are only useful in very specific cases, typical packages will
therefore only use a few of them, or none.
-* If your package need a custom +GOPATH+ to be compiled in, you can
- use the +FOO_WORKSPACE+ variable. The +GOPATH+ being used will be
- +<package-srcdir>/<FOO_WORKSPACE>+. If +FOO_WORKSPACE+ is not
- specified, it defaults to +_gopath+.
-* +FOO_SRC_SUBDIR+ is the sub-directory where your source will be
- compiled relatively to the +GOPATH+. An example value is
- If +FOO_SRC_SUBDIR+ is not specified, it
- defaults to a value infered from the +FOO_SITE+ variable.
+* The package must specify its Go module name in the +FOO_GOMOD+
+ variable. If not specified, it defaults to
+ +URL-domain/1st-part-of-URL/2nd-part-of-URL+, e.g +FOO_GOMOD+ will
+ take the value for a package that specifies
+ +FOO_SITE = $(call github,bar,foo,$(FOO_VERSION))+. The Go package
+ infrastructure will automatically generate a minimal +go.mod+ file
+ in the package source tree if it doesn't exist.
* +FOO_LDFLAGS+ and +FOO_TAGS+ can be used to pass respectively the
+LDFLAGS+ or the +TAGS+ to the +go+ build command.