## 10am
-* andrey: matrix cookbook. <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=701>
-* shriya: pifixedstore.mdwn english
-* luke: pifpload.mdwn (pseudocode) and pifpstore.mdwn
+* Andrey: matrix cookbook. <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=701>
+* Shriya: pifixedstore.mdwn english
+* Luke: pifpload.mdwn (pseudocode) and pifpstore.mdwn
## 10:30am
-* andrey matrix cookbook
-* shriya, luke: simulator introduction (on matrix)
+* Andrey matrix cookbook
+* Shriya, luke: simulator introduction (on matrix)
## 12:00 break
## 13:00
-* james andrey shriya luke nicholas
+* James, Andrey, Shriya, Luke, Nicholas