or the 2-clause BSD license).
+Getting Started
+To build Yosys simply typoe 'make' in this directory. You need
+a C++ compiler with C++11 support (up-to-date CLANG or GCC is
+recommended) and some standard tools such as GNU Flex, GNU Bison,
+and GNU Make. It might be neccessary to make some changes to
+the config section of the Makefile.
+ $ vi Makefile
+ $ make
+ $ make test
+ $ sudo make install
+Yosys can be used using the interactive command shell, using
+synthesis scripts or using command line arguments. Let's perform
+a simple synthesis job using the interactive command shell:
+ $ ./yosys
+ yosys>
+reading the design using the verilog frontend:
+ yosys> read_verilog tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
+writing the design to the console in yosys's internal format:
+ yosys> write_ilang
+convert processes (always blocks) to netlist elements and perform
+some simple optimizations:
+ yosys> proc; opt
+display design netlist using 'gv' as postscript viewer:
+ yosys> show -viewer gv
+translating netlist to gate logic and perform some simple optimizations:
+ yosys> techmap; opt
+write design netlist to a new verilog file:
+ yosys> write_verilog synth.v
+a simmilar synthesis can be performed using yosys command line options only:
+ $ ./yosys -o synth.v -p proc -p opt -p techmap -p opt tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
+or using a simple synthesis script:
+ $ cat synth.ys
+ read_verilog tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
+ proc; opt; techmap; opt
+ write_verilog synth.v
+ $ ././yosys synth.ys
+It is also possible to only have the synthesis commands but not the read/write
+commands in the synthesis script:
+ $ cat synth.ys
+ proc; opt; techmap; opt
+ $ ./yosys -o synth.v tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v synth.ys
+The following synthesis script works reasonable for all designs:
+ # check design hierarchy
+ hierarchy
+ # translate processes (always blocks) and memories (arrays)
+ proc; memory; opt
+ # detect and optimize FSM encodings
+ fsm; opt
+ # convert to gate logic
+ techmap; opt
+If ABC (http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~alanmi/abc/) is installed and
+a cell library is given in the file liberty mycells.lib, the following
+synthesis script will synthesize for the given cell library:
+ # the high-level stuff
+ hierarchy; proc; memory; opt; fsm; opt
+ # mapping to internal cell library
+ techmap
+ # mapping flip-flops to mycells.lib
+ dfflibmap -liberty mycells.lib
+ # mapping logic to mycells.lib
+ abc -liberty mycells.lib
+ # cleanup
+ opt
+Yosys is under construction. A more detailed documentation will follow.
Unsupported Verilog-2005 Features
- TCL and Python interfaces to frontends, passes, backends and RTLIL
-- Additional internal cell types: $bitcount, $pla, $lut and $pmux
+- Additional internal cell types: $pla and $lut
- Subsystem for selecting stuff (and limiting scope of passes)
- Smarter resource sharing pass (add MUXes and get rid of duplicated cells)
-- FSM state encoding and technology mapping
+- Better FSM state encoding and technology mapping