Kévin pointed out that gdb claims a minimum Python version of 3.2, but
the DAP code uses f-strings, which were added in 3.6.
This patch removes the uses of f-strings from the DAP code. I can't
test an older version of Python, but I did confirm that this still
works with the version I have.
elif context == "repl":
return send_gdb_with_response(lambda: _repl(expression, frameId))
- raise Exception(f'unknown evaluate context "{context}"')
+ raise Exception('unknown evaluate context "' + context + '"')
seq = seq + 1
encoded = json.dumps(obj)
body_bytes = encoded.encode("utf-8")
- header = f"Content-Length: {len(body_bytes)}\r\n\r\n"
+ header = "Content-Length: " + str(len(body_bytes)) + "\r\n\r\n"
header_bytes = header.encode("ASCII")
if program is not None:
global _program
_program = program
- send_gdb(f"file {_program}")
+ send_gdb("file " + _program)
if stopAtBeginningOfMainSubprogram:
if len(args) > 0 or env is not None:
if thread_id == 0:
log("+++ Thread == 0 +++")
- exec_and_log(f"thread {thread_id}")
+ exec_and_log("thread " + str(thread_id))