *key);
void (*populate_fs_key)(const struct iris_context *ice,
struct brw_wm_prog_key *key);
+ void (*populate_cs_key)(const struct iris_context *ice,
+ struct brw_cs_prog_key *key);
/** The main batch for rendering. */
struct iris_batch render_batch;
+ /** The batch for compute shader dispatch */
+ struct iris_batch compute_batch;
struct {
struct iris_uncompiled_shader *uncompiled[MESA_SHADER_STAGES];
struct iris_compiled_shader *prog[MESA_SHADER_STAGES];
void iris_init_resource_functions(struct pipe_context *ctx);
void iris_init_query_functions(struct pipe_context *ctx);
void iris_update_compiled_shaders(struct iris_context *ice);
+void iris_update_compiled_compute_shader(struct iris_context *ice);
/* iris_blit.c */
void iris_blorp_surf_for_resource(struct blorp_surf *surf,
/* iris_draw.c */
void iris_draw_vbo(struct pipe_context *ctx, const struct pipe_draw_info *info);
+void iris_launch_grid(struct pipe_context *, const struct pipe_grid_info *);
/* iris_pipe_control.c */
// XXX: precompile!
+ // XXX: disallow more than 64KB of shared variables
return ish;
+static bool
+iris_compile_cs(struct iris_context *ice,
+ struct iris_uncompiled_shader *ish,
+ const struct brw_cs_prog_key *key)
+ struct iris_screen *screen = (struct iris_screen *)ice->ctx.screen;
+ const struct brw_compiler *compiler = screen->compiler;
+ const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &screen->devinfo;
+ void *mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL);
+ struct brw_cs_prog_data *cs_prog_data =
+ rzalloc(mem_ctx, struct brw_cs_prog_data);
+ struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = &cs_prog_data->base;
+ nir_shader *nir = ish->nir;
+ cs_prog_data->binding_table.work_groups_start = 0;
+ assign_common_binding_table_offsets(devinfo, nir, prog_data, 1);
+ iris_setup_uniforms(compiler, mem_ctx, nir, prog_data);
+ char *error_str = NULL;
+ const unsigned *program =
+ brw_compile_cs(compiler, &ice->dbg, mem_ctx, key, cs_prog_data,
+ nir, -1, &error_str);
+ if (program == NULL) {
+ dbg_printf("Failed to compile compute shader: %s\n", error_str);
+ ralloc_free(mem_ctx);
+ return false;
+ }
+ iris_upload_and_bind_shader(ice, IRIS_CACHE_CS, key, program, prog_data,
+ NULL);
+ ralloc_free(mem_ctx);
+ return true;
+iris_update_compiled_compute_shader(struct iris_context *ice)
+ struct iris_uncompiled_shader *ish =
+ ice->shaders.uncompiled[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE];
+ struct brw_cs_prog_key key = { .program_string_id = ish->program_id };
+ ice->vtbl.populate_cs_key(ice, &key);
+ if (iris_bind_cached_shader(ice, IRIS_CACHE_CS, &key))
+ return;
+ UNUSED bool success = iris_compile_cs(ice, ish, &key);
iris_init_program_functions(struct pipe_context *ctx)
+static void
+iris_init_compute_context(struct iris_screen *screen,
+ struct iris_batch *batch,
+ struct iris_vtable *vtbl,
+ struct pipe_debug_callback *dbg)
+ iris_init_batch(batch, screen, vtbl, dbg, I915_EXEC_RENDER);
+ iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(PIPELINE_SELECT), sel) {
+ sel.PipelineSelection = GPGPU;
+ }
+ iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(STATE_BASE_ADDRESS), sba) {
+ #if 0
+ // XXX: MOCS is stupid for this.
+ sba.GeneralStateMemoryObjectControlState = MOCS_WB;
+ sba.StatelessDataPortAccessMemoryObjectControlState = MOCS_WB;
+ sba.SurfaceStateMemoryObjectControlState = MOCS_WB;
+ sba.DynamicStateMemoryObjectControlState = MOCS_WB;
+ sba.IndirectObjectMemoryObjectControlState = MOCS_WB;
+ sba.InstructionMemoryObjectControlState = MOCS_WB;
+ sba.BindlessSurfaceStateMemoryObjectControlState = MOCS_WB;
+ #endif
+ sba.GeneralStateBaseAddressModifyEnable = true;
+ sba.SurfaceStateBaseAddressModifyEnable = true;
+ sba.DynamicStateBaseAddressModifyEnable = true;
+ sba.IndirectObjectBaseAddressModifyEnable = true;
+ sba.InstructionBaseAddressModifyEnable = true;
+ sba.GeneralStateBufferSizeModifyEnable = true;
+ sba.DynamicStateBufferSizeModifyEnable = true;
+ sba.BindlessSurfaceStateBaseAddressModifyEnable = true;
+ sba.IndirectObjectBufferSizeModifyEnable = true;
+ sba.InstructionBuffersizeModifyEnable = true;
+ sba.InstructionBaseAddress = ro_bo(NULL, IRIS_MEMZONE_SHADER_START);
+ sba.SurfaceStateBaseAddress = ro_bo(NULL, IRIS_MEMZONE_SURFACE_START);
+ sba.DynamicStateBaseAddress = ro_bo(NULL, IRIS_MEMZONE_DYNAMIC_START);
+ sba.GeneralStateBufferSize = 0xfffff;
+ sba.IndirectObjectBufferSize = 0xfffff;
+ sba.InstructionBufferSize = 0xfffff;
+ sba.DynamicStateBufferSize = 0xfffff;
+ }
struct iris_vertex_buffer_state {
/** The 3DSTATE_VERTEX_BUFFERS hardware packet. */
uint32_t vertex_buffers[1 + 33 * GENX(VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE_length)];
uint32_t streamout[4 * GENX(3DSTATE_STREAMOUT_length)];
-// XXX: move this to iris_draw.c
-static void
-iris_launch_grid(struct pipe_context *ctx, const struct pipe_grid_info *info)
* The pipe->set_blend_color() driver hook.
// XXX: respect hint for high_quality_derivatives:1;
+static void
+iris_populate_cs_key(const struct iris_context *ice,
+ struct brw_cs_prog_key *key)
+ iris_populate_sampler_key(ice, &key->tex);
#if 0
// XXX: these need to go in INIT_THREAD_DISPATCH_FIELDS
pkt.SamplerCount = \
* This must match the data written by the iris_store_xs_state() functions.
+static void
+iris_store_cs_state(const struct gen_device_info *devinfo,
+ struct iris_compiled_shader *shader)
+ struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = shader->prog_data;
+ struct brw_cs_prog_data *cs_prog_data = (void *) shader->prog_data;
+ void *map = shader->derived_data;
+ iris_pack_state(GENX(INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_DATA), map, desc) {
+ desc.KernelStartPointer = KSP(shader);
+ desc.ConstantURBEntryReadLength = cs_prog_data->push.per_thread.regs;
+ desc.NumberofThreadsinGPGPUThreadGroup = cs_prog_data->threads;
+ desc.SharedLocalMemorySize =
+ encode_slm_size(GEN_GEN, prog_data->total_shared);
+ desc.BarrierEnable = cs_prog_data->uses_barrier;
+ desc.CrossThreadConstantDataReadLength =
+ cs_prog_data->push.cross_thread.regs;
+ }
static unsigned
iris_derived_program_state_size(enum iris_program_cache_id cache_id)
- [IRIS_CACHE_CS] = 0,
iris_store_fs_state(devinfo, shader);
+ iris_store_cs_state(devinfo, shader);
+static void
+iris_upload_compute_state(struct iris_context *ice,
+ struct iris_batch *batch,
+ const struct pipe_grid_info *grid)
+ const uint64_t dirty = ice->state.dirty;
+ struct iris_screen *screen = batch->screen;
+ const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &screen->devinfo;
+ struct iris_binder *binder = &ice->state.binder;
+ struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE];
+ struct iris_compiled_shader *shader =
+ ice->shaders.prog[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE];
+ struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = shader->prog_data;
+ struct brw_cs_prog_data *cs_prog_data = (void *) prog_data;
+ iris_populate_binding_table(ice, batch, MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE, false);
+ iris_use_optional_res(batch, shs->sampler_table.res, false);
+ iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(shader->assembly.res), false);
+ if (ice->state.need_border_colors)
+ iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, ice->, false);
+ /* The MEDIA_VFE_STATE documentation for Gen8+ says:
+ *
+ * "A stalling PIPE_CONTROL is required before MEDIA_VFE_STATE unless
+ * the only bits that are changed are scoreboard related: Scoreboard
+ * Enable, Scoreboard Type, Scoreboard Mask, Scoreboard * Delta. For
+ * these scoreboard related states, a MEDIA_STATE_FLUSH is sufficient."
+ */
+ iris_emit_pipe_control_flush(batch, PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL);
+ iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MEDIA_VFE_STATE), vfe) {
+ if (prog_data->total_scratch) {
+ /* Per Thread Scratch Space is in the range [0, 11] where
+ * 0 = 1k, 1 = 2k, 2 = 4k, ..., 11 = 2M.
+ */
+ // XXX: vfe.ScratchSpaceBasePointer
+ //vfe.PerThreadScratchSpace =
+ //ffs(stage_state->per_thread_scratch) - 11;
+ }
+ vfe.MaximumNumberofThreads =
+ devinfo->max_cs_threads * screen->subslice_total - 1;
+#if GEN_GEN < 11
+ vfe.ResetGatewayTimer =
+ Resettingrelativetimerandlatchingtheglobaltimestamp;
+ vfe.NumberofURBEntries = 2;
+ vfe.URBEntryAllocationSize = 2;
+ // XXX: Use Indirect Payload Storage?
+ vfe.CURBEAllocationSize =
+ ALIGN(cs_prog_data->push.per_thread.regs * cs_prog_data->threads +
+ cs_prog_data->push.cross_thread.regs, 2);
+ }
+ // XXX: hack iris_set_constant_buffers to upload compute shader constants
+ // XXX: differently...?
+ if (cs_prog_data-> > 0) {
+ iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MEDIA_CURBE_LOAD), curbe) {
+ curbe.CURBETotalDataLength =
+ ALIGN(cs_prog_data->, 64);
+ // XXX: curbe.CURBEDataStartAddress = stage_state->push_const_offset;
+ }
+ }
+ struct pipe_resource *desc_res = NULL;
+ uint32_t desc[GENX(INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_DATA_length)];
+ iris_pack_state(GENX(INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_DATA), desc, idd) {
+ idd.SamplerStatePointer = shs->sampler_table.offset;
+ idd.BindingTablePointer = binder->bt_offset[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE];
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < GENX(INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_DATA_length); i++)
+ desc[i] |= ((uint32_t *) shader->derived_data)[i];
+ iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MEDIA_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_LOAD), load) {
+ load.InterfaceDescriptorTotalLength =
+ GENX(INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_DATA_length) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ load.InterfaceDescriptorDataStartAddress =
+ emit_state(batch, ice->state.dynamic_uploader,
+ &desc_res, desc, sizeof(desc), 32);
+ }
+ pipe_resource_reference(&desc_res, NULL);
+ // XXX: grid->indirect
+ uint32_t group_size = grid->block[0] * grid->block[1] * grid->block[2];
+ uint32_t remainder = group_size & (cs_prog_data->simd_size - 1);
+ uint32_t right_mask;
+ if (remainder > 0)
+ right_mask = ~0u >> (32 - remainder);
+ else
+ right_mask = ~0u >> (32 - cs_prog_data->simd_size);
+ iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(GPGPU_WALKER), ggw) {
+ ggw.SIMDSize = cs_prog_data->simd_size / 16;
+ ggw.ThreadDepthCounterMaximum = 0;
+ ggw.ThreadHeightCounterMaximum = 0;
+ ggw.ThreadWidthCounterMaximum = cs_prog_data->threads - 1;
+ ggw.ThreadGroupIDXDimension = grid->block[0];
+ ggw.ThreadGroupIDYDimension = grid->block[1];
+ ggw.ThreadGroupIDZDimension = grid->block[2];
+ ggw.RightExecutionMask = right_mask;
+ ggw.BottomExecutionMask = 0xffffffff;
+ }
+ if (!batch->contains_draw) {
+ //iris_restore_context_saved_bos(ice, batch, draw);
+ batch->contains_draw = true;
+ }
* State module teardown.
ice->vtbl.destroy_state = iris_destroy_state;
ice->vtbl.init_render_context = iris_init_render_context;
+ ice->vtbl.init_compute_context = iris_init_compute_context;
ice->vtbl.upload_render_state = iris_upload_render_state;
ice->vtbl.update_surface_base_address = iris_update_surface_base_address;
+ ice->vtbl.upload_compute_state = iris_upload_compute_state;
ice->vtbl.emit_raw_pipe_control = iris_emit_raw_pipe_control;
ice->vtbl.load_register_imm32 = iris_load_register_imm32;
ice->vtbl.load_register_imm64 = iris_load_register_imm64;
ice->vtbl.populate_tes_key = iris_populate_tes_key;
ice->vtbl.populate_gs_key = iris_populate_gs_key;
ice->vtbl.populate_fs_key = iris_populate_fs_key;
+ ice->vtbl.populate_cs_key = iris_populate_cs_key;
ice->state.dirty = ~0ull;