--- /dev/null
+from migen.fhdl.std import *
+from migen.bank.description import *
+from migen.genlib.fsm import FSM, NextState
+class SPIMaster(Module, AutoCSR):
+ def __init__(self, pads, width=24, div=2, cpha=1):
+ self.pads = pads
+ self._ctrl = CSR()
+ self._length = CSRStorage(8)
+ self._status = CSRStatus()
+ if hasattr(pads, "mosi"):
+ self._mosi = CSRStorage(width)
+ if hasattr(pads, "miso"):
+ self._miso = CSRStatus(width)
+ self.irq = Signal()
+ ###
+ # ctrl
+ start = Signal()
+ length = self._length.storage
+ enable_cs = Signal()
+ enable_shift = Signal()
+ done = Signal()
+ self.comb += [
+ start.eq(self._ctrl.re & self._ctrl.r[0]),
+ self._status.status.eq(done)
+ ]
+ # clk
+ i = Signal(max=div)
+ clk_en = Signal()
+ set_clk = Signal()
+ clr_clk = Signal()
+ self.sync += [
+ If(set_clk,
+ pads.clk.eq(enable_cs)
+ ),
+ If(clr_clk,
+ pads.clk.eq(0),
+ i.eq(0)
+ ).Else(
+ i.eq(i + 1),
+ )
+ ]
+ self.comb +=[
+ set_clk.eq(i==div//2-1),
+ clr_clk.eq(i==div-1)
+ ]
+ # fsm
+ cnt = Signal(8)
+ clr_cnt = Signal()
+ inc_cnt = Signal()
+ self.sync += \
+ If(clr_cnt,
+ cnt.eq(0)
+ ).Elif(inc_cnt,
+ cnt.eq(cnt+1)
+ )
+ fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
+ self.submodules += fsm
+ fsm.act("IDLE",
+ If(start,
+ NextState("WAIT_CLK")
+ ),
+ done.eq(1),
+ clr_cnt.eq(1)
+ )
+ fsm.act("WAIT_CLK",
+ If(clr_clk,
+ NextState("SHIFT")
+ ),
+ )
+ fsm.act("SHIFT",
+ If(cnt == length,
+ NextState("END")
+ ).Else(
+ inc_cnt.eq(clr_clk),
+ ),
+ enable_cs.eq(1),
+ enable_shift.eq(1),
+ )
+ fsm.act("END",
+ If(set_clk,
+ NextState("IDLE")
+ ),
+ enable_shift.eq(1),
+ self.irq.eq(1)
+ )
+ # miso
+ if hasattr(pads, "miso"):
+ miso = Signal()
+ sr_miso = Signal(width)
+ # (cpha = 1: capture on clk falling edge)
+ if cpha:
+ self.sync += \
+ If(enable_shift,
+ If(clr_clk,
+ miso.eq(pads.miso),
+ ).Elif(set_clk,
+ sr_miso.eq(Cat(miso, sr_miso[:-1]))
+ )
+ )
+ # (cpha = 0: capture on clk rising edge)
+ else:
+ self.sync += \
+ If(enable_shift,
+ If(set_clk,
+ miso.eq(pads.miso),
+ ).Elif(clr_clk,
+ sr_miso.eq(Cat(miso, sr_miso[:-1]))
+ )
+ )
+ self.comb += self._miso.status.eq(sr_miso)
+ # mosi
+ if hasattr(pads, "mosi"):
+ mosi = Signal()
+ sr_mosi = Signal(width)
+ # (cpha = 1: propagated on clk rising edge)
+ if cpha:
+ self.sync += \
+ If(start,
+ sr_mosi.eq(self._mosi.storage)
+ ).Elif(clr_clk & enable_shift,
+ sr_mosi.eq(Cat(Signal(), sr_mosi[:-1]))
+ ).Elif(set_clk,
+ pads.mosi.eq(sr_mosi[-1])
+ )
+ # (cpha = 0: propagated on clk falling edge)
+ else:
+ self.sync += [
+ If(start,
+ sr_mosi.eq(self._mosi.storage)
+ ).Elif(set_clk & enable_shift,
+ sr_mosi.eq(Cat(Signal(), sr_mosi[:-1]))
+ ).Elif(clr_clk,
+ pads.mosi.eq(sr_mosi[-1])
+ )
+ ]
+ # cs_n
+ self.comb += pads.cs_n.eq(~enable_cs)
--- /dev/null
+from migen.fhdl.std import *
+from migen.genlib.record import *
+from migen.sim.generic import run_simulation
+from misoclib.com.spi import SPIMaster
+class SPISlave(Module):
+ def __init__(self, pads, width):
+ self.pads = pads
+ self.width = width
+ ###
+ self.mosi = 0
+ self.miso = 0
+ self.last_cs_n = 1
+ self.last_clk = 0
+ def get_mosi(self):
+ return self.mosi
+ def set_miso(self, value):
+ self.miso = value
+ def do_simulation(self, selfp):
+ # detect edges
+ cs_n_rising = 0
+ cs_n_falling = 0
+ clk_rising = 0
+ clk_falling = 0
+ if selfp.pads.cs_n and not self.last_cs_n:
+ cs_n_rising = 1
+ if not selfp.pads.cs_n and self.last_cs_n:
+ cs_n_falling = 1
+ if selfp.pads.clk and not self.last_clk:
+ clk_rising = 1
+ if not selfp.pads.clk and self.last_clk:
+ clk_falling = 1
+ # input mosi
+ if clk_falling and not selfp.pads.cs_n:
+ self.mosi = self.mosi << 1
+ self.mosi |= selfp.pads.mosi
+ # output miso
+ if (clk_rising and not selfp.pads.cs_n):
+ selfp.pads.miso = (self.miso >> (self.width-1)) & 0x1
+ self.miso = self.miso << 1
+ # save signal states
+ self.last_cs_n = selfp.pads.cs_n
+ self.last_clk = selfp.pads.clk
+def spi_access(selfp, length, mosi):
+ selfp.spi_master._mosi.storage = mosi
+ yield
+ selfp.spi_master._ctrl.r = (length << 8) | 1
+ selfp.spi_master._ctrl.re = 1
+ yield
+ selfp.spi_master._ctrl.r = 0
+ selfp.spi_master._ctrl.re = 0
+ yield
+ while not (selfp.spi_master._status.status & 0x1):
+ yield
+class TB(Module):
+ def __init__(self):
+ pads = Record([("cs_n", 1), ("clk", 1), ("mosi", 1), ("miso", 1)])
+ self.submodules.spi_master = SPIMaster(pads, 24, 4)
+ self.submodules.spi_slave = SPISlave(pads, 24)
+ def gen_simulation(self, selfp):
+ for i in range(16):
+ yield
+ self.spi_slave.set_miso(0x123457)
+ yield from spi_access(selfp, 8, 0x123457)
+ print("%08x" %self.spi_slave.get_mosi())
+ print("%08x" %selfp.spi_master._miso.status)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ run_simulation(TB(), ncycles=1000, vcd_name="my.vcd", keep_files=True)
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