Result_Array := new Result_Array_Type (1 .. Buffer_Size);
Result_Array.all :=
(others =>
- (Task_Name => (others => ASCII.NUL),
- Measure => 0,
- Max_Size => 0,
- Overflow_Guard => 0));
+ (Task_Name => (others => ASCII.NUL),
+ Min_Measure => 0,
+ Max_Measure => 0,
+ Max_Size => 0));
-- Set the Is_Enabled flag to true, so that the task wrapper knows that
-- it has to handle dynamic stack analysis
- 0,
+ Stack_Size,
System.Storage_Elements.To_Integer (Bottom_Of_Stack'Address));
Fill_Stack (Environment_Task_Analyzer);
procedure Fill_Stack (Analyzer : in out Stack_Analyzer) is
-- Change the local variables and parameters of this function with
-- super-extra care. The more the stack frame size of this function is
-- big, the more an "instrumentation threshold at writing" error is
-- likely to happen.
- Stack : aliased Stack_Slots (1 .. Analyzer.Size / Bytes_Per_Pattern);
+ Current_Stack_Level : aliased Integer;
- Stack := (others => Analyzer.Pattern);
+ -- Reajust the pattern size. When we arrive in this function, there is
+ -- already a given amount of stack used, that we won't analyze.
- Analyzer.Stack_Overlay_Address := Stack'Address;
+ Analyzer.Stack_Used_When_Filling := Stack_Size
+ (Analyzer.Bottom_Of_Stack,
+ To_Stack_Address (Current_Stack_Level'Address))
+ + Natural (Current_Stack_Level'Size);
- Analyzer.Bottom_Pattern_Mark :=
- To_Stack_Address (Stack (Bottom_Slot_Index_In (Stack))'Address);
- Analyzer.Top_Pattern_Mark :=
- To_Stack_Address (Stack (Top_Slot_Index_In (Stack))'Address);
+ Analyzer.Pattern_Size := Analyzer.Pattern_Size
+ - Analyzer.Stack_Used_When_Filling;
+ declare
+ Stack : aliased Stack_Slots
+ (1 .. Analyzer.Pattern_Size / Bytes_Per_Pattern);
+ begin
+ Stack := (others => Analyzer.Pattern);
- -- If Arr has been packed, the following assertion must be true (we add
- -- the size of the element whose address is:
- -- Min (Analyzer.Inner_Pattern_Mark, Analyzer.Outer_Pattern_Mark)):
+ Analyzer.Stack_Overlay_Address := Stack'Address;
- pragma Assert
- (Analyzer.Size =
- Stack_Size
- (Analyzer.Top_Pattern_Mark, Analyzer.Bottom_Pattern_Mark));
+ Analyzer.Bottom_Pattern_Mark :=
+ To_Stack_Address (Stack (Bottom_Slot_Index_In (Stack))'Address);
+ Analyzer.Top_Pattern_Mark :=
+ To_Stack_Address (Stack (Top_Slot_Index_In (Stack))'Address);
+ -- If Arr has been packed, the following assertion must be true (we
+ -- add the size of the element whose address is:
+ -- Min (Analyzer.Inner_Pattern_Mark, Analyzer.Outer_Pattern_Mark)):
+ pragma Assert
+ (Analyzer.Pattern_Size =
+ Stack_Size
+ (Analyzer.Top_Pattern_Mark, Analyzer.Bottom_Pattern_Mark));
+ end;
end Fill_Stack;
procedure Initialize_Analyzer
- (Analyzer : in out Stack_Analyzer;
- Task_Name : String;
- Size : Natural;
- Overflow_Guard : Natural;
- Bottom : Stack_Address;
- Pattern : Unsigned_32 := 16#DEAD_BEEF#)
+ (Analyzer : in out Stack_Analyzer;
+ Task_Name : String;
+ Stack_Size : Natural;
+ Max_Pattern_Size : Natural;
+ Bottom : Stack_Address;
+ Pattern : Unsigned_32 := 16#DEAD_BEEF#)
-- Initialize the analyzer fields
Analyzer.Bottom_Of_Stack := Bottom;
- Analyzer.Size := Size;
+ Analyzer.Stack_Size := Stack_Size;
+ Analyzer.Pattern_Size := Max_Pattern_Size;
Analyzer.Pattern := Pattern;
Analyzer.Result_Id := Next_Id;
Task_Name'First + Task_Name_Length - 1);
end if;
- Analyzer.Overflow_Guard := Overflow_Guard;
Next_Id := Next_Id + 1;
end Initialize_Analyzer;
-- is, the more an "instrumentation threshold at reading" error is
-- likely to happen.
- Stack : Stack_Slots (1 .. Analyzer.Size / Bytes_Per_Pattern);
+ Stack : Stack_Slots (1 .. Analyzer.Pattern_Size / Bytes_Per_Pattern);
for Stack'Address use Analyzer.Stack_Overlay_Address;
function Get_Usage_Range (Result : Task_Result) return String is
- Min_Used_Str : constant String :=
- Natural'Image (Result.Measure);
- Max_Used_Str : constant String :=
- Natural'Image (Result.Measure + Result.Overflow_Guard);
+ Min_Used_Str : constant String := Natural'Image (Result.Min_Measure);
+ Max_Used_Str : constant String := Natural'Image (Result.Max_Measure);
return "[" & Min_Used_Str (2 .. Min_Used_Str'Last) & " -"
& Max_Used_Str & "]";
for J in Result_Array'Range loop
exit when J >= Next_Id;
- if Result_Array (J).Measure
- > Result_Array (Max_Actual_Use_Result_Id).Measure
+ if Result_Array (J).Max_Measure
+ > Result_Array (Max_Actual_Use_Result_Id).Max_Measure
Max_Actual_Use_Result_Id := J;
end if;
procedure Report_Result (Analyzer : Stack_Analyzer) is
+ Measure : constant Natural :=
+ Stack_Size
+ (Analyzer.Topmost_Touched_Mark,
+ Analyzer.Bottom_Of_Stack)
+ + Analyzer.Stack_Used_When_Filling;
Result : constant Task_Result :=
- (Task_Name => Analyzer.Task_Name,
- Max_Size => Analyzer.Size + Analyzer.Overflow_Guard,
- Measure => Stack_Size
- (Analyzer.Topmost_Touched_Mark,
- Analyzer.Bottom_Of_Stack),
- Overflow_Guard => Analyzer.Overflow_Guard -
- Natural (Analyzer.Bottom_Of_Stack -
- Analyzer.Bottom_Pattern_Mark));
+ (Task_Name => Analyzer.Task_Name,
+ Max_Size => Analyzer.Stack_Size,
+ Min_Measure => Measure,
+ Max_Measure => Measure + Analyzer.Stack_Size
+ - Analyzer.Pattern_Size);
if Analyzer.Result_Id in Result_Array'Range then
Result_Str_Len : constant Natural :=
Get_Usage_Range (Result)'Length;
Size_Str_Len : constant Natural :=
- Natural'Image (Analyzer.Size)'Length;
+ Natural'Image (Analyzer.Stack_Size)'Length;
Max_Stack_Size_Len : Natural;
Max_Actual_Use_Len : Natural;
-- Analyzer.Top_Pattern_Mark
procedure Initialize_Analyzer
- (Analyzer : in out Stack_Analyzer;
- Task_Name : String;
- Size : Natural;
- Overflow_Guard : Natural;
- Bottom : Stack_Address;
- Pattern : Interfaces.Unsigned_32 := 16#DEAD_BEEF#);
+ (Analyzer : in out Stack_Analyzer;
+ Task_Name : String;
+ Stack_Size : Natural;
+ Max_Pattern_Size : Natural;
+ Bottom : Stack_Address;
+ Pattern : Interfaces.Unsigned_32 := 16#DEAD_BEEF#);
-- Should be called before any use of a Stack_Analyzer, to initialize it.
- -- Size is the size of the pattern zone. Bottom should be a close
- -- approximation of the caller base frame address.
+ -- Max_Pattern_Size is the size of the pattern zone, might be smaller than
+ -- the full stack size in order to take into account e.g. the secondary
+ -- stack and a gard against overflow. The actual size taken will be
+ -- reajusted, with data already used at the time the stack is actually
+ -- filled.
Is_Enabled : Boolean := False;
-- When this flag is true, then stack analysis is enabled
Task_Name : String (1 .. Task_Name_Length);
-- Name of the task
- Size : Natural;
+ Stack_Size : Natural;
+ -- Entire size of the analyzed stack
+ Pattern_Size : Natural;
-- Size of the pattern zone
Pattern : Pattern_Type;
-- Id of the result. If less than value given to gnatbind -u corresponds
-- to the location in the result array of result for the current task.
- Overflow_Guard : Natural;
- -- The amount of bytes that won't be analyzed in order to prevent
- -- writing out of the stack
+ Stack_Used_When_Filling : Natural := 0;
+ -- Amount of stack that was already used when actually filling the
+ -- memory, and therefore not analyzed.
end record;
Environment_Task_Analyzer : Stack_Analyzer;
type Task_Result is record
Task_Name : String (1 .. Task_Name_Length);
- Measure : Natural;
+ Min_Measure : Natural;
+ -- Minimal value for the measure.
+ Max_Measure : Natural;
+ -- Maximal value for the measure, taking into account the actual size
+ -- of the pattern filled.
Max_Size : Natural;
- Overflow_Guard : Natural;
end record;
type Result_Array_Type is array (Positive range <>) of Task_Result;