e.intregs[18] = 0x0000_0000_0010_0023
self.add_case(prog, gprs, expected=e, initial_svstate=svstate)
+ def case_sv_bigint_shift_left_then_back(self):
+ """performs a bigint shift-right then a shift-left, should
+ get the same results... but doesn't. reason: the carry-in
+ compared to carry-out is shifted to the opposite end
+ """
+ prog = Program(list(SVP64Asm(["sv.dsrd/mrr *16,*16,3,5",
+ "sv.dsld *16,*16,3,5"])), False)
+ gprs = [0] * 32
+ gprs[5] = 0x0000_0000_0000_0009
+ gprs[16] = 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff
+ gprs[17] = 0x8000_8000_8000_8001
+ gprs[18] = 0x0000_0000_5000_0002
+ gprs[3] = 4
+ svstate = SVP64State()
+ svstate.vl = 3
+ svstate.maxvl = 3
+ e = ExpectedState(pc=8, int_regs=gprs)
+ e.intregs[5] = 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 # it's down the other end...
+ self.add_case(prog, gprs, expected=e, initial_svstate=svstate)
def case_sv_bigint_mul_by_scalar(self):
"""performs a carry-rollover-vector-mul-with-add with a scalar,
using "RC" as a 64-bit carry in/out. matched with the