#11656: Custom device tree and u-boot boot.scr not integrated..
#11666: Touchscreen with (Py)Qt5 should use tslib instead of evdev
+2018.11.4, Released March 28th, 2019
+ Important / security related fixes.
+ Updated/fixed packages: avahi, beecrypt, binutils, botan,
+ busybox, clamav, cups, devmem2, efl, fetchmail, file, fltk,
+ gcc, gdb, git, go, gst-plugins-bad, iproute2, jq,
+ kf5-modemmanager-qt, leveldb, libopenssl, libraw, libseccomp,
+ libsoxr, libssh2, mariadb, mosquitto, nodejs, ntp, openjpeg,
+ perl, php, putty, qt5webkit, rdesktop, runc, samba4, swupdate,
+ systemd, tor, vsftpd, wireshark, xapp_xdm, xen, xlib_libXdmcp
2018.11.3, Released February 23th, 2019
Important / security related fixes.