%type <ast> range range_or_multirange non_opt_range non_opt_multirange range_or_signed_int
-%type <ast> wire_type expr basic_expr concat_list rvalue lvalue lvalue_concat_list named_port
+%type <ast> wire_type expr basic_expr concat_list rvalue lvalue lvalue_concat_list
%type <string> opt_label opt_sva_label tok_prim_wrapper hierarchical_id
%type <boolean> opt_signed opt_property unique_case_attr
%type <al> attr case_attr
--- /dev/null
+// Test implicit port connections
+module alu (input [2:0] a, input [2:0] b, input cin, output cout, output [2:0] result);
+ assign cout = cin;
+ assign result = a + b;
+module named_ports(input [2:0] a, b, output [2:0] alu_result, output cout);
+ wire cin = 1;
+ alu alu (
+ .a(a),
+ .b, // Implicit connection is equivalent to .b(b)
+ .cin(), // Explicitely unconnected
+ .cout(cout),
+ .result(alu_result)
+ );
+++ /dev/null
-// Test implicit port connections
-module alu (input [2:0] a, input [2:0] b, input cin, output cout, output [2:0] result);
- assign cout = cin;
- assign result = a + b;
-module named_ports(output [2:0] alu_result, output cout);
- wire [2:0] a = 3'b010, b = 3'b100;
- wire cin = 1;
- alu alu (
- .a(a),
- .b, // Implicit connection is equivalent to .b(b)
- .cin(), // Explicitely unconnected
- .cout(cout),
- .result(alu_result)
- );
+++ /dev/null
-read_verilog -sv implicit_ports.sv
-proc; opt
-select -module named_ports
-sat -verify -prove alu_result 6
-sat -verify -set-all-undef cout