* @{
- /// A filesystem path.
- class path
- {
- template<typename _CharT>
- using __is_encoded_char = __is_one_of<remove_const_t<_CharT>,
- char,
+ class path;
+ /// @cond undocumented
+namespace __detail
+ template<typename _CharT>
+ using __is_encoded_char = __is_one_of<remove_const_t<_CharT>,
+ char,
- char8_t,
+ char8_t,
- wchar_t,
+ wchar_t,
- char16_t, char32_t>;
+ char16_t, char32_t>;
- template<typename _Iter,
- typename _Iter_traits = std::iterator_traits<_Iter>>
- using __is_path_iter_src
- = __and_<__is_encoded_char<typename _Iter_traits::value_type>,
- std::is_base_of<std::input_iterator_tag,
- typename _Iter_traits::iterator_category>>;
+ template<typename _Iter,
+ typename _Iter_traits = std::iterator_traits<_Iter>>
+ using __is_path_iter_src
+ = __and_<__is_encoded_char<typename _Iter_traits::value_type>,
+ std::is_base_of<std::input_iterator_tag,
+ typename _Iter_traits::iterator_category>>;
- template<typename _Iter>
- static __is_path_iter_src<_Iter>
- __is_path_src(_Iter, int);
+ template<typename _Iter>
+ static __is_path_iter_src<_Iter>
+ __is_path_src(_Iter, int);
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
- static __is_encoded_char<_CharT>
- __is_path_src(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>&, int);
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
+ static __is_encoded_char<_CharT>
+ __is_path_src(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>&, int);
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
- static __is_encoded_char<_CharT>
- __is_path_src(const basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>&, int);
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
+ static __is_encoded_char<_CharT>
+ __is_path_src(const basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>&, int);
- template<typename _Unknown>
- static std::false_type
- __is_path_src(const _Unknown&, ...);
+ template<typename _Unknown>
+ static std::false_type
+ __is_path_src(const _Unknown&, ...);
- template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>
- struct __constructible_from;
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>
+ struct __constructible_from;
- template<typename _Iter>
- struct __constructible_from<_Iter, _Iter>
- : __is_path_iter_src<_Iter>
- { };
+ template<typename _Iter>
+ struct __constructible_from<_Iter, _Iter>
+ : __is_path_iter_src<_Iter>
+ { };
- template<typename _Source>
- struct __constructible_from<_Source, void>
- : decltype(__is_path_src(std::declval<_Source>(), 0))
- { };
- template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2 = void>
- using _Path = typename
- std::enable_if<__and_<__not_<is_same<remove_cv_t<_Tp1>, path>>,
- __not_<is_void<remove_pointer_t<_Tp1>>>,
- __constructible_from<_Tp1, _Tp2>>::value,
- path>::type;
- template<typename _Source>
- static _Source
- _S_range_begin(_Source __begin) { return __begin; }
- struct __null_terminated { };
- template<typename _Source>
- static __null_terminated
- _S_range_end(_Source) { return {}; }
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
- static const _CharT*
- _S_range_begin(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str)
- { return __str.data(); }
+ template<typename _Source>
+ struct __constructible_from<_Source, void>
+ : decltype(__is_path_src(std::declval<_Source>(), 0))
+ { };
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
- static const _CharT*
- _S_range_end(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str)
- { return __str.data() + __str.size(); }
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2 = void>
+ using _Path = typename
+ std::enable_if<__and_<__not_<is_same<remove_cv_t<_Tp1>, path>>,
+ __not_<is_void<remove_pointer_t<_Tp1>>>,
+ __constructible_from<_Tp1, _Tp2>>::value,
+ path>::type;
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
- static const _CharT*
- _S_range_begin(const basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>& __str)
- { return __str.data(); }
+ template<typename _Source>
+ static _Source
+ _S_range_begin(_Source __begin) { return __begin; }
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
- static const _CharT*
- _S_range_end(const basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>& __str)
- { return __str.data() + __str.size(); }
+ struct __null_terminated { };
- template<typename _Tp,
- typename _Iter = decltype(_S_range_begin(std::declval<_Tp>())),
- typename _Val = typename std::iterator_traits<_Iter>::value_type>
- using __value_type_is_char
- = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<std::remove_const_t<_Val>, char>>;
+ template<typename _Source>
+ static __null_terminated
+ _S_range_end(_Source) { return {}; }
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
+ static const _CharT*
+ _S_range_begin(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str)
+ { return __str.data(); }
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
+ static const _CharT*
+ _S_range_end(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str)
+ { return __str.data() + __str.size(); }
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
+ static const _CharT*
+ _S_range_begin(const basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>& __str)
+ { return __str.data(); }
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
+ static const _CharT*
+ _S_range_end(const basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>& __str)
+ { return __str.data() + __str.size(); }
+ template<typename _Tp,
+ typename _Iter = decltype(_S_range_begin(std::declval<_Tp>())),
+ typename _Val = typename std::iterator_traits<_Iter>::value_type>
+ using __value_type_is_char
+ = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<std::remove_const_t<_Val>, char>>;
+} // namespace __detail
+ /// @endcond
+ /// A filesystem path.
+ class path
+ {
using value_type = wchar_t;
{ _M_split_cmpts(); }
template<typename _Source,
- typename _Require = _Path<_Source>>
+ typename _Require = __detail::_Path<_Source>>
path(_Source const& __source, format = auto_format)
- : _M_pathname(_S_convert(_S_range_begin(__source),
- _S_range_end(__source)))
+ : _M_pathname(_S_convert(__detail::_S_range_begin(__source),
+ __detail::_S_range_end(__source)))
{ _M_split_cmpts(); }
template<typename _InputIterator,
- typename _Require = _Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>>
+ typename _Require = __detail::_Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>>
path(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, format = auto_format)
: _M_pathname(_S_convert(__first, __last))
{ _M_split_cmpts(); }
template<typename _Source,
- typename _Require = _Path<_Source>,
- typename _Require2 = __value_type_is_char<_Source>>
+ typename _Require = __detail::_Path<_Source>,
+ typename _Require2 = __detail::__value_type_is_char<_Source>>
path(_Source const& __source, const locale& __loc, format = auto_format)
- : _M_pathname(_S_convert_loc(_S_range_begin(__source),
- _S_range_end(__source), __loc))
+ : _M_pathname(_S_convert_loc(__detail::_S_range_begin(__source),
+ __detail::_S_range_end(__source), __loc))
{ _M_split_cmpts(); }
template<typename _InputIterator,
- typename _Require = _Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>,
- typename _Require2 = __value_type_is_char<_InputIterator>>
+ typename _Require = __detail::_Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>,
+ typename _Require2 = __detail::__value_type_is_char<_InputIterator>>
path(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, const locale& __loc,
format = auto_format)
: _M_pathname(_S_convert_loc(__first, __last, __loc))
path& assign(string_type&& __source);
template<typename _Source>
- _Path<_Source>&
+ __detail::_Path<_Source>&
operator=(_Source const& __source)
{ return *this = path(__source); }
template<typename _Source>
- _Path<_Source>&
+ __detail::_Path<_Source>&
assign(_Source const& __source)
{ return *this = path(__source); }
template<typename _InputIterator>
- _Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>&
+ __detail::_Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>&
assign(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
{ return *this = path(__first, __last); }
path& operator/=(const path& __p);
template <class _Source>
- _Path<_Source>&
+ __detail::_Path<_Source>&
operator/=(_Source const& __source)
- _M_append(_S_convert(_S_range_begin(__source), _S_range_end(__source)));
+ _M_append(_S_convert(__detail::_S_range_begin(__source),
+ __detail::_S_range_end(__source)));
return *this;
template<typename _Source>
- _Path<_Source>&
+ __detail::_Path<_Source>&
append(_Source const& __source)
- _M_append(_S_convert(_S_range_begin(__source), _S_range_end(__source)));
+ _M_append(_S_convert(__detail::_S_range_begin(__source),
+ __detail::_S_range_end(__source)));
return *this;
template<typename _InputIterator>
- _Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>&
+ __detail::_Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>&
append(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
_M_append(_S_convert(__first, __last));
path& operator+=(basic_string_view<value_type> __x);
template<typename _Source>
- _Path<_Source>&
+ __detail::_Path<_Source>&
operator+=(_Source const& __x) { return concat(__x); }
template<typename _CharT>
- _Path<_CharT*, _CharT*>&
+ __detail::_Path<_CharT*, _CharT*>&
operator+=(_CharT __x);
template<typename _Source>
- _Path<_Source>&
+ __detail::_Path<_Source>&
concat(_Source const& __x)
- _M_concat(_S_convert(_S_range_begin(__x), _S_range_end(__x)));
+ _M_concat(_S_convert(__detail::_S_range_begin(__x),
+ __detail::_S_range_end(__x)));
return *this;
template<typename _InputIterator>
- _Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>&
+ __detail::_Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>&
concat(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
_M_concat(_S_convert(__first, __last));
struct _Cvt;
static basic_string_view<value_type>
- _S_convert(value_type* __src, __null_terminated)
+ _S_convert(value_type* __src, __detail::__null_terminated)
{ return __src; }
static basic_string_view<value_type>
- _S_convert(const value_type* __src, __null_terminated)
+ _S_convert(const value_type* __src, __detail::__null_terminated)
{ return __src; }
static basic_string_view<value_type>
template<typename _InputIterator>
static string_type
- _S_convert(_InputIterator __src, __null_terminated)
+ _S_convert(_InputIterator __src, __detail::__null_terminated)
// Read from iterator into basic_string until a null value is seen:
auto __s = _S_string_from_iter(__src);
template<typename _InputIterator>
static string_type
- _S_convert_loc(_InputIterator __src, __null_terminated,
+ _S_convert_loc(_InputIterator __src, __detail::__null_terminated,
const std::locale& __loc)
const std::string __s = _S_string_from_iter(__src);
* @relates std::filesystem::path
- template<typename _InputIterator>
- inline auto
+ template<typename _InputIterator,
+ typename _Require = __detail::_Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>,
+ typename _Require2 = __detail::__value_type_is_char<_InputIterator>>
+ inline path
u8path(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
- -> decltype(filesystem::path(__first, __last, std::locale::classic()))
// XXX This assumes native wide encoding is UTF-16.
* @relates std::filesystem::path
- template<typename _Source>
- inline auto
+ template<typename _Source,
+ typename _Require = __detail::_Path<_Source>,
+ typename _Require2 = __detail::__value_type_is_char<_Source>>
+ inline path
u8path(const _Source& __source)
- -> decltype(filesystem::path(__source, std::locale::classic()))
if constexpr (is_convertible_v<const _Source&, std::string_view>)
template<typename _CharT>
- inline path::_Path<_CharT*, _CharT*>&
+ inline __detail::_Path<_CharT*, _CharT*>&
path::operator+=(_CharT __x)
auto* __addr = std::__addressof(__x);
using std::basic_string_view;
- /**
- * @addtogroup filesystem-ts
- * @{
+ /** @addtogroup filesystem-ts
+ * @{
- /// A filesystem path.
- class path
- {
- template<typename _CharT,
- typename _Ch = typename remove_const<_CharT>::type>
- using __is_encoded_char
- = __or_<is_same<_Ch, char>,
- is_same<_Ch, wchar_t>,
+ /// @cond undocumented
+namespace __detail
+ template<typename _CharT,
+ typename _Ch = typename remove_const<_CharT>::type>
+ using __is_encoded_char
+ = __or_<is_same<_Ch, char>,
+ is_same<_Ch, wchar_t>,
- is_same<_Ch, char8_t>,
+ is_same<_Ch, char8_t>,
- is_same<_Ch, char16_t>,
- is_same<_Ch, char32_t>>;
+ is_same<_Ch, char16_t>,
+ is_same<_Ch, char32_t>>;
- template<typename _Iter,
- typename _Iter_traits = std::iterator_traits<_Iter>>
- using __is_path_iter_src
- = __and_<__is_encoded_char<typename _Iter_traits::value_type>,
- std::is_base_of<std::input_iterator_tag,
- typename _Iter_traits::iterator_category>>;
+ template<typename _Iter,
+ typename _Iter_traits = std::iterator_traits<_Iter>>
+ using __is_path_iter_src
+ = __and_<__is_encoded_char<typename _Iter_traits::value_type>,
+ std::is_base_of<std::input_iterator_tag,
+ typename _Iter_traits::iterator_category>>;
- template<typename _Iter>
- static __is_path_iter_src<_Iter>
- __is_path_src(_Iter, int);
+ template<typename _Iter>
+ static __is_path_iter_src<_Iter>
+ __is_path_src(_Iter, int);
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
- static __is_encoded_char<_CharT>
- __is_path_src(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>&, int);
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
+ static __is_encoded_char<_CharT>
+ __is_path_src(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>&, int);
#if __cplusplus >= 201402L
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
- static __is_encoded_char<_CharT>
- __is_path_src(const basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>&, int);
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
+ static __is_encoded_char<_CharT>
+ __is_path_src(const basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>&, int);
- template<typename _Unknown>
- static std::false_type
- __is_path_src(const _Unknown&, ...);
+ template<typename _Unknown>
+ static std::false_type
+ __is_path_src(const _Unknown&, ...);
- template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>
- struct __constructible_from;
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2>
+ struct __constructible_from;
- template<typename _Iter>
- struct __constructible_from<_Iter, _Iter>
- : __is_path_iter_src<_Iter>
- { };
+ template<typename _Iter>
+ struct __constructible_from<_Iter, _Iter>
+ : __is_path_iter_src<_Iter>
+ { };
- template<typename _Source>
- struct __constructible_from<_Source, void>
- : decltype(__is_path_src(std::declval<_Source>(), 0))
- { };
- template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2 = void,
- typename _Tp1_nocv = typename remove_cv<_Tp1>::type,
- typename _Tp1_noptr = typename remove_pointer<_Tp1>::type>
- using _Path = typename
- std::enable_if<__and_<__not_<is_same<_Tp1_nocv, path>>,
- __not_<is_void<_Tp1_noptr>>,
- __constructible_from<_Tp1, _Tp2>>::value,
- path>::type;
+ template<typename _Source>
+ struct __constructible_from<_Source, void>
+ : decltype(__is_path_src(std::declval<_Source>(), 0))
+ { };
+ template<typename _Tp1, typename _Tp2 = void,
+ typename _Tp1_nocv = typename remove_cv<_Tp1>::type,
+ typename _Tp1_noptr = typename remove_pointer<_Tp1>::type>
+ using _Path = typename
+ std::enable_if<__and_<__not_<is_same<_Tp1_nocv, path>>,
+ __not_<is_void<_Tp1_noptr>>,
+ __constructible_from<_Tp1, _Tp2>>::value,
+ path>::type;
- template<typename _Source>
- static _Source
- _S_range_begin(_Source __begin) { return __begin; }
+ template<typename _Source>
+ static _Source
+ _S_range_begin(_Source __begin) { return __begin; }
- struct __null_terminated { };
+ struct __null_terminated { };
- template<typename _Source>
- static __null_terminated
- _S_range_end(_Source) { return {}; }
+ template<typename _Source>
+ static __null_terminated
+ _S_range_end(_Source) { return {}; }
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
- static const _CharT*
- _S_range_begin(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str)
- { return __str.data(); }
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
+ static const _CharT*
+ _S_range_begin(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str)
+ { return __str.data(); }
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
- static const _CharT*
- _S_range_end(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str)
- { return __str.data() + __str.size(); }
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc>
+ static const _CharT*
+ _S_range_end(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>& __str)
+ { return __str.data() + __str.size(); }
#if __cplusplus >= 201402L
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
- static const _CharT*
- _S_range_begin(const basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>& __str)
- { return __str.data(); }
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
- static const _CharT*
- _S_range_end(const basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>& __str)
- { return __str.data() + __str.size(); }
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
+ static const _CharT*
+ _S_range_begin(const basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>& __str)
+ { return __str.data(); }
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
+ static const _CharT*
+ _S_range_end(const basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>& __str)
+ { return __str.data() + __str.size(); }
- template<typename _Tp,
- typename _Iter = decltype(_S_range_begin(std::declval<_Tp>())),
- typename _Val = typename std::iterator_traits<_Iter>::value_type>
- using __value_type_is_char = typename std::enable_if<
- std::is_same<typename std::remove_const<_Val>::type, char>::value
- >::type;
+ template<typename _Tp,
+ typename _Iter = decltype(_S_range_begin(std::declval<_Tp>())),
+ typename _Val = typename std::iterator_traits<_Iter>::value_type>
+ using __value_type_is_char = typename std::enable_if<
+ std::is_same<typename std::remove_const<_Val>::type, char>::value
+ >::type;
+} // namespace __detail
+ /// @endcond
+ /// A filesystem path.
+ class path
+ {
typedef wchar_t value_type;
{ _M_split_cmpts(); }
template<typename _Source,
- typename _Require = _Path<_Source>>
+ typename _Require = __detail::_Path<_Source>>
path(_Source const& __source)
- : _M_pathname(_S_convert(_S_range_begin(__source),
- _S_range_end(__source)))
+ : _M_pathname(_S_convert(__detail::_S_range_begin(__source),
+ __detail::_S_range_end(__source)))
{ _M_split_cmpts(); }
template<typename _InputIterator,
- typename _Require = _Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>>
+ typename _Require = __detail::_Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>>
path(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
: _M_pathname(_S_convert(__first, __last))
{ _M_split_cmpts(); }
template<typename _Source,
- typename _Require = _Path<_Source>,
- typename _Require2 = __value_type_is_char<_Source>>
+ typename _Require = __detail::_Path<_Source>,
+ typename _Require2 = __detail::__value_type_is_char<_Source>>
path(_Source const& __source, const locale& __loc)
- : _M_pathname(_S_convert_loc(_S_range_begin(__source),
- _S_range_end(__source), __loc))
+ : _M_pathname(_S_convert_loc(__detail::_S_range_begin(__source),
+ __detail::_S_range_end(__source), __loc))
{ _M_split_cmpts(); }
template<typename _InputIterator,
- typename _Require = _Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>,
- typename _Require2 = __value_type_is_char<_InputIterator>>
+ typename _Require = __detail::_Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>,
+ typename _Require2 = __detail::__value_type_is_char<_InputIterator>>
path(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, const locale& __loc)
: _M_pathname(_S_convert_loc(__first, __last, __loc))
{ _M_split_cmpts(); }
path& assign(string_type&& __source);
template<typename _Source>
- _Path<_Source>&
+ __detail::_Path<_Source>&
operator=(_Source const& __source)
{ return *this = path(__source); }
template<typename _Source>
- _Path<_Source>&
+ __detail::_Path<_Source>&
assign(_Source const& __source)
{ return *this = path(__source); }
template<typename _InputIterator>
- _Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>&
+ __detail::_Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>&
assign(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
{ return *this = path(__first, __last); }
path& operator/=(const path& __p) { return _M_append(__p._M_pathname); }
template <class _Source>
- _Path<_Source>&
+ __detail::_Path<_Source>&
operator/=(_Source const& __source)
{ return append(__source); }
template<typename _Source>
- _Path<_Source>&
+ __detail::_Path<_Source>&
append(_Source const& __source)
- return _M_append(_S_convert(_S_range_begin(__source),
- _S_range_end(__source)));
+ return _M_append(_S_convert(__detail::_S_range_begin(__source),
+ __detail::_S_range_end(__source)));
template<typename _InputIterator>
- _Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>&
+ __detail::_Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>&
append(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
{ return _M_append(_S_convert(__first, __last)); }
template<typename _Source>
- _Path<_Source>&
+ __detail::_Path<_Source>&
operator+=(_Source const& __x) { return concat(__x); }
template<typename _CharT>
- _Path<_CharT*, _CharT*>&
+ __detail::_Path<_CharT*, _CharT*>&
operator+=(_CharT __x);
template<typename _Source>
- _Path<_Source>&
+ __detail::_Path<_Source>&
concat(_Source const& __x)
- { return *this += _S_convert(_S_range_begin(__x), _S_range_end(__x)); }
+ {
+ return *this += _S_convert(__detail::_S_range_begin(__x),
+ __detail::_S_range_end(__x));
+ }
template<typename _InputIterator>
- _Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>&
+ __detail::_Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>&
concat(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
{ return *this += _S_convert(__first, __last); }
struct _Cvt;
static string_type
- _S_convert(value_type* __src, __null_terminated)
+ _S_convert(value_type* __src, __detail::__null_terminated)
{ return string_type(__src); }
static string_type
- _S_convert(const value_type* __src, __null_terminated)
+ _S_convert(const value_type* __src, __detail::__null_terminated)
{ return string_type(__src); }
template<typename _Iter>
template<typename _InputIterator>
static string_type
- _S_convert(_InputIterator __src, __null_terminated)
+ _S_convert(_InputIterator __src, __detail::__null_terminated)
auto __s = _S_string_from_iter(__src);
return _S_convert(__s.c_str(), __s.c_str() + __s.size());
template<typename _InputIterator>
static string_type
- _S_convert_loc(_InputIterator __src, __null_terminated,
+ _S_convert_loc(_InputIterator __src, __detail::__null_terminated,
const std::locale& __loc)
const std::string __s = _S_string_from_iter(__src);
/// Create a path from a UTF-8-encoded sequence of char
- // TODO constrain with _Path<InputIterator, InputIterator> and __value_type_is_char
- template<typename _InputIterator>
+ template<typename _InputIterator,
+ typename _Require = __detail::_Path<_InputIterator, _InputIterator>,
+ typename _Require2 = __detail::__value_type_is_char<_InputIterator>>
inline path
u8path(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
/// Create a path from a UTF-8-encoded sequence of char
- // TODO constrain with _Path<Source> and __value_type_is_char
- template<typename _Source>
+ template<typename _Source,
+ typename _Require = __detail::_Path<_Source>,
+ typename _Require2 = __detail::__value_type_is_char<_Source>>
inline path
u8path(const _Source& __source)
template<typename _CharT>
- inline path::_Path<_CharT*, _CharT*>&
+ inline __detail::_Path<_CharT*, _CharT*>&
path::operator+=(_CharT __x)
auto* __addr = std::__addressof(__x);